PhD Alumni Münster
Name | Followup Position |
Dr. Friederike Füsser | Coordinator of Research Training Group ChemBion |
Dr. Sarah Maskri | Research Scientist at Sosei Heptares |
Dr. Janosch Menke | Postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology |
Master Alumni Münster
Marvin Taterra | PhD Student with Prof. Marcel Bermudez, University of Münster |
Tabea Brinkwerth | PhD Student with Prof. Simon Lux, University of Münster |
Johannes Kaminski | PhD Student in this group |
Joana Massa | PhD Student in this group |
Samuel Homberg | PhD Student in this group |
Philipp Janssen | PhD Student in this group |
Ann-Kathrin Prinz | PhD Student in this group |
Jiahui Huang | PhD Student at the University of Vienna |
Previous Visiting Students
Alumni Dortmund
Postdocs and PhD students
- Dr. Hitesh Patel, Post-Doc, now with OpenEye
- Dr. Mauro Nogueira, Post-Doc, now with PMCR GmbH
- Dr. Jette Pretzel, Post-Doc, now with Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH
- Dr. Christiane Ehrt, PhD Student, now with University of Hamburg
- Dr. Lina Humbeck, PhD Student, now with Böhringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH
- Dr. Tobias Brinkjost, PhD Student, now with Elsevier
Master- and Bachelor students
Tomy Balthasar, Masterthesis: Evaluierung und Optimierung von Docking-basiertem virtuellen Screening von Inhibitoren gegen Protein-Protein-Interaktionen, 2018
- Sebastian Weigang, Masterthesis: Structural analysis of influenza neuraminidase with novel peramivir analogs to tackle key shortcomings in anti-flu therapy, 2017, together with Dr. Sven Henning
- Christian Schulz, Masterthesis: Protein-Ligand Docking: Evaluierung von Makrozyklus Docking und RISM generierten hydrophoben Fitting Points, 2017
- Julia Sadroschinski, Masterthesis: In-Silico Identification and Biochemical Evaluation of New Trypanothione Synthetase Inhibitors, 2017
- Julia Jasper, Masterthesis: Anwendung von Protein-Ligand-Interaktions-Fingerprints für die Analyse und Bewertung von Dockingergebnissen, 2016 - Awarded with GDCh-CIC Award for Computational Chemistry
- Elena Heider, Masterthesis: Computergestütztes Design, Synthese und Testung neuer Inhibitoren des Transforming Growth Facter β-Signalwegs, 2014
- Luis Bering, Masterthesis: In-silico Design, Synthese und biochemische Evaluierung zur Weiterentwicklung neuer Thioredoxin Reduktase Inhibitoren für die Identifikation potentieller Antituberkulotika, 2014
- Saskia Spitzer, Bachelorthesis: In-silico Analyse von DNA-kodierten Bibliotheken und Synthese ausgewählter Moleküle in Hinblick auf Inhibitoren von Protein-Protein-Interaktionen, 2016
- Theresa Cavasin, Bachelorthesis: Untersuchungen einens neuen Ansatzes zur Verbesserung des virtuellen Screenings, 2016
- Nana Boateng, Bachelorthesis: Computerbasierte Suche nach neuen Trypanothionsynthetase-Inhibitoren, 2014