Martin Burger

Stefan Kunis (Osnabrück): Fast Fourier and Laplace transforms

Wednesday, 03.12.2014 16:15 im Raum M4

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Recently, the butterfly approximation scheme and hierarchical approximations have been proposed for the efficient computation of integral transforms with oscillatory and with asymptotically smooth kernels. Combining both approaches, we propose a certain fast Fourier-Laplace transform, which in particular allows for an efficient evaluation of polynomials at nodes in the complex unit disk. We also apply this idea to develop a sparse Fourier transform, which leads to a fast algorithm for the computation of spherical mean values in arbitrary geometries.

Angelegt am 21.08.2014 von Martin Burger
Geändert am 17.11.2014 von Martin Burger
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Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik
Seminar AG Imaging