Sandra Huppert

Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. André Hendriques (University of Oxford): Three approaches to conformal field theory

Thursday, 04.07.2019 16:30 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

There exist three mathematical formalizations of the concept of chiral conformal field theory: Vertex operator algebras, Conformal nets, and Segal CFTs. These three notions are expected/conjectured to be equivalent (provided appropriate qualifiers are added). In this overview talk, I will explain, based on examples, what are Vertex operator algebras, Conformal nets, and Segal CFTs. I will describe how one is supposed to go from one formalism to the other, and where the main difficulties lie.


Angelegt am 21.03.2019 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 02.07.2019 von Frank Wübbeling
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing
Veranstaltungen am Mathematischen Institut