Stephan Rave

Jonas Nicodemus (Uni Stuttgart): The quest for the best Hamiltonian for Reduced Port-Hamiltonian Systems

Wednesday, 14.12.2022 16:15 im Raum SRZ 104

Mathematik und Informatik

State-of-the-art structure-preserving model order reduction (MOR) methods for port-Hamiltonian (pH) systems that use system-theoretic norms focus only on approximating the input-output dynamics. Nevertheless, a pH system consists of two objects: the input-output dynamics and an energy function typically called the Hamiltonian. If we thus measure only the input-output approximation quality, then the Hamiltonian approximation is not reflected. In this talk, we take a first step towards the dual-objective minimization problem of the Pareto-optimal approximation of the input-output dynamics and the Hamiltonian by noticing that in the pH ROM, we can modify the Hamiltonian without changing the input-output dynamics. Thus, we can search for the reduced Hamiltonian that best approximates the FOM Hamiltonian for a given pH ROM. Moreover, we propose a numerical algorithm to solve the resulting minimization problem and demonstrate its applicability with numerical examples. This talk describes joint work with Paul Schwerdtner (TU Berlin) and Benjamin Unger (U Stuttgart).

Angelegt am 25.10.2022 von Stephan Rave
Geändert am 12.12.2022 von Stephan Rave
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Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik