Members of the research center letters


Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker Institute for New Testament studies
Dr. Gina Derhard M.A. Institute for Classical Philology
Pro. Dr. Lutz Doering Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Drews Historical Seminar WWU Münster
Prof. Dr. Peter Funke Seminar for Ancient History
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alfons Fürst Seminar for Ancient Church History
Prof. Dr. Michael Grünbart Institute for Byzantine and Neogreek studies
Dr. Christoph Hammann Institute for New Testament Studies
Dr. Matthias Haake Seminar for Ancient History / Institute for Epigraphics
Prof. Dr. Christina Hoegen-Rohls Institute for New Testament Studies
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Hübner Institute for Classical Philology
Dr. Bente Lucht Institute for Classical Philology WWU Münster
PD Dr. Christoph Michels Seminar for Ancient History
Dr. Monnica Klöckener Seminar for Ancient Church History
Dr. Nikola Moustakis Center for History and Culture of the Eastern Mediterranean
Dr. Theodora Panella Institute for New Testament Textual Research
Prof. Dr. Patrick Sänger Seminar for Ancient History/ Institute for Epigraphics
PD Dr. Sebastian Scharff Seminar for Ancient History
Prof. Dr. Gesa Schenke Institute for Egyptology and Coptic studies
Dr. Martina Schmidl Institute for Ancient Oriental Studies and Near Eastern Archeology
Prof. Dr. Christine Schmitz Institute for Classical Philology
PD Dr. Peter Schmitz

Institute for Music WWU Münster

Prof. Dr. Niko Strobach Philosophical Institute
Prof. Dr. Holger Strutwolf Institute for New Testament Textual Research WWU Münster
Prof. Dr. Alexandra von Lieven Institute for Egyptology and Coptic Studies
Prof. Dr. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf Institute for German Studies
Prof. Dr. Adrian Wypadlo Institute for Biblical Exegesis and Theology (BET) WWU Münster