
Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity


Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity
Universität Münster
Hüfferstrasse 1
48149 Münster, Germany

Tel.:  +49(0)251 83 -21027 or -21034 or -21638
Fax.: +49(0)251 83 24668

GPS-Coordinates: 51°57'48"N 7°36'47"E

Principle Director

Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer


Group Bornberg-Bauer, Group Gadau, Group Kurtz, Group Müller
please contact: Sabine Roden, Tel.: +49(0)251 83 21638

Office hours

Daily  9:00-11:00

How to find us

By plane

From Münster-Osnabrück airport (FMO) take bus lines S50, R51 or D50 to Münster main station (35 min). From Düsseldorf airport (DUS) (see DB train timetable) to Münster main station (1.30 hours).

By train

Münster is reached from Hamburg in 2 hours or from Frankfurt in 3-4 hours ( DB train timetable ).

By car

From south on A1 take exit Münster-Süd, go straight along Weseler Strasse and Am Stadtgraben, turn left into Gerichtsstrasse, follow it straight and on the left hand the IEB is located (use Routenplaner for a detailed description). From north on A1 take exit Münster-Nord, follow the Steinfurter Strasse and Am Stadtgraben, turn right into Gerichtsstrasse, follow it straight and on the left hand the IEB is located (use Routenplaner for a detailed description).

Within Münster

  • By Bus: From Münster main station take bus Nr. 12, 13 or 14 from platform B1 and get out at stop Landgericht (15 minutes), walk for 20m down Gerichtsstrasse (same direction as the bus). The IEB is located on the left (see bus map of Münster).
  • The easy way (by foot): From the main station just cross the street and go straight along Windthorststrasse (be carefull not to leave Windthorststraße at the parting of ways). After crossing Ludgeristraße keep going straight until you reach Königsstraße, where you turn right. After passing the Picasso Museum you reach Rothenburg (now you are in the middle of Münster and you can easily reach the "Dom" or "Rathaus des Westfälischen Friedens"). Turn left and follow the street (Rothenburg, Johannisstraße, Bispinghof, Universitätsstraße, Gerichtsstraße). After crossing Schlossplatz you have to follow Gerichtsstraße for about 150m and the IEB will be on your left hand side (Hüfferstraße 1).


(You can get a detailed plan of the IEB here)