3rd Münster Evolution Meeting

“Present and discuss evolutionary questions across all fields (Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Medicine, Philosophy, ...) and levels (from molecules to societies)!”

The Münster Evolution Meeting (MEM) aims to provide a forum for all Evolutionary Biologists working across different fields. Besides having the opportunity to share and learn about excellent research in evolutionary biology MEM also aims at bringing together Evolutionary Biologists working in German-speaking countries in a smaller setting, to allow for intensive networking and discussion. Münster is a welcoming and vibrant university town, offering a perfect venue. It was the home of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rensch, who contributed significantly to the “Modern Evolutionary Synthesis”.

For the third iteration of MEM, we will have a special Graduate Excellence Symposium organized together with DZG Evolutionary Biology Section. This symposium provides a forum for current PhD students to present their research. A committee will select up to 12 graduate students from different subfields of evolutionary biology.

We also have a novelty for our poster presenters. You will have the opportunity to present your poster in a flash talk before the poster session.

And last, but not least, thanks to DZG support, we will have a graduate student networking event: Connect with peers from different disciplines in evolutionary biology, exchange ideas, and start building your own scientific network!


Registration for MEM 2025 is closed!

Registration fee: 130 EUR

Registration & Payment deadline: 15.02.2025 

If you have any questions, please write to mem@uni-muenster.de




Prof. Dr. Annette Becker                          Dr. Iker Irisarri Aedo 

Prof. Dr. Arndt von Haeseler                   Dr. Lukas Schrader

Dr. Astrid Böhne                                        Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks

Dr. Clemens Kuepper                               Prof. Dr. Miriam Liedvogel 

Dr. Wagner Fagundes                                Prof. Dr. Ralf Sommer

Prof. Dr. Hanna Kokko                              Dr. Sonja Grath


Click here to download the schedule. (updated on 10.03.2025)

Abstract book

Click here to download the abstract book. (updated on 14.03.2025)


Talks by invited speakers (30 min) will take place at Aula.

Talks by other participants (15 min) will take place in parallel sessions: Aula & Room S1.

Submitting files for your talk: Preferred file format is pdf or PowerPoint. No other file formats are accepted. Please bring your files in a USB stick and hand them to us ideally one day before your presentation or latest, during the coffee/lunch break before your session. The presentation computers will be running Windows 10 and are equipped with PowerPoint 2016 and Adobe PDF reader. If there are videos embedded in the presentation, make sure they are uploaded correctly. Please do not consider projecting your presentation from your own laptop, as this will inevitably cause delays.


The posters should be prepared in portrait format in ISO A0 size (119 cm x 84 cm).

There are two poster sessions: Monday, 17.03.2025 (18:00-20:00) & Tuesday 18.03.2025 (18:00-20:00).

Poster Flash talks: Each poster presenter will have the opportunity to promote their poster during the flash talk session on Monday or Tuesday. Please prepare one slide, and you will have one-minute to pitch your poster. The slides (PDF or PowerPoint format only) can be submitted during registration or latest by the end of the last coffee break.

Click here to download the information on your poster number.





Speaker: Prof. Dr. Lena Wilfert (University of Ulm)

Title: Bestäuber im Anthropozän: die Evolution von Bienen und ihren Mikroben im globalen Wandel

Abstract: Der globale Wandel – von Habitatsverlusten zu Umweltverschmutzung und Erderwärmung – bedroht die Gesundheit und den Bestand vieler Arten, insbesondere auch des Menschen. Dies geschieht meistens dadurch, dass sich die Beziehungen zwischen Arten, also zum Beispiel zwischen Pflanzen und ihren Bestäubern oder Wirtsorganismen und ihren Krankheitserregern, zum Negativen verändern. Hier werde ich anhand von Bestäubern, wie den Honigbienen und wilden Hummeln, aufzeigen, wie sich der globale Wandel auf solche Beziehungen auswirken kann und beispielweise zur Evolution von neu-entstehenden Krankheiten führen kann. Solche evolutionsökologischen Störungen von Biotischen Interaktionen tragen dazu bei, dass wir auch bei diesen Nutzinsekten einen starken Rückgang von Arten und Populationen zu beklagen haben. Die aktuelle Forschung zeigt aber auch, wie wir durch konkrete Umweltschutzmaßnahmen Bestäuber unterstützen können, wodurch letztlich die Gesundheit unserer Umwelt und des Menschen unterstützt wird. 

Venue & Accomodation

Date and location of the meeting
17.03. – 20.03.2025
Schloss Münster
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Münster

Click here to see a list of possible hotels.

 If you need childcare, please contact us as soon as possible together with his/her/their age.