N. N

Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver (Katholische Universität Eichstätt - Ingolstadt): Backscatter parameterizations for eddy permitting ocean models, Kolloquium Partial Differential Equations

Tuesday, 21.11.2023 14:15 im Raum SRZ 203

Mathematik und Informatik

Ocean models at eddy-permitting resolution are generally overdissipative, damping the intensity of the mesoscale eddy field. To reduce overdissipation, backscatter parameterizations introduce an artifical energy pathway from small to large scales to close the energy cycle. In this talk, I will review the underlying issue, compare several possible deterministic, stochastic, and data-driven approaches, and present mathematical results regarding well-poseness and stability of the underlying parameterized PDE.

Angelegt am 08.09.2023 von N. N
Geändert am 20.11.2023 von Anke Pietsch
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Kolloquium FB10 und Sondervorträge
Kolloquium Holzegel/Seis/Weber