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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is neither published nor submitted to another journal yet (otherwise, an explanation is added in “Comments for the Editor”).
  • The file is available in Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • As far as possible, URLs are indicated in the literature references.
  • The article is available with single-spaced line and 12 pt font size. Highlighting is marked by italic font, not underlined (with exeption of the URLs); all the illustrations, graphics and charts are inserted at the suitable position (not at the end of the text).
  • The text’s style and citation is set up according to the author’s guideline which you can find here.
  • If the contribution is submitted for one of the peer reviewed sections, please consider the relevant information (Ensuring a Blind Peer Review).

Author Guidelines

What can be submitted?

You can submit articles for the section „research contributions to social ethics“ to a freely chosen topic. Please read the detailed call. The authors for the other sections are invited by the editorial team. The deadline for the submission of a complete manuscript in English or German is January 31. The decision about publication will be made by mid-April.

Forschungsbeiträge zur Sozialethik - Online Supplement

Hier werden Artikel publiziert, die das Peer Review durchlaufen haben, aber durch den begrenzten Platz nicht in der Print-Ausgabe berücksichtigt werden konnten. Die Artikel dieser Rubrik entsprechen den gleichen Qualitätsanfoderungen wie die Artikel, die auch in der Print-Ausgabe veröffentlicht werden. Sie werden zitiert mit dem Zusatz "(online)".

Privacy Statement

Privacy statement

Names and email Addresses specified at the journal’s websites are used exclusively for the purposes specified and may not be transmitted to third parties.