Pharmacy - state examination
The courses in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics predominantly take place in internship/laboratory areas and seminar rooms in part C of the PharmaCampus.
Registration for the seminar/laboratory courses usually takes place during special seminars ("Einführungsveranstaltung"). For further information please visit the PharmaCampus websites.
News and materials pertaining to the courses are stored in the corresponding learnweb courses. The code word is announced after registration.
2nd semester
- "Grundlagen der Arzneiformenlehre"
- "Grundlagen der Physikalischen Chemie für Pharmazeuten"
The lectures are held in German language.
For further information please visit the corresponding German website.
Course "Arzneiformenlehre"
For more information, please visit the corresponding German website.
Course "Physikalisch-chemische Übungen für Pharmazeuten"
For more information, please visit the corresponding German website.
Information: Exams semester 2024/25
It is necessary to register for the exams. To register, please use the tool in the corresponding learnweb courses. Please keep the registration deadline in mind!
Changes are possible!
Please also check the actual Learnweb announcements and messages!
6th semester
To get an overview about the requirements, please visit the corresponding German website.
Course "Pharmazeutische Technologie einschließlich Medizinprodukte"
Seminar "Biopharmazie einschließlich arzneiformenbezogener Pharmakokinetik"
For more information please visit the corresponding German website.
Seminar "Qualitätssicherung bei Herstellung und Prüfung von Arzneimitteln"
For more information please visit the corresponding German website.
Exams / Tests
Information: Exams semester 2024/2025
For information about the exams, please check the learnweb courses.
It is necessary to register for the exams. To register, please use the tool in the corresponding learnweb courses. Please keep the registration deadline in mind!
Changes are possible!
Please also check the actual Learnweb announcements and messages!
Courses concerning students of different semesters
5TH - 8TH Semester
The lectures " Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics" and PharMSchool take place for students of different semesters.
Please follow the link PharMSchool for detailed information about the correspondend courses.
Lecture "Pharmazeutische Technologie einschließlich Medizinprodukte"
Thursday, 11.15 – 12.00
Friday, 08.30 – 10.00
Location: Main lecture hall ("Großer Hörsaal"), PharmaCampus
MSc "Arzneimittelwissenschaften"
Modul 5: "Arzneimittelentwicklung" (Drug Design)
The module is offered in summer semester.
More information about MSc "Arzneimittelwissenschaften" can be found on the corresponding PharmaCampus website.
Modul 12: Master's thesis
More information about MSc "Arzneimittelwissenschaften" can be found on the corresponding PharmaCampus website.