Promoting Equal Opportunity
For the University of Münster, gender equality in studies, research and career, is an important strategic objective. Tangible goals, measures, and strategies of the WWU within the area of gender equality are embodied in the university's own gender concept which also responds to the implementation of the DFG’s Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality.
EvoPAD builds on these equal opportunity objectives, measures and strategies and will strive to overcome any discrimination against gender, ethnic, or social background, religion, physical handicaps, sexual orientation or age. This includes creating a particular appealing environment for female researchers and researchers with children.
Gender equality measures within EvoPAD
Balanced gender ratio
Starting with the recruitment, the selection of doctoral researchers targets a balanced gender ratio.
Family friendly working hours
Events and activities of EvoPAD are organized in a way that enables parents to attend without problems concerning childcare (avoiding evening hours, proving fixed time schedules to allow for long-term planning). Whenever possible, flexible working hours or working at home will be offered for parents.
Financial support for parents
EvoPAD will cover additional childcare expenses and support selforganized childcare during EvoPAD-related activities during evenings or on weekends. Pregnant students and young parents will be supported by student assistants or lab technicians to help finishing experimental work and to guarantee an undisturbed work flow. Parents will also be supported in setting up an home office.
General information for young parents: In the case of academic leave due to statutory maternity leave or parental leave, §2 (1) WissZeitVG entitles the employee to extend the employment contract by the amount of time spent on academic leave.
Advancement of female academics
EvoPAD offers funding for activities which specifically promote female junior researchers. This includes, e.g., mentoring programmes, soft skill workshops, coaching and networking conferences.
Pooling of funds for gender equality
EvoPAD contributes to the pooling of funds for gender equality at the WWU in which DFG-funded programmes join forces to finance, plan, and implement measures for gender equality.
Pooling of funds for gender equality
Information on equal opportunity measures in DFG Research Training Groups
Equal Opportunities Office of the WWU (including funding opportunities for travel)
Equal opportunities at the Faculty of Biology (including funding opportunities for travel and student helpers)