Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson

Druckkopf Universität Münster
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson
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Prof. Dr. Jan Andersson
University of Münster
Institute of Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry
Corrensstrasse 30
D-48149 Münster

+49 (251) 83-33141

+49 (251) 83-36013

anderss at
uni-muenster dot de




Original Papers
Original Papers

"Group-Type Separation of Nitrogen Containing Aromatic Compounds in Coal Tar Pitch on a Hafnium Modified Silica HPLC Phase"
A. Gole and J.T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 35 (2015) 129-142, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2014.895948

"Influence of Different Compound Classes on the Formation of Sediments in Fossil Fuels During Aging"
R. Epping, S. Kerkering, and J.T. Andersson, Energy Fuels, 28 (2014) 5649-5656, DOI: 10.1021/ef501230c

"Ionic liquids as stationary phases in gas chromatography - an LSER investigation of six commercial phases and some applications"
W. Weber, J.T. Andersson, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 406 (2014), 5347-5358, DOI 10.1007/s00216-014-7972-8

"Weathering trend characterization of medium-molecular weight polycyclic aromatic disulfur heterocycles by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry"
A. H. Hegazi, E.M. Fathalla, J.T. Andersson, Chemosphere, 111 (2014), 266-271, DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.04.029

"Ketones in fossil materials - a mass spectrometeric analysis of a crude oil and a coal tar"
A. Alhassan, J.T. Andersson, Energy & Fuels, 27 (2013), 5780-5778, DOI 10.1021/ef400961d

"Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for complex thiophenic mixture analysis"
N. Hourani, J.T. Andersson, I. Möller, M. Amad, M. Witt, S.M. Sarathy, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 27 (2013), 2432-2438, DOI 10.1002/rcm.6707

"Direct coupling of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to atmospheric pressure laser ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for the characterization of crude oil samples"
S. Lababidi, S.K. Panda, J.T. Andersson, W. Schrader, Analytical Chemistry, 85 (2013), 9478-9485, DOI: 10.1021/ac400670s

"Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Egyptian Petroleum Condensate Oils"
N.E. Moustafa, J.T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 33 (2013), 396-417, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2013.791996

"Electrochemical deposition of SERS active nanostructured silver films" 
R. Orinaková, L. Skantárová, A. Orinák, J. Demko, M. Kupková, J.T. Andersson, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8 (2013) 80-99

"Deep well deposits: Effects of extraction on mass spectrometric results" 
S. Lababidi, S.K. Panda, J.T. Andersson, W. Schrader, Energy Fuels, 27 (2013) 1236-1245, DOI 10.1021/ef301593r

"Desulfurized fuels from Athabasca bitumen and their polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles. Analysis based on capillary electrophoresis coupled with TOF MS" 
T. Nolte, T.N. Posch, C. Huhn, J.T. Andersson, Energy Fuels, 27 (2013) 97-107, DOI 10.1021/ef301424d

"Argentation chromatography for the separation of polycyclic aromatic compounds according to ring size" 
M. Nocun, J.T. Andersson, J. Chrom. A., 1219 (2012) 47-53

"High-molecular weight sulfur-containing aromatics refractory to weathering as determined by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry" 
A.H. Hegazi, E.M. Fathalla, S.K. Panda, W. Schrader, J.T. Andersson Chemosphere, 89 (2012) 205-212, DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.04.016

"Capillary electrophoretic methods for the separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons" 
T. Nolte, J.T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 31 (2011), 287-338, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2011.604664

"Solid phase extractive preconcentration coupled to gas chromatography–atomic emission detection for the determination of chlorophenols in water samples" 
L. Elci, N. Kolbe, S. G. Elci, J. T. Andersson Talanta, 85 (2011) 551-555, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2011.04.028

"Products of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles in oil spill photodegradation" 
E. Fathalla, J.T. Andersson, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30 (2011), 2004-2012, DOI: 10.1002/etc.607

"Analysis of polycyclic armatic sulfur heterocycles in Egyptian petroleum condensate and volatile oils by gas chromatography with atomic emission detection" 
N.E. Moustafa, J.T. Andersson, Fuel Processing Technology, 92 (2011), 547-555, DOI 10.1016/j.fuproc.2010.11.010

"Electrodeposition of composite Ni-B coatings in a stirred heterogeneous system" 
R. Orináková, K. Rošáková, A. Orinák, M. Kupková, J.N. Audinot, H.-N. Migeon, J. T. Andersson, K. Koval, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 15 (2011), 1159–1168, DOI 10.1007/s10008-010-1177-7

"Photooxidation Products of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Containing Sulfur" 
S. Bobinger, J.T. Andersson, Environ. Sci. Technol., (2009), DOI: 10.1021/es901859s

"Capillary electrophoretic separation of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles" 
T. Nolte, J.T. Andersson, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 395 (2009), 1843-1851

"Influence of desulfurization methods on phenol content and pattern in gas oil and diesel fuel" 
N. Kolbe, O. van Rheinberg, J.T. Andersson, Energy & Fuels, 29 (2009), 3024-3031

"Analysis of recalcitrant hexahydrodibenzothiophenes in petroleum products using a simple fractionation process" 
A. Japes, M. Penassa, J.T. Andersson, Energy & Fuels, 23 (4) (2009), 2143-2148

"PAH or PAC, that is the question" 
J.T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 29 (1-2), 1-2 (2009)

"Characterization of supercomplex crude oil mixtures: What is really in there?" 
S.K. Panda, J.T. Andersson, W. Schrader, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48 (2009), 1788-1791

"Source characterization and the enviromental impact of urban street dusts from Egypt based on hydrocarbon distributions" 
A.R. Mostafa, A.H. Hegazi, M.S. El-Gayar, J. T. Andersson, Fuel, 88 (2009), 95-104

"Recalcitrant sulfur compounds in petroleum products - Analyzing supercomplex mixtures" 
J.T. Andersson, Oil Gas European Magazine, 124 (2008), 402-405

"Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in the speciation of high molecular weight sulfur heterocycles in vacuum gas oils of different boiling ranges" 
S.K. Panda, J.T. Andersson, W. Schrader, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 392 (2008), 839-848

"Chill-haze - Identification and determination of Haze-active Constituents by HPLC and Mass Spectrometry. Part I: The role of polyphenols and the astonishing impact of hop components on chill haze formation" 
S. Loch-Ahring, F. Decker, S. Robbert, J. T. Andersson, Brewing Science, March/April 2008, 32-47

"Selective removal of sulphur in liquid fuels for fuel cell applications" 
O. van Rheinberg, K. Lucka, H. Köhner, T. Schade, J. T. Andersson, Fuel, 87 (2008), 2988-2996

"Mass spectrometric analysis of complex volatile and non-volatile crude oil components: A challenge" 
S.K. Panda, J.T. Andersson, W. Schrader, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 389 (2007), 1329-1339

"Limitations to GC-MS determination of sulfur-containing polycyclic aromatic compounds in geochemical, petroleum and environmental investigations" 
A.H. Hegazi, J.T. Andersson, Energy and Fuels, 21 (2007), 3375-3384

"Sulfur from benzothiophene and alkylbenzothiophenes supports growth of Rhodococcus sp. strain JVH1" 
K.M. Kirkwood, J.T. Andersson, P.M. Fedorak, J.M. Foght, M.R. Gray, Biodegradation, 18 (2007), 541-549

"Petroleum biomarkers as environmental and maturity indicators for crude oils from the central Gulf of Suez, Egypt" 
M.A. Younes, A.H. Hegazi, M.S. El-Gayar and J.T. Andersson, Oil Gas European Magazine, 33 (2007), 15-21

"Qualitative analysis of phenols and alcohols in complex samples after derivatization to esters of ferrocene carboxylic acid by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection " 
Frank A.H. Wasinski, Jan T. Andersson, J. Chromatogr. A, 1157 (2007), 376-385

"Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles in Three Saudi Arabian Crude Oils as Determined by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry" 
Saroj K. Panda, Wolfgang Schrader, Jan T. Andersson, Energy & Fuels, 21, 2007, 1071 -1077

"Analysis of large sulfur aromatic compounds in fossil fuels by FT-ICR MS" 
J.T. Andersson, S.K. Panda, W. Schrader, in Hydrotreating/Hydrocracking Processing, (edited by O.R. Koseoglu and S. Kasztelan), American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 2007

"Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles for Source Identification" 
A.H. Hegazi and J.T. Andersson, in Environmental forensics: spill oil fingerprinting and source identification, (Z. Wang, S. Stout, Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007, p. 147-168

"Polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles as information carriers in environmental studies" 
Jan T. Andersson, Abdelrahman H. Hegazi, Benedikte Roberz, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,  386, (4) 891-905 (2006)

"Determination of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocyclic (PASH) in air samples" 
Benedikte Roberz, Jan T. Andersson, Mitteilungsblatt - Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie, (3) 8-11 (2006)

"Beta-Cyclodextrin as a stationary phase for the group separation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in normal-phase liquid chromatography"
Saroj K. Panda, Wolfgang Schrader and Jan T. Andersson, J. Chromat. A, 1122 (1-2), 88-96 (2006)

"Simple and Sensitive Determination of o-Phenylphenol in Citrus Fruits using Gas Chromatography with Atomic Emission or Mass Spectrometric Detection"
N. Kolbe and J. T. Andersson, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (16), 5736 -5741, 2006

"Speciation of alkylated dibenzothiophenes in a deeply desulfurized diesel fuel"
J.T. Andersson, T. Schade, Energy & Fuels, 20, 1614-1620 (2006)

"Co-pyrolysis of polymethyl methacrylate with brown coal and effect on monomer production"
A. Orinák, L. Halás, I. Amar, J.T. Andersson and M. Ádámová, Fuel, 85, 12-18 (2006)

"Speciation of alkylated dibenzothiophenes through correlation of structure and gas chromatographic retention times"
J.T. Andersson, T. Schade, J. Chromat. A, 1117 (2), 206-213 (2006)

"Liquid chromatographic properties of aromatic sulfur heterocycles on a Pd(II)-containing stationary phase for petroleum analysis"
J.T. Andersson, K. Sripada, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382, 735-741 (2005)

"New Approaches to coupling TLC with TOF-SIMS"
A. Orinák, G. Vering, H.F. Arlinghaus, J.T. Andersson, L. Halas, R. Orináková, Journal of Planar Chromatography, 18, 44-50 (2005)

"Schwefel in Erdöl - Ein problematisches Element?"
J.T. Andersson, Chem. Unserer Zeit, 39, 116-120 (2005)

"Characterization of High-Molecular-Weight Sulfur Containing Aromatics in Vacuum Residues Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry"
H. Müller, J.T. Andersson, Anal. Chem., 77, 2536-2543 (2005)

"Utilization of GC/AED for Investigating the Effect of Maturity on the Distribution of Thiophenic Compounds in Egyptian Crude Oils"
A.H. Hegazi, J.T. Andersson, M.A. Abu-Elgheit, M. Sh. El-Gayar, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 24 (2), 123-134 (2004)

"Source diagnostic and weathering indicators of tar balls utilizing acyclic, polycyclic and S-heterocyclic components"
A.H. Hegazi, J.T. Andersson, M.A. Abu-Elgheit, M. Sh. El-Gayar, Chemosphere, 55, 1053-1065 (2004)

"Gel permeation chromatography on sulfur containing aromatics in vacuum residues"
H. Müller, J.T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 24 (4-5), 299-308 (2004)

"Classification of German White Wines with Certified Brand of Origin by Multielement Quantitation and Pattern Recognition Techniques"
M. Castineira Gomez, I. Feldmann, N. Jakubowski, J.T. Andersson, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(10), 2962-2974 (2004)

"Changes of the Metal Composition in German White Wines through the Winemaking Process. A Study of 63 Elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry"
M. Castineira Gomez, R. Brandt, N. Jakubowski, J.T. Andersson, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(10), 2953-2961 (2004)

"Liquid Chromatography/Electrochemistry/Mass Spectrometry as Screening Technique for Alcohols and Phenols in Fuels"
G. Diehl, F.A.H. Wasinski, B. Roberz, H. Luftmann, T.C. Schmidt, J.T. Andersson, U. Karst, Microchimica Acta, 146, 137-147 (2004)

"Characterization of High Molecular Weight Sulfur Containing Aromatics in Vacuum Residues Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry"
H. Müller, W. Schrader, J. T. Andersson, Prep. Pap. -Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 49(1), 335-337 (2004)

"Higher alkylated dibenzothiophenes in some crude oils and hydrodesulfurized fuels"
J.T. Andersson, T. Schade, Prep. Pap. -Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem., 49(1), 338-340 (2004)

"Application of gas chromatography with atomic emission detection to the geochemical investigation of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles in Egyptian crude oils"
A. H. Hegazi, J. T. Andersson, M. Sh. El-Gayar, Fuel Processing Technology, 85(1), 1-19 (2004)

"Size fractionation of non-volatile dissolved organic compounds and metal species in German white wines by combining on-line tangential-flow multistage ultrafiltration, a home-built carbon analyzer, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry"
M. Castineira, P. Burba, N. Jakubowski, J. Andersson, Anal. & Bioanal. Chem., 376(2), 174-181 (2003)

"Separation of aromatic sulfur heterocycles from aromatic hydrocarbons by use of a palladium ion complex"
J. T. Andersson, T. Schade, H. Müller, Fuel , Fuel Chem. Div. Preprints ACS, 224:115 (2002)

"Some unique properties of gas chromatography coupled with atomic emission detection"
J. T. Andersson, Anal. & Bioanal. Chem., 373(6), 344-355 (2002)

"Polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles in desulfurized diesel fuels and their separation on a novel palladium(II)-complex stationary phase"
T. Schade, B. Roberz, J. T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 22, 311-320 (2002)

"Synthesis of fluorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through a photochemical cyclization"
U. Weis, J. T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 22, 71-85 (2002)

"Measurement and prediction of the emission of pollutants from the combustion of coal and biomass in a fixed bed furnace"
A. Ross, J.M. Jones, S. Chaiklangmuang, M. Pourkashanian, A. Williams, K. Kubica, J. T. Andersson, M. Kerst, P. Danihelka, Fuel, 81, 571-582 (2002)

"Separation Methods in the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles"  J.T. Andersson, in Handbook of Analytical Separations, Environmental Analysis, (W. Kleiböhmer, Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001, p. 75-98

"Pyrolysis of polychloroprene rubber in a fluidized-bed reactor - product composition with focus on chlorinated aromatic compounds"
W. Kaminsky, C. Mennerich, J.T. Andersson, S. Götting, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 71(1), 39-51 (2001)

"Fast and direct method for measuring 1-octanol-water partition coefficients exemplified for six local anesthetics"
W. Schraeder, J. T. Andersson, J. Pharm. Sci., 90, 1948-1954 (2001)

"Microwave-assisted extraction of polycyclic aromatic compounds from coal"
M. Kerst, J. T. Andersson, Fresen. J. Anal. Chem., 370, 970-972 (2001)

"Determination of alkylphenols after derivatization to ferrocenecarboxylic acid esters with gas chromatography-atomic emission detection"
J. Rolfes, J. T. Andersson, Anal. Chem., 73, 3073-3082 (2001)

"Synthesis of seven Trimethyldibenzothiophenes"
J. T. Andersson, W. Schräder, F. Traulsen and S. Werlich, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 18, 351-360 (2001)

"Separation Methods in the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles"
J. T. Andersson, in "Handbook of Analytical Separations, Environmental Analysis", (W. Kleiböhmer, Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2001)

"Emission of pollutants from biomass and coal combustion in low power output heating applicances"
K. Kubica, A. Williams, A. Ross, J. Andersson, P. Denihelka, The 7th Polish-danish Workshop on Biomass for Energy, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 2000, p. 79-86

J. T. Andersson, im Lehrbuch "Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie" (K. Cammann, Herausg.), Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000

"Isolation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in crude oil by normal-phase column chromatography with a color indicator"
M. Kerst, M. Platthaus and J. T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 19, 209-216 (2000)

"Pyrolysis of polychloroprene rubber in a fluidised-bed reactor-product composition with focus on chlorinated aromatic compounds"
W. Kaminsky, C. Mennerich, J. T. Andersson and S. Goetting, Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 71, 39-51 (2000)

"Prediction of gas chromatographic retention indices of polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes on non-polar columns"
K. Sielex and J. T. Andersson, J. Chromatogr, 866, 105-120 (2000)

"Der Abbau von schwefelhaltigen Erdölkomponenten in der Umwelt"
J.T. Andersson, Neue Wege in der Umweltforschung - Natur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften im Dialog, A. Hülster, K. Kraemer, M. Lange (Eds.), Zentrum für Umweltforschung der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, 1999, p. 79-90

"Dibenzothiophene in crude oils: Products from the photochemical degradation"
S. Bobinger, F. Traulsen and J. T. Andersson, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 14, 253-263 (1999)

"A Method for Measuring 1-Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients"
J. T. Andersson and W. Schräder, Anal. Chem., 71, 3610-3614 (1999)

"Characterization of some functionalized RP-HPLC phases by the use of linear solvation energy relationships"
S. Werlich and J. T. Andersson, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 364, 3-14 (1999)

"Acidic and non-acidic products from the photo-oxidation of the crude oil component dibenzothiophene dissolved in seawater"
F. Traulsen, J. T. Andersson, M. G. Erhardt, Anal. Chim. Acta, 392, 19-28 (1999)

"Synthesis of Cl2 - and Cl4-diphenylsulfides and Cl1- and Cl 3-dibenzothiophenes"
K. Sielex and J. T. Andersson, Chemosphere, 38, 3529-3539 (1999)

"Determination of Organic Lead by Hydride Generation-Inductively Coupled Plasma in Environmental Samples"
H. Elfering, J. T. Andersson and K. G. Poll, Analyst, 123, 661-674 (1998)

"Degradation of the petroleum components monomethylbenzothiophenes on exposure to light"
S. Bobinger and J. T. Andersson, Chemosphere, 36, 2569-2579 (1998)

"Biotransformations of Three Dimethyldibenzothiophenes by Pure and Mixed Bacterial Cultures"
K.G. Kropp, J.T. Andersson, P.M. Fedorak, Environmental Science and Technology, 31(5), 1547-1554 (1997)

"Bacterial Transformations of Naphthothiophenes"
K. G. Kropp, J. T. Andersson and P. M. Fedorak, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 63, 3463-3473 (1997)

"Critical Examination of the Quantification of Aromatic Compounds in Three Standard Reference Materials"
J. T. Andersson and B. Schmid, Anal. Chem.,69, 3476-3481 (1997)

"Separation of polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes from polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and -furans"
K. Sielex and J. T. Andersson, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 359, 261-266 (1997)

"Bacterial Transformations of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrodibenzothiophene and Dibenzothiophene"
K. G. Kropp, J. T. Andersson and P. M. Fedorak, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 63, 3032-3042 (1997)

"Schwefelselektive Detektion von aromatischen Schwefelheterocyclen"
J. Rolfes and J. T. Andersson, GIT, Nr. 1, (1997), 16-22

"How to Freely Change the Polarity of the Stationary Phase in a Liquid Chromatographic Column"
J. T. Andersson and Günter Kaiser, Anal. Chem., 69, 636-642 (1997)

"Determination of Trace Amounts of Alcohols and Phenols in Complex Mixtures as Ferrocenecarboxylic Acid Esters with Gas Chromatography - Atomic Emission Detection (GC - AED)"
J. Rolfes and J. T. Andersson, Analytical Communications, 33, 429-432 (1996)

"Photochemical Degradation of Crude Oil Components: 2-Methyl-, 3-Methyl-and 2,3-Dimethylbenzothiophene"
J. T. Andersson and S. Bobinger, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 11, 145-151 (1996)

"Transformations of Six Isomers of Dimethylbenzothiophene by Three Pseudomonas Strains"
K. G. Kropp, S. Saftic, J. T. Andersson and P. M. Fedorak, Biodegradation, 7, 203-221 (1996)

"Dimethylbenzothiophenes and Methyldibenzothiophenes in Crude Oils from different Sources"
J. T. Andersson and K. Sielex, J. High Resolut. Chromatogr., 19, 49-53 (1996)

"Polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles. IV. Determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds in a shale oil with the atomic emission detector"
J. T. Andersson and B. Schmid, J. Chromatogr. A, 693 , 325-338 (1995)

"Bacterial Oxidation of Organosulfur Compounds Found in Petroleum" 
P.M. Fedorak, K.G. Kropp, T.M. Peakman und J.T. Andersson, in Environmental Issues and Solutions in Petroleum Exploration, Production and Refining, K. L. Sublette, T.M. Harris und F.S. Manning (Eds.), PennWell Books, Houston, 1994, p. 625-634

"Microbially Mediated Formation of Benzonaphthothiophenes from Benzo[b]thiophenes"
K. G. Kropp, J. Goncalves, J. T. Andersson and P. M. Fedorak, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 60 , 3624-3631 (1994)

"An advantageous reagent for the removal of elemental sulfur from environmental samples"
J. T. Andersson and U. Holwitt, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 350, 474-480 (1994)

"Bacterial Transformations of Benzothiophene and Methylbenzothiophene"
K. G. Kropp, J. A. Goncalves, J. T. Andersson und P. M. Fedorak, Environ. Sci. Technol., 28, 1348-1356 (1994)

"Gas chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds with fluorinated analogues as internal standards"
J. T. Andersson und U. Weis, J. Chromatogr. A, 659, 151-161 (1994)

"Bacterial Oxidation of Organosulfur Compounds Found in Petroleum"
P.M. Fedorak, K.G. Kropp, T.M. Peakman und J.T. Andersson, Environmental Issues and Solutions in Petroleum Exploration, Production and Refining, K. L. Sublette, T.M. Harris und F.S. Manning (Eds.), PennWell Books, Houston, 1994, p. 625-634

"Fluorinated Internal Standards for the Quantitation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in a Chimney Ash Sample"
J. T. Andersson und U. Weis, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, P. Garrigues, M. Lamotte (Eds.), Gordon & Breach, New York, 1993, p. 85-91

"Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles. III. Photochemical Stability of the Potential Oil Pollution Markers Phenanthrenes and Dibenzothiophenes"
J. T. Andersson, Chemosphere, 27 , 2097-2102 (1993)

"Transformations of Methyldibenzothiophenes by Three Pseudomonas Isolates"
S. Saftic, P. M. Fedorak und J. T. Andersson, Environ. Sci. Technol., 27, 2577-2584 (1993)

"The atomic emission detector in gas chromatographic trace analysis. Some studies on the performance and applications"
J. T. Andersson und B. Schmid, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 346, 403-409 (1993)

"Diones, Sulfoxides, and Sulfones from the Aerobic Cometabolism of Methylbenzothiophenes by Pseudomonas Strain BT1"
S. Saftic, P. M. Fedorak und J. T. Andersson, Environ. Sci. Technol., 26, 1759-1764 (1992)

"Sorbents for liquid chromatography based on the footprint principle"
G. Kaiser and J. T. Andersson, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 342, 834-838 (1992)

"Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles. II. Photochemical Oxidation of Benzo[b]thiophene in Aqueous Solution"
J. T. Andersson und S. Bobinger, Chemosphere, 24, 383-389 (1992)

"Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles. I. Use of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation for the Group Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their Sulfur Analogs"
J. T. Andersson, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 48, 1-15 (1992)

"Decomposition of two methylbenzothiophene sulphoxides in a commercial gas chromatography injection port liner"
P. M. Fedorak und J. T. Andersson, J. Chromatogr., 591 , 362-366 (1992)

"Determination of Maturity Indicators in Alkylated Aromatic Series by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS)"
H. Budzinski, P. Garrigues, J. Connan, J. Andersson, J. Bellocq, Organic Geochemistry. Advances and applications in the natural environment, D.A.C. Manning (Ed.), Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 1991, p. 619-623

"Comments on the Note "Liquid Chromatographic determination of planar aromatic sulphur compounds in crude oil"
J. T. Andersson, J. Chromatogr., 585 , 376-377 (1991)

"Quantifizierung eines PCDD/PCDF Standards mit einem Atomemissionsdetektor"
B. Schmid, J.T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, GIT Fachz. Lab. 34 , 1452-1454 (1990)

"Elution order in liquid chromatography on cyclodextrin phases. Dependence on the amount of organic modifier in the eluent"
J. T. Andersson und G. Kaiser, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 334, 749-751 (1989)

"Sulfur selective detection in gas chromatography with a microwave-induced plasma detector"
B. Schmid, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 333, 765-766 (1989)

"Separations on a mercuric-acetate-substituted phenylsilica phase in normal-phase liquid chromatography"
J. T. Andersson, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 326, 425-433 (1987)

"Retention Properties of a Palladium Chloride/Silica Sorbent for the Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles"
J. T. Andersson , Anal. Chem., 59, 2207-2209 (1987)

"Ligand-exchange chromatography of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles on silica gel modified with silver nitrate or palladium chloride"
J. T. Andersson, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 327, 38 (1987)

"Chemical Degradation of Xenobiotics. III. Simulation of the Biotic Transformation of 2-Nitrophenol and 3-Nitrophenol"
J.T. Andersson, R. Häussler und K. Ballschmiter, Chemosphere, 15, 148-152 (1986)

"Chemical Degradation of Xenobiotics. II. Simulation of the Biotic Transformation of Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and Dioctylphthalate by Abiotic Means"
J. Brodsky, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, Chemosphere, 15, 139-147 (1986)

"Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices for All C1- and C2-Alkylated Benzothiophenes and their Dioxides on Three Different Stationary Phases"
J. T. Andersson, J. Chromatogr., 354, 83-98 (1986)

"Flüssig-chromatographische Trennungen an einer Phenyl-Quecksilber-Acetat-substituierten Kieselgelphase"
J. T. Andersson, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 320 , 695 (1985)

"Stability of Dibenzothiophene Oxides under Gas Chromatographic Conditions"
J. T. Andersson, J. High Resolut. Chrom. Chrom. Commun., 7, 334-335 (1984)

"Stereochemistry of Organic Electrode Processes"
J. T. Andersson und J. H. Stocker, Electroorganic Chemistry, M.M. Baizer und H. Lund (Eds.), 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983, p. 903-944

"Oxidative Coupling"
J. T. Andersson und J. H. Stocker, Electroorganic Chemistry, M.M. Baizer und H. Lund (Eds.), 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983, p. 691-726

"Reactive Organic Functional Groups Covalently Bound on Polymeric Supports and Solid Phases"
S. Mazur, P. Jayalekshmy, J. T. Andersson und T. Matusinovic, in "Chemically Modified Surfaces in Catalysis and Electrocatalysis", Joel S. Miller (Ed.), American Chemical Society, , Washington, D.C., 1982, p. 43-63

"Increased Sensitivity and Reproducibility Through Signal Averaging in Ranges Near an Instrumental Limit of Detection"
K. Camman und J. T. Andersson, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 310, 45-50 (1982)

"Electrochemical Reduction of Bis(alpha-bromocyclopropyl) Ketone"
A. J. Fry and J. T. Andersson, J. Org. Chem., 46, 1490-1492 (1981)

"Electrohydrocyclodimerization of Dimethyl Benezene-1,2-diacrylate; Correction of the Structure of the Hydrodimer"
J. Andersson, L. Eberson und C. Svensson, Acta Chem. Scand., 32B, 234 (1978)

"On the Preparation of Dibenzylidenesuccinic Acid by the Stobbe Condensation"
J. Andersson, Acta Chem. Scand., 31B, 340-341 (1977)

"Cathodic Reduction of Derivatives of Dibenzylidenesuccinic Acid; Attempted Electrohydrocyclization of Conjugated Systems"
J. Andersson and L. Eberson, Nouv. J. Chim., 1, 413-418 (1977)

"Electrohydrocyclisation of dimethyl benzene-1,2-diacrylate"
J. Andersson und L. Eberson, Chem. Commun., 565-566 (1976)



"Separation of Non-Thiophenic and Thiophenic Sulfur Compounds in High Boiling Petroleum Cuts"
Isabelle Möller, Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Petrophase 2013, Rueil-Malmaison, France, 09.06. - 13.06.2013

"Einfluss fossiler und biogener Komponenten auf die Stabilität von Heizöl-Blends"
Stefanie Kerkering, Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon, Essen, 04.03. - 07.03.2013

"Gruppentrennung zur Analyse von organischen Stickstoffverbindungen in Erdöl durch metall-modifizierte HPLC-Phasen"
A. Gole, Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon 2013, Essen, 04.03. - 07.03.2013

"Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Certified Reference Materials - taking a closer look with ultra high resolution mass spectrometry"
J. Spenner and Jan T. Andersson, Anakon 2013, Essen, 04.03. - 07.03.2013

"Separation of Non-Thiophenic and Thiophenic Sulfur Compounds in High Boiling Petroleum Cuts"
Isabelle Möller, Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon 2013, Essen, 04.03. - 07.03.2013

"Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Certified Reference Materials - taking a closer look with ultra high resolution mass spectrometry"
J. Spenner and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISPAC23, Münster, 04.09. - 08.09.2011

"Separation of Nitrogen Containing Aromatic Compounds in Crude Oil by Metal-Modified Stationary HPLC-Phases"
A. Gole and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISPAC23, Münster, 04.09. - 08.09.2011

"Products from the Oxidation of Biodiesel Blends" S.Hildebrandt, H. Luftmann and J. T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon 2011 in Zürich (CH), 22.03-25.03.2011

"Chromatographic Methods for the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles"
M. Nocun and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ANAKON 2011, Zürich, 22.03. - 25.03.2011

"Products from the Oxidation of Biodiesel Blends"
S.Hildebrandt, H. Luftmann and J. T. Andersson, Poster at Pittcon 2011 in Atlanta (USA), 11.03-15.03.2011

"Argentation Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds"
M. Nocun and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ANAKON 2009, Berlin, 17.03. - 20.03.2009

"Capillary Electrophoretic Separation of Derivatized Polyaromatic Sulfur Heterocycles in Diesel Fuels" 
T. Nolte and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ANAKON 2009, Berlin, 17.03. - 20.03.2009

"Capillary Electrophoretic Separation of Polyaromatic Sulfur Heterocycles"
  T. Nolte and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISC 2008, Münster, 21.09. - 25.09.2008

"Chemical Transformation for Structural Elucidation of Large Organic Compounds" 
M. Ulman and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISC 2008, Münster, 21.09. - 25.09.2008

"LEC for the investigation of sulphur compounds in crude oil and its distillates" 
A. Japes and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISC 2008, Münster, 21.09. - 25.09.2008

"Capillary Electrophoretic Separation of Polyaromatic Sulfur Heterocycles" 
T. Nolte and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISC 2008, Münster, 21.09. - 25.09.2008

"The Class of Hexahydrodibenzothiophenes - Isolation using Heat-activated Silver Mercaptopropylsilica" 
M. Penassa and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISC 2008, Münster, 21.09. - 25.09.2008

"Speciation of alkylphenols after labeling with ferrocene" 
N. Kolbe and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at TraceSpec 2007, Münster, 04.09. - 07.09.2007

"Analysis of phenols in fossil material as esters of ferrocenecarboxylic acid" 
N. Kolbe and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at ISPAC 2007, Trondheim, Norway, 06.08. - 10.08.2007

"Ferrocenmarkierung als vielseitige Derivatisierungsmethode für Phenole zur GC-AED- und GC-MS-Analyse" 
N. Kolbe and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon 2007, Jena, 27.03. - 30.03.2007

"Untersuchung von alkylierten Phenolen in Öl mittels GC-ICP-MS" 
N. Kolbe and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Anakon 2007, Jena, 27.03. - 30.03.2007

"Ferrocen labeling as versatile derivatization for phenols in foodstuff followed by analysis with GC-AED or GC-MS" 
N. Kolbe and Jan T. Andersson, Poster at Pittcon 2007, Chicago, USA, 25.02. - 01.03.2007

"Does the desulfurization of fuel lower the atmospheric pollution with aromatic sulphur compounds and phenols?" 
B. Roberz and J. T. Andersson, Poster at the 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary, August 27-31, 2006:

"Speciation of alkylated dibenzothiophenes in a deeply desulfurized diesel fuel" , T. Schade und J. T. Andersson, Poster at 227th ACS National Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 28.08.2005 - 01.09.2005

"Speciation of alkylated dibenzothiophenes in a deeply desulfurized diesel fuel" , T. Schade und J. T. Andersson, Poster at 20th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC), Toronto, Canada, 21.-26. August 2005

"Pattern of sulfur aromatics in vacuum gas oils of different boiling ranges" , S. K. Panda, W. Schrader und J. T. Andersson, Poster at ANAKON 2005, Regensburg, Germany, 15.-18. March 2005

"Polyalkylated Dibenzothiophenes. Synthesis and occurrence in deep desulfurized diesel fuel" , T. Schade und J. T. Andersson, Poster at 19th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21.-25. September 2003

"Ferrocencarbonsaeurechlorid (FCC): Ein leistungsfaehiges Derivatisierungsreagenz fuer GC-AED und GC-MS", F. A. H. Wasinski und J. T. Andersson, ANAKON 2003, Konstanz,  2.-5. April 2003

"Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung von polycyclischen aromatischen Schwefelverbindungen in Straßenluft", B. Roberz und J. T. Andersson, ANAKON 2003, Konstanz, 2.-5. April 2003

"Bestimmung der polycyclischen aromatischen Schwefelheterocyclen in kommerziellen Dieselölen nach Isolierung an einer neuartigen stationären Phase", T. Schade und J. T. Andersson, ANAKON 2003, Konstanz, 2.-5. April 2003

"Gelpermeationschromatographie von Schwefelverbindungen aus dem Vakuumrückstand eines Öls", H. Mueller und J. T. Andersson, ANAKON 2003, Konstanz, 2.-5. April 2003

"Isolation of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles by ligand exchange chromatography ", T. Schade and J. T. Andersson, EuroAnalysis-12. 50th Anniversary of ISAS, Dortmund,  11. September 2002

"Ferrocenecarboxylic Acid Chloride (FCC): A Powerfull Derivatisation Reagent for GC-AED and GC-MS", F. A. H. Wasinski and J. T. Andersson, EuroAnalysis-12. 50th Anniversary of ISAS, Dortmund, 11. September 2002

"Isolation of polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles from crude oils and diesel fuels via ligand exchange chromatography", T. Schade and J. T. Andersson, International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC) 2001, Cincinnati, September 2001

"New method for measuring 1-Octanol/water partition coefficients", W. Schräder and J. T. Andersson, Pittsburgh Conference 2000, New Orleans, March 2000

"Isolation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in crude oil by normal-phase column chromatography with a color indicator", M. Kerst, M. Platthaus and Jan T. Andersson, International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC) 1999, Bordeaux, October 1999

quot;Determination of Alkylphenols in Crude Oils", J. Rolfes, J. T. Andersson, International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 1999, Istanbul, September 1999

"Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des n-Oktanol-Wasser- Verteilungskoeffizienten (kOW) ", W. Schräder und J. T. Andersson, Anakon99, Konstanz, April 1999

"Neue Festphasenextraktionsmaterialien für die Extraktion polarer Analyten aus Wasser - ihre Synthese und ihr Extraktionsverhalten", S. Werlich und J. T. Andersson, Anakon99, Konstanz, April 1999

"Verbesserung und Anwendungen von HPLC-Phasen mit variabler Polarität", F. Michel und J. T. Andersson, Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Chromatographie, Karlsruhe, Okt. 1998

Untersuchungen des Verhaltens chlorhaltiger Polymere bei der thermischen Zersetzung", J. T. Andersson und S. Götting, Umwelt und Chemie, Karlsruhe, Okt. 1998

"Linear Solvation Energy Relationships: Möglichkeit zur gezielten Synthese von RP-Flüssig- Chromatographie-Phasen?", S. Werlich und Jan T. Andersson, Umwelt und Chemie, Karlsruhe, Okt. 1998

"Determination of trace amounts of alcohols and phenols in crude oils as ferrocenecarboxylic acid esers with gas chromatography-atomic emission detection (GC-AED)", J. Rolfes und J. T. Andersson, Organic Geochemistry, Maastricht, Oct. 1997

"Das "Oxidationsrohr" - eine Methode zur schonenden Oxidation/Reduktion von HPLC-Phasen mit variabler Polarität", F. Michel und J. T. Andersson, Anakon97, Konstanz, April 1997

"Polychlorierte Dibenozothiophene bei der Pyrolyse von großtechnischen Gummiabfällen", J.T. Andersson, S. Götting und K. Sielex, Umwelt und Chemie, Ulm, Okt. 1996

"Simulation des photochemischen Abbaus von Dibenzothiophenen unter Umweltbedingungen" F. Traulsen, S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, Umwelt und Chemie, Ulm, Okt. 1996

"Rapid Analysis of Organolead Compounds in Environmental Samples", H. Elfering, J. Bettmer, J. T. Andersson und K. G. Poll, 4 th Soil and sediment contaminant workshop, Lausanne, Sept. 1996

"Determination of alcohols as ferrocenecarboxylic acid esters with gas chromatography-atomic emission detector (GC-AED)", J. Rolfes und J. T. Andersson, 21 st International Symposium on Chromatography, Stuttgart, Sept. 1996

"Stationary phases with variable polarity in HPLC: Improving the hydrolytic stability", F. Michel and J. T. Andersson, 21 st International Symposium on Chromatography, Stuttgart, Sept. 1996

"Microbial Degradation of Petroleum Polycyclic Sulfur Aromatics in Soil", J. T. Andersson and F. Traulsen, P. M. Fedorak, K. Kroff, Analytica ´96, Muenchen, April 1996

"Photodegradation of Methylbenzo[b]thiophenes in Aqueous Solution", S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, 15th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Belgirate, 1995

"Stationary phases for RP-HPLC with Freely Tunable Polarity", J. T. Andersson und G. Kaiser, 19th International Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography and related Techniques, Innsbruck, 1995

"Bestimmung von Alkoholen als Ferrocencarbonsäureestern mit dem Atomemissionsdetektor (GC-AED)", J. Rolfes und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´95, Schliersee, 1995

"Die Ölkatastrophe am Golf. Untersuchungen zum Erdölabbau",U. Holwitt und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´95, Schliersee, 1995

"Photochemischer Abbau methylierter Benzo[b]thiophene in wäßriger Lösung. Strukturabhängigkeit", S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´95, Schliersee, 1995

"Reactions of Alkylated Benzothiophenes in Photochemical and Microbiological Simulation of Oil Degradation", J. T. Andersson, S. Bobinger, P.M. Fedorak, K. G. Kropp und S. Saftic, 16th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur, Merseburg, 1994

"Synthesis of Stationary HPLC-Phases with Variable Polarity", G. Kaiser und J. T. Andersson, 17th International Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography, Hamburg, 1993

"Schwefelentfernung mit polymerem Triphenylphosphin", U. Holwitt und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´93, Baden-Baden, 1993

"Photochemischer Abbau methylierter Benzo[b]thiophene", S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´93, Baden-Baden, 1993

"Photochemischer Abbau von Benzo[b]thiophen in wässriger Lösung", S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, Umweltforum, Neuherberg, 1991

"Fluorinated Aromatics as Internal Standards for the Quantitation of Polycylic Aromatic Compounds", J. T. Andersson und U. Weis, 13th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Bordeaux, 1991

"Determination of Maturity Indicators in Alkylated Aromatic Series by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry", H. Budzinski, P. Garrigues, J. Connan. M.L. Lee, J. Andersson und J. Bellocq, Organic Geochemistry, 15th International Meeting, Manchester, 1991

"Photochemischer Abbau von Benzo[b]thiophen. Eine Simulation natürlicher Abbauvorgänge", S. Bobinger und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´91, Baden-Baden, 1991

"Quantifizierung von PASH (polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles) in komplexen Matrices unter Anwendung eines Atomemissionsdetektors", B. Schmid, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, Anakon ´91, Baden-Baden, 1991

"Chromatographie auf der Grundlage des Footprint-Prinzips", G. Kaiser und J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´91, Baden-Baden, 1991

"Fluorinated Compounds as Standards in the Gas Chromatographic Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds", U. Weis und J. T. Andersson, 13th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Bordeaux, 1991

"Sulfur Selective Detection in Gas Chromatography with an Atomic Emission Detector Based on Excitation in a Microwave Induced Helium Plasma", B. Schmid, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, 18th International Symposium on Chromatography, Amsterdam, 1990

"Determination of Maturity/Origin Indicators in Alkylated Aromatic Series by GC-MS", H. Budzinski, P. Garrigues, J. Connan, J. Andersson und J. Bellocq, 8th National Meeting of Mass Spectrometry, Nice, 1990

"An Atomic Emission Detector (AED) for Element Selective Detection in Gas Chromatography", B. Schmid, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, 20th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Strassburg, 1990

"Liquid Chromatographic Separation of the Aromatic Fraction of Crude Oils on Electron Donor-Acceptor Phases", J. T. Andersson, 12th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Gaithersburg, USA, 1989

"Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles in Petroleum Crudes", J. T. Andersson, 11th International Symposium on Microchemical Techniques, Wiesbaden, 1989

"Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles in Petroleum and Combustion Residues", J. T. Andersson, 7th Danube Symposium, Leipzig, 1989

"Schwefelselektive Detektion in der Gaschromatographie mit einem mikrowelleninduzierten Plasmadetektor", B. Schmid, J. T. Andersson und K. Ballschmiter, Anakon ´89, Baden-Baden, 1989

"Dithieno Aromatics in a Shale Oil", B. Schmid und J. T. Andersson, 17th International Symposium on Chromatography, Wien, 1988

"Isomer Distribution of Alkylated Benzothiophenes and Dibenzothiophenes in Petroleum Products", J. T. Andersson, 11th International Symposium on Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Gaithersburg, USA, 1987

"Ligand-Exchange Chromatography of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles on Silica Gel Modified with Silver Nitrate or Palladium Chloride", J. T. Andersson, Anakon ´87, Baden-Baden, 1987

"Gas-chromatographic Determination of the Methyldibenzothiophene Isomers", J. T. Andersson, 16th International Symposium on Chromatography, Paris, 1986

"Flüssig-chromatographische Trennungen an einer Phenyl-Quecksilber-Acetat-substituierten Kieselgelphase", J. Andersson, Anakon ´85, Baden-Baden, 1985

"Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Alkylated Benzothiophenes", J. Andersson, 15th International Symposium on Chromatography, Nürnberg, 1984


"Entwicklung einer optimierten Atomemissionsdetektion von metallhaltigen Verbindungen für die gaschromatographische Analyse von Phenolen"
W. Weber, Münster 2013

"Entwicklung neuer Materialien zur chromatographischen Klassentrennung aromatischer Stickstoffverbindungen in fossilen Brennstoffen"
A. Gole, Münster 2013

"Oxidationsverhalten von Biodieselblends - Analyse der Einflussfaktoren"
S. Brocksieper, Münster 2012

"Chromatographische und massenspektrometrische Methoden für die Untersuchung von polycyclischen aromatischen Schwefelheterocyclen in Rohölen"
M. Nocun, Münster 2012

"Capillary Electrophoretic Methods for the Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles from Fossil Fuels"
T. Nolte, Münster 2011

"Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur Analytik von Polyvinylalkoholen aus polyvinylacetatbasierten Polymerdispersionen"
C. Sill, Münster 2009

"Development of separation methods and chemical transformations for structural elucidation of large organic compounds in petroleum fractions"
M. Ulman, Münster 2008

"The class of hexahydrodibenzothiophenes in petroleum distillates"
M. Penassa, Münster 2008

"Untersuchungen schwer entschwefelbarer Verbindungen aus Erdöl und seinen Fraktionen"
A. Japes, Münster 2008

"Analysis of Phenols in Complex Matrices after Derivatisation to Ferrocene Esters" 
N. Kolbe, Münster 2008

"Degradation of crude oil in the environment: Toxicity arising through photochemical oxidation in the aqueous phase" 
E. Fathalla, Münster 2007

"Liquid Chromatography and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Speciation of High Molecular Weight Sulfur Aromatics in Fossil Fuels" 
P. Saroj, Münster 2006

"Metal Ion Containing Liquid Chromatographic Stationary Phases For The Analysis Of Polycyclic Aromatic Sulfur Heterocycles In Fossil Fuels"
K. Sripada, Münster 2005

"Bestimmung polycyclischer aromatischer Schwefelheterocyclen aus der Verbrennung von Kraftstoffen - Ermittlung von Mustern und Quellen in verkehrsbelasteten Gebieten"
B. Roberz, Münster 2005

"Characterization of High Molecular Weight Sulfur Aromatic Compounds in Vacuum Residues"
H. Müller, Münster 2004

"Analytik von alkylierten Dibenzothiophenen in tiefentschwefelten Dieselölen"
T. Schade, Münster 2004

"Ferrocencarbonsäurechlorid als hochselektives Derivatisierungsmittel für Hydroxyverbindungen zur Analyse mittels Gaschromatographie mit Atomemissions- und massenselektivem Detektor (GC-AED und -MSD)"
F.A.H. Wasinski, Münster 2004

"Der photochemische Abbau von mehrkernigen aromatischen Schwefelheterocyclen als Abbaumechanismus bei Ölspills in der Umwelt"
S. Bobinger, Münster 2001

"Entwicklung einer direkten Methode zur Messung des 1-Oktanol/Wasser- Verteilungskoeffizienten", W. Schräder, Münster 2001

"Verringerung der Schadstoffemissionen durch gemeinsame Verbrennung von Kohle und Biomasse - Bestimmung von polycyclischen aromatischen Verbindungen und Alkylphenolen", M. Kerst, Münster 2001

"Charakterisierung flüssigchromatographischer Phasen mit variabler Polarität", F. Michel, Münster 2001

"Festphasenmaterialien für die Analytik polarer organischer Analyten - Entwicklung und Charakterisierung mittels Linear Free-Energy Relationships (LFERs)", S. Werlich, Münster 2000

"Untersuchungen zur Pyrolyse technischer Polymere", S. Götting, Münster 2000

"Analytik von polychlorierten Dibenzothiophenen", K. Sielex, Münster 2000

"Bestimmung von Alkylphenolen in Rohölen - Ferrocencarbonsäureester als Derivate für die Gaschromatographie mit Atomemissionsdetektion (GC-AED)", J. Rolfes, Münster 2000

"Flüssigchromatographische Bestimmung von Epoxiden mit Hilfe von Derivatisierungsreagenzien", A. Depenbrock, Münster 1999

"Der photochemische Abbau des Dibenzothiophens und seiner alkylierten Derivate in der Folge von Öleinträgen in die Meere", F. Traulsen, Münster 1999

"Entwicklung analytischer Verfahren zur Bestimmung der toxisch relevanten Tetra-, Tri- und Dialkylverbindungen aus Wasser und Boden", H. Elfering, Münster 1998

"Erdölabbau am Persischen Golf nach der Ölpest von 1991", U. Holwitt, Münster 1997

"Entwicklung von automatisierten Analyseverfahren zur Bestimmung der Herbizide Atrazin, Simazin Terbutylazin, Chlortoluron, Isoproturon und Metabenzthiazuron sowie der Hauptabbauprodukte", U. Gerwiner, Münster 1996

"Fluorierte Analoga als interne Standards für die gaschromatographische Bestimmung von polycyclischen aromatischen Verbindungen", U. Weis, Ulm 1994

"Entwicklung flüssig-chromatographischer stationärer Phasen mit variabler Polarität", G. Kaiser, Ulm 1994

"Atomemissionsdetektoren auf der Basis mikrowelleninduzierter Plasmen zur Spurenanalyse organischer Verbindungen", B. Schmid, Ulm 1991


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