Carolin Gietz

Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer (Universität Bonn) On Smoluchowski's classical model for aggregation phenomena

Thursday, 26.06.2014 16:30 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

In 1916 Smoluchowski derived a mean-field model for mass aggregation in order to develop a mathematical theory for coagulation processes. Since Smoluchowski's groundbreaking work his model has been used in a diverse range of applications such as aerosol physics, polymerization, population dynamics, or astrophysics. After reviewing some basic properties of the model I will address the fundamental question of dynamic scaling, that is whether solutions develop a universal self-similar form for large times. This issue is only understood for some exactly solvable cases, while in the general case most questions are still completely open. I will give an overview of the results that have been obtained and the corresponding techniques that have been developed in the last decade.

Angelegt am 22.04.2014 von Carolin Gietz
Geändert am 16.06.2014 von Carolin Gietz
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing