The JUBEKO project, which was launched in 2022 by the working group for career guidance and those responsible for training at the University of Münster, aims to make a central career guidance offer - the work placement - more effective for young people through individualised and cooperative preparation.

The project aims to make scientific findings on career guidance available to schools and, for the first time, to VET companies. The focus is on individual support, which is important for successful career guidance. In two workshops, young people from a secondary school in Münster will be intensively prepared for the compulsory work placement by students studying to become teachers at vocational schools and students of educational science at the University of Münster. Depending on the young person's initial situation in terms of career competence, different priorities are set. The aim of the interventions is to strengthen the young people so that they start their chosen work placement with specific, personally defined goals. The long-term goal is to improve the pupils' chances of finding an apprenticeship through a prepared work placement. In cooperation with the Human Resources Development department at the University of Münster, possible work placements and vocational training at the university are presented and the young people are offered a possible work placement in 22 apprenticeships. The young people also receive counselling support.

Designed as a service-learning programme, JUBEKO offers students the opportunity to explore an important area of education both in and out of school, and to qualify as future specialists in the field.

Since winter 2024, the project has also been working with a group of trainers from the University of Münster to develop and test new concepts for supporting young people before and during their work placement. Students studying to become teachers at vocational colleges were also involved in the project in the summer semester of 2024.

The focus is on the four phases of pre-boarding (content preparation for the professional field, initiation of personal and social integration, parental involvement), onboarding (integration into the team, making learning objectives transparent, keeping a work placement diary), implementation (interaction, experiencing skills, performance feedback) and offboarding (final feedback, feedback to school, parents, keeping in touch if necessary).

The project is scientifically monitored.

  • Co-Operation Partners

    © Kathrin Nolte

    Realschule Wolbeck

    Ausbildung an der Universität Münster

  • Publication

    Driesel-Lange, K. & Klein, J. (2024). Betriebspraktika als lernwirksame Umgebung der schulischen Beruflichen Orientierung. [The work placement as an effective learning environment for career guidance at school].In K. Driesel-Lange, C. Staden & B. Ziegler (Hrsg.), bwp@ Spezial 22: Berufliche Orientierung im digitalen Wandel (S. 1–27).


  • Presentation

    Driesel-Lange, K. & Klein, J. (2024). Die betriebliche Sicht auf das Betriebspraktikum als lernwirksame Umgebung der Beruflichen Orientierung. [The workplace perspective on the work placement as an effective learning environment for career guidance.] JAHRESTAGUNG 2024 DER SEKTION BERUFS- UND WIRTSCHAFTSPÄDAGOGIK DER DEUTSCHEN GESELLSCHAFT FÜR ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFT, Dresden, 17.09.2024.

    Driesel-Lange, K. & Klein, J. (2024). Das Schülerbetriebspraktikum als lernwirksame Umgebung der Beruflichen Orientierung. [The work placement as an effective learning environment for career guidance at school] AG-BFN-FACHTAGUNG. WOHIN SOLL ES GEHEN? BERUFS- UND STUDIENORIENTIERUNG JUNGER MENSCHEN UND DIE BEDEUTUNG VON BERATUNGS- UND UNTERSTÜTZUNGSANGEBOTEN, Bonn, 25.04.2024.

    Driesel-Lange, K. & Klein, J. (2023). Das Schülerbetriebspraktikum als lernwirksame Umgebung der Beruflichen Orientierung. [The work placement as an effective learning environment for career guidance at school] JAHRESTAGUNG WISSENSCHAFTLICHES NETZWERK BERUFSORIENTIERUNG (WiN·BO) 2023, Bremen, 19.09.2023.