
Deep electromagnetic sounding for mineral exploration
The collaborative research and development project DESMEX aims at developing airborne electromagnetic (EM) methods for deep exploration of mineral deposits. We focus on the implementation of the semi-airborne EM technique.
Our efforts comprise the development of novel magnetic field sensors, data processing techniques and modelling and inversion codes. Dedicated sites in Germany, Europe and worldwide are investigated in case studies to demonstrate the technologies.
DESMEX has commenced in 2015. Recently, the continuation project DESMEX II was launched. DESMEX II includes both manned helicopter and unmanned drone operations. We also aim at demonstration surveys at real-world cases to bring the technologies closer to application.

Funding agency: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Funding program: r4 – Innovative Technologien für Ressourceneffizienz – Forschung zur Bereitstellung wirtschaftsstrategischer Rohstoffe
Funding period of DESMEX: 01 Mar 2015 – 28 Feb 2019
Funding period of DESMEX II: 01 July 2019 – 30 June 2022
r4 – Wirtschaftsstrategische Rohstoffe