Coworkers of the Mass Spec / Elemental Analysis Department
  • Denise Defayay

    State-certified chemical technician
    staatl. geprüfte Chemietechnikerin
    © D. Defayay
    staatl. geprüfte Chemietechnikerin
    Room 251
    T: +49 251 83 33 215
    since 2024 Coworker in the Mass Spectrometry/Elemental Analysis Department
    2015 – 2024 Chemical Technician, Uni Münster, IAAC
    2011 – 2015 Professional Training as State-certified Chemical Technician
    2001 – 2015 Laboratory Assistant, Uni Münster, IAAC
    1998 – 2001 Professional Training as Laboratory Assistant, Uni Münster, IAAC
  • Cornelia Linz

    Technical Assistant
    © C. Linz
    Room 252b
    T: +49 251 83 36 543

    Since 2000 employee of the mass spectrometry department (half-time)

    Ms. Linz also works as a substitute in elementary analysis.

  • Jens Paweletz

    Dipl. Ing. (FH)
    © J. Paweletz
    Dipl. Ing. (FH)
    Room 151
    T: +49 251 83 -36 542

    Curriculum Vitae

    Since 2006 employee of the mass spectrometry department
    2005 engineer for technical service for flow cytometrie at Partec GmbH Münster
    2002-2004 engineer for research and development at Ogham GmbH Münster
    2002 Diploma thesis "Optimizing the production of DNA-microarrays with needle-arrayer-technologie" at Ogham GmbH in Münster,
    1996 - 2002 Studies in engineering physics at the university of applied sciences Münster
    1996 Wilhelm-Hittorf-Gymnasium Münster, Abitur.
  • Doris Wingbermühle

    Technical Assistant
    Doris Wingbermühle
    © D. Wingbermühle
    Doris Wingbermühle
    Elemental Analysis / Mass Spectrometry
    T: +49 251 83 33237

    Elemental analysis is part of the mass spectrometry department since 2022, for which Ms. Wingbermühle now also works.

  • Bärbel Wippich

    Technical Assistant
    © B. Wippich
    Room 251, 252, 151
    T: +49 251 83 33 215

    Since 1987 employee of the mass spectrometry department


  • Scientific Assistants

    Malte Haring
    © M. Haring
    Malte Haring
    M. Sc. Chem., PhD Student
    Studer Group
    Room OC/BC-I 308
    T: +49 251 83 35287
    Nele Van Wyngaerden
    © N. Wyngaerden
    Nele Van Wyngaerden
    M. Sc. Chem., PhD Student
    Glorius Group
    Room OC/BC-I 416
    T: +49 251 83 35321

    The mass spectrometry department is assisted by scientific assistants, which are members of the research groups of the Organic Chemistry Institut. Without their support the measurement of the huge amount of samples would not be as fast as it is. They also spread their knowledge in the reasearch groups and there they are important contact persons for problems concerning mass spectrometry.

    Former scientific assistants:

    Ralf Baumann, Ulf Bäumer, Bernhard Beiring, Andreas Brockmeyer, Katrin Bürger, Dirk Fabritius, Thomas Gedig, Christian Gutheil, Michael Harenbrock, Ralf Hartmer, Jens Heimann, Philipp Held, Grete Hoffmann, Christian Kalk, Betül Karatas, Yunus Karatas, Seda Kehr, Elisabeth Klocke, Bernd Koop, Bernd Lehnemann, Matthias Letzel, Kian Molawi, Julia Neumann, Mirka Peikert, Tanja Renkes, Thomas Rinderknecht, Lena Roling (Née Rakers), Andreas Rühling, Frederik Sandford, Karsten Schnatbaum, Max Schwenzer, Bernd Sommer, Frauke Weidlich, Inga Wienhöfer, Slawomir Urban, Sebastian Wertz

    Thanks to all of them!

  • Former Employees

    Dr.  Heinrich Luftmann
    © Dr. H. Luftmann
    Dr. Heinrich Luftmann
    Ehemaliger Leiter der MS-Abteilung

    Curriculum Vitae

    1974 - 2012 Head of Mass Spectrometry Department at the Institute for Organic Chemistry
    2002 Research Transfer Prize of the WWU-Münster "Entwicklung eines Extraktors für Dünnschichtchromatogramme"
    1966 - 1974

    Studies in Chemistry in Göttingen

    Diploma Thesis (G. Spiteller) „Strukturspezifischer massenspektrometrischer Abbau von mono- und di-n-alkyl-substituierten Acetylenverbindungen“

    PhD Thesis (G. Spiteller)„Aufbau und Anwendung der Gaschromatographie mit Glaskapillarsäulen zur Steroidanalyse in Hinblick auf ihre Verwendung in der Kopplung an ein Massenspektrometer“