Research Foci
Process-induced contaminants
Formation and minimization of process contaminants such as furans, monochloropropanediols (MCPDs), glycidols and acrylamide
Instrumental analysis (HPLC-MS/MS, HPLC-HRMS, GC-MS)
Human biomonitoring
Academic Education
- Dissertation (Prof. Dr. H.-U. Humpf), Lehrstuhl für Lebensmittelchemie der WWU Münster
- Kollegiat der International Research Training Group Münster/D - Nagoya/J (IRTG-MS/NG)
- Forschungsaufenthalt an der Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Department of Chemistry (Prof. Dr. D. Uemura)
- Akademischer Rat am Institut für Lebensmittelchemie der WWU Münster, Leiter der Serviceeinheit "Instrumentelle Analytik und Spektroskopie"
- Post-Doc am Institut für Lebensmittelchemie der WWU Münster (Prof. Dr. H.-U. Humpf)
- Stockmeyer Wissenschaftspreis – Heinrich-Stockmeyer-Stiftung
External Functions
- Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mycotoxin Research"
- Mitglied der §64-LFGB Arbeitssgruppe "Mykotoxine" beim Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
- Seminar: Seminar Masterthesis [120229]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Dr. Florian Hübner)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Do | LC 3 | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Seminar: Seminar Specialised Food Chemistry (Analysis of Isotopes and Enantiomers, Combined Spectral Analysis and Hyphenated Techniques in Food Analysis) [120225]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo | LC 3 | Dr. Benedikt Cramer]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Fr. | LC 3 | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Seminar: Institutsseminar [120233]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Dr. Florian Hübner)
[ | wöchentlich | Do | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Praktikum: Instrumentelles Messtechnikpraktikum [120226]
- Vortrag: Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit [120219]
(in cooperation with Dr. Michael Lange-Aperdannier, Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Dr. Florian Hübner)
[ - | Dr. Michael Lange-Aperdannier] - Seminar: Instrumental Food Analysis [128214]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo | LC 3 | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Seminar: Institutsseminar [128233]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Dr. Florian Hübner)
[ | wöchentlich | Do | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Seminar: Seminar Masterthesis [128229]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Dr. Florian Hübner)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Do | LC 3 | Dr. Benedikt Cramer] - Praktikum: Instrumental Food Analysis [128216]
(in cooperation with Dr. Florian Hübner)
[wöchentlich | Dr. Florian Hübner] - Seminar: Seminar Masterthesis [126230]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Dr. Florian Hübner) - Seminar: Institutsseminar [126233]
(in cooperation with Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Dr. Florian Hübner) - Seminar: Seminar Specialised Food Chemistry (Analysis of Isotopes and Enantiomers, Combined Spectral Analysis and Hyphenated Techniques in Food Analysis) [126226]
- Praktikum: Instrumentelles Messtechnikpraktikum [126227]
- Vortrag: Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit [126220]
(in cooperation with Dr. Michael Lange-Aperdannier, Dr. Matthias Behrens, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Prof. Dr. Melanie Esselen, Dr. Florian Hübner)
- Seminar: Seminar Masterthesis [120229]
- Phillips, E., Ngure, F.M., Kassim, N., et al. . “The effect of an intervention to reduce aflatoxin consumption from 6 to 18 mo of age on length-for-age z-scores in rural Tanzania: a cluster-randomized trial.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, № 121 (2): 333–342. doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.11.022.
- Lipinski, Sarah, Becker, Marlen, Meyer, Jens Chr., Nowakowski, Christine, Humpf, Hans-Ulrich, and Cramer, Benedikt. . “Impact of Physicochemical Parameters on the Furan, Alkylfuran, and Acrylamide Formation during Extrusion Cooking of Breakfast Cereals.” ACS Food Science & Technology, № 2025 doi: 10.1021/acsfoodscitech.4c00727.
- Witzel, K, Djalali, Farahani-Kofoet R, Döll, S, et al. . “Metabolomics and dual proteomics identify contrasting patterns of major pathways affected in asparagus shoot upon Fusarium infection.” Plant and Soil, № 2024 doi: 10.1007/s11104-024-07069-9.
- Modrzewska, M., Popowski, D., Błaszczyk, L., et al. . “Antagonistic properties against Fusarium sporotrichioides and glycosylation of HT-2 and T-2 toxins by selected Trichoderma strains.” Scientific Reports, № 14 (1) doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-55920-x.
- Hassan, R., Gerdemann, A., Cramer, B., et al. . “Integrated data from intravital imaging and HPLC–MS/MS analysis reveal large interspecies differences in AFB1 metabolism in mice and rats.” Archives of Toxicology, № 98 (4): 1081–1093. doi: 10.1007/s00204-024-03688-4.
- Pierzgalski, A., Bryła, M., B., Cramerm, Humpf, H.-U., and Twarużek, M. . “Co-occurrence of T-2 and HT-2 Mycotoxins and α and β Anomers of Their Glucosides in Wheat and Oat Grains.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 72 (6): 3150–3159. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07465.
- Pierzgalski, Adam, Bryla, Marcin, Cramer, Benedikt, Humpf, Hans-Ulrich, and Twaruzek, Magdalena. . “Co-occurrence of T-2 and HT-2 Mycotoxins and α and <i>β</i> Anomers of Their Glucosides in Wheat and Oat Grains.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 72 (6) doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07465.
- Hassan, Reham, Gerdemann, Andrea, Cramer, Benedikt, et al. . “Integrated data from intravital imaging and HPLC-MS/MS analysis reveal large interspecies differences in AFB1 metabolism in mice and rats.” Archives of Toxicology, № 1 doi: 10.1007/s00204-024-03688-4.
- Kuhn, Michael, Hassan, Reham, Gonzalez, Daniela, et al. . “Role of albumin in the metabolism and excretion of ochratoxin A.” Mycotoxin Research, № 1 doi: 10.1007/s12550-024-00538-1.
- Brückner, Lea, Cramer, Benedikt, and Humpf, Hans-Ulrich. . “Reactions of citrinin with amino compounds modelling thermal food processing.” Mycotoxin Research, № 40 (4): 709–720. doi: 10.1007/s12550-024-00557-y.
- Varga, Elisabeth, Marko, Doris, Meyer, Karsten, Cramer, Benedikt, Humpf, Hans-Ulrich, and Plötz, Madeleine. . “Vienna, the “City of Music”, meets mycotoxin research at the 45th Mycotoxin Workshop.” Mycotoxin Research, № 40 (3): 327–329. doi: 10.1007/s12550-024-00542-5.
- Tittlemier, S., Cramer, B., De Rosa, M., et al. . “Developments in analytical techniques for mycotoxin determination: an update for 2022-23.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 17 (1): 3–26. doi: 10.1163/18750796-bja10002.
- Gerdemann, A, Cramer, B, Degen, GH, et al. . “Comparative metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in mouse, rat and human primary hepatocytes using HPLC–MS/MS.” Archives of Toxicology, № 97 (12): 3179–3196. doi: 10.1007/s00204-023-03607-z.
- Nikmaram, N., Brückner, L., Cramer, B., Humpf, H.-U., and Keener, K. . “Degradation products of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) formed by high voltage atmospheric cold plasma (HVACP) treatment.” Toxicon, № 230 doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2023.107160.
- Lipinski, S., Lindekamp, N., Funck, N., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H.-U. . “Determination of furan and alkylfuran in breakfast cereals from the European market and their correlation with acrylamide levels.” European Food Research and Technology, № 2023 doi: 10.1007/s00217-023-04374-y.
- Tittlemier, S.A., Cramer, B., DeRosa, M.C., et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2021-22.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 16 (1): 3–24. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2022.2822.
- Kyei, N.N.A., Waid, J.L., Ali, N., Cramer, B., Humpf, H.-U., and Gabrysch, S. . “Maternal exposure to multiple mycotoxins and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a prospective cohort study in rural Bangladesh.” Archives of Toxicology, № 97 (6): 1795–1812. doi: 10.1007/s00204-023-03491-7.
- Kyei, N.N.A., Cramer, B.Humpf H.-U., Degen, G.H., Ali, N., and Gabrysch, S. . “Assessment of multiple mycotoxin exposure and its association with food consumption: a human biomonitoring study in a pregnant cohort in rural Bangladesh.” Archives of Toxicology, № 96 (7): 2123–2138. doi: 10.1007/s00204-022-03288-0.
- Lindemann, V, Schleiner, T, Maier, U, Fels, H, Cramer, B, and Humpf, HU. . “Analysis of mold and mycotoxins in naturally infested indoor building materials.” Mycotoxin Research, № 2022 doi: 10.1007/s12550-022-00461-3.
- Puel, O, Cramer, B., Oswald, I.P., and Humpf, H.-U. . “From the laboratory bench to the lecture hall: latest findings from mycotoxin research presented at the 43rd Mycotoxin Workshop.” Mycotoxin Research, № 2022 doi: 10.1007/s12550-022-00462-2.
- Penczynski, K, Cramer, B, Dietrich, S, Humpf, H, Abraham, K, and Weikert, C. . “Mycotoxins in Serum and 24-h Urine of Vegans and Omnivores from the Risks and Benefits of a Vegan Diet (RBVD) Study.” Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, № 66 (6) doi: 10.1002/mnfr.202100874.
- Lindemann, V, Schmidt, J, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H. . “Detection of Mycotoxins in Highly Matrix-Loaded House-Dust Samples by QTOF-HRMS, IM-QTOF-HRMS, and TQMS: Advantages and Disadvantages.” Analytical Chemistry, № 94 (10): 4209–4217. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04254.
- Rehagel, C, Akineden, Ö, Geisen, R, Cramer, B, Plötz, M, and Usleber, E. . “Development and application of a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the detection of penitrem A in fungal mycelium: Evidence for frequent occurrence of multiple indole-containing mycotoxins in mouldy foods.” Food Control, № 132: 108558. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108558.
- R., Hassan, A., Friebel, L., Brackhagen, et al. . “Hypoalbuminemia affects the spatio-temporal tissue distribution of ochratoxin A in liver and kidneys: consequences for organ toxicity.” Archives of Toxicology, № 96 (11): 2967–2981. doi: 10.1007/s00204-022-03361-8.
- R., Hassan, D., González, Z., Hobloss, et al. . “Inhibition of cytochrome P450 enhances the nephro- and hepatotoxicity of ochratoxin A.” Archives of Toxicology, № 96 (12): 3349–3361. doi: 10.1007/s00204-022-03395-y.
- Tittlemier, S.A., Cramer, B., Dall'Asta, C., et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2020-2021.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 15 (1): 3–25. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2021.2752.
- Kalinina, S, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H. . “Current and future perspectives of mycotoxin research — report from the 42nd Mycotoxin Workshop (Online conference).” Mycotoxin Research, № 37 (4): 275–278. doi: 10.1007/s12550-021-00439-7.
- Hermes, Lena, Römermann, Jannis, Cramer, Benedikt, and Esselen, Melanie. . “Phase II metabolism of asarone isomers in vitro and in humans using HPLC-MS/MS and HPLC-QToF/MS.” Foods, № 10 (9): 2032. doi: 10.3390/foods10092032.
- Schmidt, J, Cramer, B, Turner, PC, et al. . “Determination of urinary mycotoxin biomarkers using a sensitive online solid phase extraction‐uhplc‐ms/ms method.” Toxins, № 13 (6) doi: 10.3390/toxins13060418.
- Schmidt, J, Lindemann, V, Olsen, M, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-U. . “Dried urine spots as sampling technique for multi-mycotoxin analysis in human urine.” Mycotoxin Research, № 37 (2): 129–140. doi: 10.1007/s12550-021-00423-1.
- Ghallab, A, Hassan, R, Myllys, M, et al. . “Subcellular spatio-temporal intravital kinetics of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in liver and kidney.” Archives of Toxicology, № 95 (6): 2163–2177. doi: 10.1007/s00204-021-03073-5.
- Tittlemier, S., Brunkhorst, J., Cramer, B., et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2019-2020.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 14 (1): 3 – 26–3 – 26. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2020.2664.
- Hermes, L, Römermann, J, Cramer, B, and Esselen, M. . “Quantitative Analysis of β-Asarone Derivatives in <i>Acorus calamus</i> and Herbal Food Products by HPLC-MS/MS.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 69 (2): 776–782. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c05513.
- Hermes, L, Römermann, J, Cramer, B, and Esselen, M. . “Quantitative Analysis of β-Asarone Derivatives in Acorus calamus and Herbal Food Products by HPLC-MS/MS.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № Online ahead of print doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c05513.
- Jagels, A, Stephan, F, Ernst, S, et al. . “Artificial vs natural Stachybotrys infestation—Comparison of mycotoxin production on various building materials.” Indoor Air, № 30 (6): 1268–1282. doi: 10.1111/ina.12705.
- Tittlemier, SA, Cramer, B, Dall'Asta, C, et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2018-19.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 13 (1): 3–24. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2019.2535.
- Warensjö, Lemming E, Montano, Montes A, Schmidt, J, et al. . “Mycotoxins in blood and urine of Swedish adolescents—possible associations to food intake and other background characteristics.” Mycotoxin Research, № 36 (2): 193–206. doi: 10.1007/s12550-019-00381-9.
- Sueck, F, Hemp, V, Specht, J, Torres, O, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-U. . “Occurrence of the ochratoxin A degradation product 2′R-ochratoxin a in coffee and other food: An update.” Toxins, № 11 (6): 329. doi: 10.3390/toxins11060329.
- Kuchenbuch, HS, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-U. . “Matrix binding of T-2 toxin: structure elucidation of reaction products and indications on the fate of a relevant food-borne toxin during heating.” Mycotoxin Research, № 35 (3): 261–270. doi: 10.1007/s12550-019-00350-2.
- Sueck, F, Cramer, B, Czeschinski, P, and Humpf, H-. . “Human Study on the Kinetics of 2′R-Ochratoxin A in the Blood of Coffee Drinkers.” Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, № 63 (4): 1801026. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201801026.
- Kuchenbuch, HS, Schulz, M, Becker, S, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-. . ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1306, Thermal reactions and the formation of degradation products of T-2 and HT-2 toxin during processing of oats, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/bk-2019-1306.ch007.
- Sueck, F, Specht, J, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-. . “Identification of ochratoxin-N-acetyl-L-cysteine as a new ochratoxin A metabolite and potential biomarker in human urine.” Mycotoxin Research, № 2020 (36): 1–10. doi: 10.1007/s12550-019-00360-0.
- Jagels, A, Lindemann, V, Ulrich, S, et al. . “Exploring secondary metabolite profiles of stachybotrys spp. By LC-MS/MS.” Toxins, № 11 (3): 133. doi: 10.3390/toxins11030133.
- Tittlemier, SA, Cramer, B, Dall'Asta, C, et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2017-2018.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 12 (1): 3–29. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2018.2398.
- Andreeßen, C., Wolf, N., Cramer, B., Humpf, H., and Steinbüchel, A. . “In vitro biosynthesis of 3-mercaptolactate by lactate dehydrogenases.” Enzyme and Microbial Technology, № 108 (null): 1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2017.08.005.
- Kalinina, SA, Kalinin, DV, Hövelmann, Y, et al. . “Auranthine, a Benzodiazepinone from Penicillium aurantiogriseum: Refined Structure, Absolute Configuration, and Cytotoxicity.” Journal of Natural Products, № 81 (10): 2177–2186. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00187.
- Sueck, F, Poór, M, Faisal, Z, et al. . “Interaction of ochratoxin A and its thermal degradation product 2'R-ochratoxin A with human serum albumin.” Toxins, № 10 (7) doi: 10.3390/toxins10070256.
- Schmidt, HS, Schulz, M, Focke, C, Becker, S, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H-U. . “Glucosylation of T-2 and HT-2 toxins using biotransformation and chemical synthesis: Preparation, stereochemistry, and stability.” Mycotoxin Research, № 34 (3): 159–172. doi: 10.1007/s12550-018-0310-9.
- Kalinina, SA, Jagels, A, Hickert, S, Mauriz, Marques LM, Cramer, B, and Humpf, H. . “Detection of the Cytotoxic Penitrems A-F in Cheese from the European Single Market by HPLC-MS/MS.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 66 (5): 1264–1269. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b06001.
- Faisal, Z, Derdák, D, Lemli, B, et al. . “Interaction of 2'R-ochratoxin A with serum albumins: Binding site, effects of site markers, thermodynamics, species differences of albumin-binding, and influence of albumin on its toxicity in MDCK cells.” Toxins, № 10 (9) doi: 10.3390/toxins10090353.
- Berthiller, F, Cramer, B, Iha, MH, et al. . “Developments in mycotoxin analysis: An update for 2016-2017.” World Mycotoxin Journal, № 11 (1): 5–32. doi: 10.3920/WMJ2017.2250.
- Bauer, JI, Gross, M, Cramer, B, Humpf, H, Hamscher, G, and Usleber, E. . “Immunochemical Analysis of Paxilline and Ergot Alkaloid Mycotoxins in Grass Seeds and Plants.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 66 (1): 315–322. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b05580.
- Faisal, Zelma, Derdák, Diána, Lemli, Beáta, et al. . “Interaction of 2′R-ochratoxin A with Serum Albumins: Binding Site, Effects of Site Markers, Thermodynamics, Species Differences of Albumin-binding, and Influence of Albumin on Its Toxicity in MDCK Cells.” Toxins, № 10 (9): 353. doi: 10.3390/toxins10090353.
- Sueck, F., Poór, M., Faisal, Z., et al. . “Interaction of Ochratoxin A and Its Thermal Degradation Product 2′<i>R</i>-Ochratoxin A with Human Serum Albumin.” Toxins, № 10 (7): 256. doi: 10.3390/toxins10070256.
- Viegas, S., Osteresch, B., Almeida, A., Cramer, B., Humpf, H., and Viegas, C. . “Enniatin B and ochratoxin A in the blood serum of workers from the waste management setting.” Mycotoxin Research, № 34 (2): 85–90. doi: 10.1007/s12550-017-0302-1.
- Hickert, S., Hermes, L., Marques, L., et al. . “Alternaria toxins in South African sunflower seeds: cooperative study.” Mycotoxin Research, № 33 (4): 309–321. doi: 10.1007/s12550-017-0290-1.
- Cramer, B., Hübner, F., and Humpf, H. . “Applications of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Techniques for the Analysis of Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food.” in Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food: Second Edition, Vol. null , edited by D Schrenk. Amsterdam: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100674-0.00003-5.
- Bauer, J., Gross, M., Cramer, B., et al. . “Detection of the tremorgenic mycotoxin paxilline and its desoxy analog in ergot of rye and barley: a new class of mycotoxins added to an old problem.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, № 409 (21): 5101–5112. doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0455-y.
- Schmidt, H., Becker, S., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Impact of Mechanical and Thermal Energies on the Degradation of T-2 and HT-2 Toxins during Extrusion Cooking of Oat Flour.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 65 (20): 4177–4183. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b01484.
- Kalinina, S., Jagels, A., Cramer, B., Geisen, R., and Humpf, H. . “Influence of environmental factors on the production of penitrems A–F by Penicillium crustosum.” Toxins, № 9 (7) doi: 10.3390/toxins9070210.
- Osteresch, B., Viegas, S., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Multi-mycotoxin analysis using dried blood spots and dried serum spots.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, № 409 (13): 3369–3382. doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0279-9.
- Wu, Q., Kuča, K., Humpf, H., Klímová, B., and Cramer, B. . “Fate of deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside during cereal-based thermal food processing: a review study.” Mycotoxin Research, № 33 (1): 79–91. doi: 10.1007/s12550-016-0263-9.
- Muñoz, K., Cramer, B., Dopstadt, J., Humpf, H., and Degen, G. . “Evidence of ochratoxin A conjugates in urine samples from infants and adults.” Mycotoxin Research, № 33 (1): 39–47. doi: 10.1007/s12550-016-0261-y.
- Dopstadt, J., Vens-Cappell, S., Neubauer, L., et al. . “Localization of ergot alkaloids in sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, № 409 (5): 1221–1230. doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-0047-2.
- Hickert, S., Cramer, B., Letzel, M., and Humpf, H.-U. . “Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry imaging of ochratoxin A and fumonisins in mold-infected food.” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, № 30 (23): 2508–2516. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7733.
- Hövelmann, Y., Hickert, S., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Determination of exposure to the alternaria mycotoxin tenuazonic acid and its isomer allo-tenuazonic acid in a German population by stable isotope dilution HPLC-MS3.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 64 (34): 6641–6647. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b02735.
- Osteresch, B., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Analysis of ochratoxin A in dried blood spots - Correlation between venous and finger-prick blood, the influence of hematocrit and spotted volume.” Journal of Chromatography B, № 1020 (null): 158–164. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.03.026.
- Hickert, S., Bergmann, M., Ersen, S., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Survey of Alternaria toxin contamination in food from the German market, using a rapid HPLC-MS/MS approach.” Mycotoxin Research, № 32 (1): 7–18. doi: 10.1007/s12550-015-0233-7.
- Hickert, S., Krug, I., Cramer, B., and Humpf, H. . “Detection and Quantitative Analysis of the Non-cytotoxic allo-Tenuazonic Acid in Tomato Products by Stable Isotope Dilution HPLC-MS/MS.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 63 (50): 10879–10884. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04812.
- Hickert, S., Gerding, J., Ncube, E., et al. . “A new approach using micro HPLC-MS/MS for multi-mycotoxin analysis in maize samples.” Mycotoxin Research, № 31 (2): 109–115. doi: 10.1007/s12550-015-0221-y.
- Gerding, J., Ali, N., Schwartzbord, J., et al. . “A comparative study of the human urinary mycotoxin excretion patterns in Bangladesh, Germany, and Haiti using a rapid and sensitive LC-MS/MS approach.” Mycotoxin Research, № 31 (3): 127–136. doi: 10.1007/s12550-015-0223-9.
- Cramer, B., Osteresch, B., Muñoz, K., Hillmann, H., Sibrowski, W., and Humpf, H. . “Biomonitoring using dried blood spots: Detection of ochratoxin A and its degradation product 2'R-ochratoxin A in blood from coffee drinkers*.” Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, № 59 (9): 1837–1843. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500220.
- Haben, Melina, Cramer, Benedikt, Hickert, Sebastian, Eisenbrand, Gerhard, and Esselen, Melanie. . “Beitrag eines Acrylamid-Niacin-Adduktes zur Reduzierung des Acrylamid-Gehaltes im Lebensmittel.” in Lebensmittelchmie
- Bittner, Andrea, Cramer, Benedikt, Harrer, Henning, and Humpf, Hans-Ulrich. . “Structure elucidation and in vitro cytotoxicity of ochratoxin α amide, a new degradation product of ochratoxin A.” Mycotoxin Research, № 31 (2): 83–90. doi: 10.1007/s12550-014-0218-y.
- Gerding, Johannes J., Cramer, Benedikt B., and Humpf, Hans Ulrich H.U. . “Determination of mycotoxin exposure in Germany using an LC-MS/MS multibiomarker approach.” Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, № 58 (12): 2368. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201400406.
- Bittner, A, Cramer, B, and Humpf, HU. . “Matrix binding of ochratoxin A during roasting.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, № 61 (51): 12737–43. doi: 10.1021/jf403984x.
- Silva, Denise Brentan D.B., Guaratini, Thais T., Vessecchi, Ricardo L. R.L., et al. . “H2 unimolecular elimination in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry from erythraline, a spirocyclic alkaloid.” European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, № 19 (5): 350. doi: 10.1255/ejms.1243.
- Humpf, Hans Ulrich H.U., and Cramer, Benedikt B. . “HPLC-MS/MS-analysis of Mycotoxins: Current applications and future perspectives.” Journal of Plant Pathology, № 1 (SUPPL): S1.39.
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- Bretz, M, Beyer, M, Cramer, B, and Humpf, HU. . “Synthesis of stable isotope labeled 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol.” Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, № 49 (12): 1151–1153. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.200500153.
Dr. Benedikt Cramer
Professur für Lebensmittelchemie (Prof. Humpf)