Sandra Huppert

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Anna Maria Fino: Closed G_2-structures and Laplacian flow

Monday, 11.05.2020 16:15 im Raum Zoom

Mathematik und Informatik

Zoom-Meeting: https://wwu.zoom.us/j/97461739978 Abstract: G_2-structures on 7-manifolds are defined by a closed positive 3-forms and constitute the starting point in various known and potential methods to obtain holonomy G_2-metrics. Although linear, the closed condition for a G_2-structure is very restrictive, and no general results on the existence of closed G_2-structures on compact 7-manifolds are known. In the seminar I will review known examples of compact 7-manifolds admitting a closed G_2-structure. Moreover, I will discuss some results on the behaviour of the Laplacian G_2-flow starting from a closed G_2-structure whose induced metric satisfies suitable extra conditions.

Angelegt am 12.02.2020 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 06.05.2020 von Sandra Huppert
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