Dr. Andrew Robert Krause, PhD

Dr. Andrew Robert Krause, PhD

Johannisstr. 1, Raum 214
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-23332

  • Projekte

    • Identität, Alterität und Abgrenzung in Ritualen aus Qumran (seit )
    • EXC 212 C2-24 - Integration und Diversifikation im palästinischen Judentum der hellenistisch-frührömischen Zeit (300 v. Chr.–135 n. Chr.) ()
      Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert an WWU: DFG - Exzellenzcluster
  • Publikationen

    Fachbücher (Herausgegebene Bücher)
    • Doering Lutz, Krause Andrew R, in co-operation with Löhr Hermut (Eds.): . Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Forschungsartikel (Buchbeiträge)
    • Doering Lutz, Krause Andrew R. . ‘Introduction: Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.’ In Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories, edited by Doering Lutz, Krause Andrew R, in co-operation with Löhr Hermut, 9–22. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

    • Krause, A. . ‘Performing the Eschaton: Apotropaic Performance in the Liturgy of the War Scroll.’ Revue de Qumran 30, Nr. 1. [online first]
    • Krause, A. . ‘Community, Alterity, and Space in the Qumran Covenant Curses.’ Dead Sea Discoveries 25, Nr. 1. [online first]

    • Krause, Andrew R. . Synagogues in the Works of Flavius Josephus: Rhetoric, Spatiality, and First Century Jewish Institutions. Leiden: Brill.

    • Krause, Andrew R. . ‘“Diaspora Synagogues, Leontopolis, and the Other Jewish Temples of Egypt in the Histories of Flavius Josephus” .’ Journal of Ancient History 4, Nr. 1.

    • Krause, Andrew R. . ‘“In Association with the Ancestral Customs: Pharisaic Ancestral Traditions as a Semi-Private Association Code in Matthew 15 and Antiquitates judaicae 13”.’ Novum Testamentum 57, Nr. 4: 343–359.

    Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)
    • Krause, Andrew R. . ‘“Protected Sects: The Apotropaic Performance and Function of 4QIncantation and 4QSongs of the Maskil and their Relevance for the Study of the Hodayot” .’ Journal of Ancient Judaism 5, Nr. 1: 25–39.
    Lexikonartikel (Buchbeiträge)
    • Krause, Andrew R. . ‘“Gorgias,” and “Gibeon-Second Temple and Hellenistic Judaism,” .’ In The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception., edited by Hermann Spieckermann, et al, 3.