Gerlinde Steinhoff

Cornelia Drutu (University of Oxford): Analogies between lattices in semisimple groups and mapping class groups

Thursday, 27.01.2011 16:30 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: This talk will discuss the analogies and the differences between two remarkable classes of infinite groups: the lattices and the mapping class groups of surfaces. The viewpoint will be that of their intrinsic geometry (the minimal and the maximal rank, the divergence etc), of their actions on Hilbert spaces and of the spaces of homomorphisms from groups in one class to groups in the other class.

Angelegt am 26.10.2010 von Gerlinde Steinhoff
Geändert am 12.01.2011 von Gerlinde Steinhoff
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing