Claudia Giesbert

Carlo Orrieri (Universität Pavia, Italien) via ZOOM: Large Deviations for some interacting particle systems

Wednesday, 16.06.2021 14:00

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: The aim of the talk is to discuss large deviation principle for interacting particle systems. Firstly, we give a brief overview of large deviations results and techniques along with the connections with the theory of optimal control, Gamma-convergence and gradient flows. Then we concentrate our attention on some specific problem for McKean-Vlasov diffusions and, if time allows, other type of interaction. Part of the talk is based on joint collaborations with G. Cavagnari, M. Fornasier, S. Lisini, G. Savaré

Angelegt am 20.04.2021 von Claudia Giesbert
Geändert am 30.04.2021 von Claudia Giesbert
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Angewandte Mathematik Münster
Kolloquium der angewandten Mathematik
Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik