New Books

© De Gruyter

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) – Volume 22 Og (King of Bashan) – Papyrus, Papyri

The projected thirty-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on the background, origins, and development of the canonical texts of the Bible as they were accepted in Judaism and Christianity. Unprecedented in breadth and scope, this encyclopedia also documents the history of the Bible’s interpretation and reception across the centuries, not only in Judaism and Christianity, but also in literature, visual art, music, film, and dance, as well as in Islam and other religious traditions and new religious movements.

Als Mitherausgeberin zeichnet sich Frau Professorin Dr. Christina Hoegen-Rohls als Area Editor für den Bereich der Literarischen Bibelrezeption verantwortlich. Als Autorin verantwortet Frau Hoegen-Rohls die Artikel (Diese werden nachträglich eingefügt)

© De Gruyter

Cicero, Paul and Seneca as Transformational Leaders in their Letter Writing

This commentary offers the reader a set of letters (or letter parts) written by Cicero, Paul, and Seneca, which have been selected against the Transformational Leadership categories of ‘idealised influence’, ‘inspirational motivation’, ‘intellectual stimulation’, and ‘individualised consideration’. Chapter 1 offers introduction into authors and theory: all three letter writers are considered as ancient leadership figures composing leadership letters. The letters selected are presented in original text facing a translation (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 provides analysis and discussion of each letter, and aims to introduce the reader to the historical and literary contexts before reading the letter through the lenses of Transformational Leadership theory. Chapter 4 sums up the findings on each letter and each letter writer in light of Transformational Leadership and its categories. The volume is aimed at all those who are studying the function of ancient letter-writing – especially the letters of Cicero, Paul, or Seneca.

© Brill

Ursprünge der christlichen Geschichtsschreibung

Als die Evangelien verfasst wurden, stand das frühchristliche Denken schon in Beziehung zu den antiken Erinnerungskulturen und den vielfältigen Traditionen hellenistischer Geschichtsschreibung. Dennoch ist bisher wenig darüber geschrieben worden, wie sich das frühchristliche Geschichtsbewusstsein literarisch entwickelt hat. In dieser Studie untersucht Eve-Marie Becker die verschiedenen Kontexte und Formen, in denen Geschichte in der hellenistischen Literaturtradition geschrieben und gedeutet wurde, und konzentriert sich dabei speziell auf die Zeit, in der die neutestamentlichen Schriften entstanden: von der Mitte des ersten bis zum frühen zweiten Jahrhundert. Becker weist auf Ansätze frühchristlichen Geschichtsbewusstseins schon bei Paulus hin und beschreibt im Weiteren die konzeptionellen Ursprünge geschichtsschreibender Literatur von Markus zu Lukas. Die Studie zeigt, wie die früheste christliche Erzählliteratur das »christliche« Denken über Geschichte formt und fortan prägt.

© De Gruyter

Brief und Bildung

Von der Antike bis zur Moderne

Der erste Band der neuen Reihe „Epistula“ über das Thema „Brief und Bildung“ beleuchtet die vielfältigen Zusammenhänge zwischen der Gattung Brief und einer als Überbegriff für Erziehung, Ausbildung und Gelehrsamkeit verstandenen Bildung aus einer transkulturellen und diachronen Perspektive. Bildung und Briefe hängen auf unterschiedliche Weisen zusammen: Vom „Brief als Bildung“ kann man sprechen, insofern Briefe im Blick auf Sprache und Stil unterschiedliche Grade von Bildung spiegeln, vom Grundlagenniveau der Lese- und Schreibkompetenz bis hin zu höchster Gelehrsamkeit. Ferner kommt „Bildung im Brief“ zur Sprache, wenn Bildungsziele und -inhalte sowie Techniken und Methoden zu deren Erwerb oder auch Kontroversen darüber explizit Thema eines Briefes sind. Schließlich findet „Bildung durch Briefe“ statt, da diese literarische Gattung in besonderer Weise dazu dient, Bildungsprozesse anzuregen und anzuleiten, die aufgrund der engen Bindung von Bildung an deren individuelle Aneignung meist auf Persönlichkeits- und Selbst-Bildung zielen. Die Beiträge aus zahlreichen Fachdisziplinen erörtern diese Facetten des Verhältnisses von „Brief und Bildung“ aus verschiedenen Perspektiven von der Antike bis zur Moderne.

© Hoegen-Rohls; Mohr Siebeck
© Hoegen-Rohls
© De Gruyter

EBR-Volume 21 Negative Theology – Offspring

The projected thirty-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on the background, origins, and development of the canonical texts of the Bible as they were accepted in Judaism and Christianity. Unprecedented in breadth and scope, this encyclopedia also documents the history of the Bible’s interpretation and reception across the centuries, not only in Judaism and Christianity, but also in literature, visual art, music, film, and dance, as well as in Islam and other religious traditions and new religious movements.

© Narr Francke Attempto Verlag

Reading the New Testament in the Manifold Contexts of a Globalized World

This volume gathers the perspectives of teachers in higher education from all over the world on the topic of New Testament scholarship. The goal is to understand and describe the contexts and conditions under which New Testament research is carried out throughout the world. This endeavor should serve as a catalyst for new initiatives and the development of questions that determine the future directions of New Testament scholarship. At the same time, it is intended to raise awareness of the global dimensions of New Testament scholarship, especially in relation to its impact on socio-political debates.

© Mohr Siebeck

Paulus: Beiträge zu einer intellektuellen Biographie

Gesammelte Aufsätze. Band II
Herausgegeben von Eve-Marie Becker und Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson

© Mohr Siebeck

Platonismus und Christentum

Ihre Beziehungen und deren Grenzen



© Mohr Siebeck

Who was 'James'?
Essays on the Letter's Authorship and Provenance


© De Gruyter

EBR -Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception

the projected thirty-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on the background, origins, and development of the canonical texts of the Bible as they were accepted in Judaism and Christianity. Unprecedented in breadth and scope, this encyclopedia also documents the history of the Bible’s interpretation and reception across the centuries, not only in Judaism and Christianity, but also in literature, visual art, music, film, and dance, as well as in Islam and other religious traditions and new religious movements.


Als Mitherausgeberin zeichnet sich Frau Professorin Dr. Christina Hoegen-Rohls als Area Editor für den Bereich der Literarischen Bibelrezeption verantwortlich.

© Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG



© Hoegen-Rohls

EBR -Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception

© vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlage

James among the Classicists

This book gives attention to the language and style of the letter of James, with a hypothesis about its rhetorical purpose in mind. It focuses on what we can learn about the author of James, by reading the text in light of a guiding research question: How does the author establish and assert authority? The letter builds literary authority for a number of purposes, one of which is to address socioeconomic disparity, a major concern for the author.

The author of James presents a speech-in-character in the shape of a letter to establish his ethos (Ch. 2), employing vocabulary and style to signal his education implicitly (Ch. 3 & 4) and includes himself in the categories of sage, teacher and exegete explicitly (Ch. 5). From this standpoint, the author can address the rich as equals, rebuke them and admonish both rich and poor to receive God’s wisdom (Ch. 6).

The comparison with ancient literary criticism shows that the categories at play are the same. The insight that language and ethos are inseparable categories in antiquity provides us with renewed ways to interpret the literary production of early Christianity. Both James and ‘the Classicists’ present a competing epic in the context of the early imperium, the former with an Israelite piety that is superior to contemporary economic and moral categories and the latter with the supremacy of Greek culture as a foundation for Rome.

The letter of James emerges as a document that builds educational ethos as a balance against the rich and powerful, a strategy that calls for a revision of both its rhetoric and socio-economic situation.


© Bloomsbury

John's Transformation of Mark

John's Transformation of Mark brings together a cast of internationally recognised biblical scholars to investigate the relationship between the gospels of Mark and John. In a significant break with the prevailing view that the two gospels represent independent traditions, the contributors all argue that John both knew and used the earlier gospel.

Drawing on recent analytical categories such as social memory, 'secondary orality,' or 'relecture,' and ancient literary genres such as 'rewritten Bible' and bioi, the central questions that drive this volume focus on how John used Mark, whether we should speak of 'dependence,' 'familiarity with,' or 'reception,' and whether John intended his work to be a supplement or a replacement of Mark. Together these chapters mount a strong case for a reassessment of one of the key tenets of modern biblical criticism, and open up significant new avenues for further research.

Das Werk finden Sie hier.

© Aschendorff Verlag

Exegese als theologische Streitkultur - Willi Marxsen zum 100. Geburtstag






© Waxmann Verlag

Pluralitätsfähigkeit evangelischer Schulen

© Christina Hoegen-Rohls

Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception

Im Oktober 2020 ist Band 18 der Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception erschienen. Er umfasst die Lemmata Mass bis Midnight. Als Mitherausgeberin zeichnet Christina Hoegen-Rohls gemeinsam mit Anthony Swindell (Llaniedloes UK) für den Bereich der Literarischen Bibelrezeption verantwortlich. In Band 18 ist sie außerdem Autorin des Artikels „Matthew (Disciple): Literature. Eve-Marie Becker ist in demselben Band Autorin des Artikels „Meek, Meekness II. New Testament“.

Den generellen Link zur ganzen Reihe des Lexikons finden Sie



Den Link zu EBR vol. 18 finden Sie hier.

© Baylor University Press

Paul on Humility

Humility in the modern world is neither well understood nor well received. Many see it as a sign of weakness; others decry it as a Western construct whose imposition onto marginalized persons only perpetuates oppression. This skepticism has a long pedigree: Aristotle, for instance, pointed to humility as a shameless front. What then are we to make of the New Testament’s valorization of this trait?

Translated from German into English for the first time, Paul on Humility seeks to reclaim the original sense of humility as an ethical frame of mind that shapes community, securing its centrality in the Christian faith. This exploration of humility begins with a consideration of how the concept plays into current cultural crises before considering its linguistic and philosophical history in Western culture. In turning to the roots of Christian humility, Eve-Marie Becker focuses on Philippians 2, a passage in which Paul appeals to the lowliness of Christ to encourage his fellow Christians to persevere. Becker shows that humility both formed the basis of the ethic Paul instilled in churches and acted as a mimetic device centered on Jesus’ example that was molded into the earliest Christian identity and community.

Becker resists the urge to cheapen humility with mere moralism. In the vision of Paul, the humble individual is one immersed in a complex, transformative way of being. The path of humility does not constrain the self; rather, it guides the self to true freedom in fellowship with others. Humility is thus a potent concept that speaks to our contemporary anxieties and discomforts.


You can purchase the book from the following links:

Mohr Siebeck



© De Gruyter

Christina Hoegen-Rohls and Anthony Swindell (Llaniedloes UK) are responsible for the area of ​​literary Bible reception in the 30-volume Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (de Gruyter). Most recently, EWC is vol. 17 appeared, which includes the lemmas 'Lotus' to 'Masrekah'.
EBR vol. 18 Is currently in preparation, which will include the 'Mass' to 'Mime' lemmata.

© vandenhoeck & ruprecht Verlag

Die Exegese des 2 Kor und Phil im Lichte der Literarkritik

E.-M. Becker, H. Löhr, Die Exegese des 2 Kor und Phil im Lichte der Literarkritik ( Biblisch-Theologische Studien Band 185; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 1. Auflage, 2020)


You can find the link to the volume HERE

© Eve-Marie Becker


E.-M. Becker, Der Philipperbrief des Paulus. Vorarbeiten zu einem Kommentar (NET 29; Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2020)
