Martin Burger

Helene Ranetbauer (RICAM Linz): Derivation and analysis of a non-linear cross-diffusion model for pedestrian dynamics

Wednesday, 28.10.2015 14:15 im Raum SRZ 205

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: In this talk we present a non-linear convection-diffusion model, which describes the evolution of two pedestrian groups walking in opposite direction. We start by deriving the system from a two-dimensional lattice based model and derive formally the corresponding limiting equations using Taylor expansion. We introduce an entropy functional, which allows us to derive the necessary estimates to prove global existence of bounded weak solutions. Furthermore we illustrate the behaviour of the model with numerical simulations.

Angelegt am 16.10.2015 von Martin Burger
Geändert am 16.10.2015 von Martin Burger
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Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik
Seminar AG Imaging