Martin Burger

Joost Batenburg (CWI Amsterdam): Towards Real-Time Tomography

Monday, 27.11.2017 10:15 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik


Just two decades ago, taking photographs was an elaborate endeavor, involving not just taking a picture and viewing it, but also various time-consuming steps to process the analog film into a printed result.
Now that everyone has digital cameras providing instant access to our pictures, we see that this has not just resulted in more convenience, but it has dramatically changed the way we use imaging in ways that no one imagined before.
In comparison, tomography is still a time-consuming process, where reconstructions are usually made only after the scan has been finished, and analyzed even later at a different location.

In this lecture I will discuss the various challenges involved in speeding up the tomography pipeline towards real-time tomography, where the object can already be analyzed during the scan. I will cover the unique opportunities of adjusting the scanning process in real-time, the key problems that must be addressed, and computational strategies for computing accurate reconstructions from limited data very fast.

Angelegt am 16.11.2017 von Martin Burger
Geändert am 26.11.2017 von Frank Wübbeling
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Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik
Seminar AG Imaging