PhD Alumni Münster

Name Followup Position
Dr. Friederike Füsser Coordinator of Research Training Group ChemBion
Dr. Sarah Maskri Research Scientist at Sosei Heptares
Dr. Janosch Menke Postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology


Master Alumni Münster

Marvin Taterra PhD Student with Prof. Marcel Bermudez, University of Münster
Tabea Brinkwerth PhD Student with Prof. Simon Lux, University of Münster
Johannes Kaminski PhD Student in this group
Joana Massa PhD Student in this group
Samuel Homberg PhD Student in this group
Philipp Janssen PhD Student in this group
Ann-Kathrin Prinz PhD Student in this group
Jiahui Huang PhD Student at the University of Vienna



Previous Visiting Students

Name From Group Email
Jude Betow UB-CeDD
Rafael da Fonseca Lameiro NEQUIMED
Latifa Lechlech BIM
Juan F. Avellaneda-Tamayo DIFAQUIM
Vaishali Pankaj UBMI



Alumni Dortmund

Postdocs and PhD students

  • Dr. Hitesh Patel, Post-Doc, now with OpenEye
  • Dr. Mauro Nogueira, Post-Doc, now with PMCR GmbH
  • Dr. Jette Pretzel, Post-Doc, now with Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH
  • Dr. Christiane Ehrt, PhD Student, now with University of Hamburg
  • Dr. Lina Humbeck, PhD Student, now with Böhringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH
  • Dr. Tobias Brinkjost, PhD Student, now with Elsevier

Master- and Bachelor students

  • Tomy Balthasar, Masterthesis: Evaluierung und Optimierung von Docking-basiertem virtuellen Screening von Inhibitoren gegen Protein-Protein-Interaktionen, 2018

  • Sebastian Weigang, Masterthesis: Structural analysis of influenza neuraminidase with novel peramivir analogs to tackle key shortcomings in anti-flu therapy, 2017, together with Dr. Sven Henning
  • Christian Schulz, Masterthesis: Protein-Ligand Docking: Evaluierung von Makrozyklus Docking und RISM generierten hydrophoben Fitting Points, 2017
  • Julia Sadroschinski, Masterthesis: In-Silico Identification and Biochemical Evaluation of New Trypanothione Synthetase Inhibitors, 2017
  • Julia Jasper, Masterthesis: Anwendung von Protein-Ligand-Interaktions-Fingerprints für die Analyse und Bewertung von Dockingergebnissen, 2016 - Awarded with GDCh-CIC Award for Computational Chemistry
  • Elena Heider, Masterthesis: Computergestütztes Design, Synthese und Testung neuer Inhibitoren des Transforming Growth Facter β-Signalwegs, 2014
  • Luis Bering, Masterthesis: In-silico Design, Synthese und biochemische Evaluierung zur Weiterentwicklung neuer Thioredoxin Reduktase Inhibitoren für die Identifikation potentieller Antituberkulotika, 2014
  • Saskia Spitzer, Bachelorthesis: In-silico Analyse von DNA-kodierten Bibliotheken und Synthese ausgewählter Moleküle in Hinblick auf Inhibitoren von Protein-Protein-Interaktionen, 2016
  • Theresa Cavasin, Bachelorthesis: Untersuchungen einens neuen Ansatzes zur Verbesserung des virtuellen Screenings, 2016
  • Nana Boateng, Bachelorthesis: Computerbasierte Suche nach neuen Trypanothionsynthetase-Inhibitoren, 2014