Research Software Engineering (RSE)

From winter semester 2024/25, the CMTC will offer a flipped classroom course on Research Software Engineering (RSE) for its member groups.

The course is based on the eScience Center RSE internal training curriculum of the Netherlands eScience Center (, which was founded in 2012 as an independent unit to promote the development of innovative software solutions in academic research as a national center in the Netherlands. To this end, scientists are regularly professionalized there in the field of RSE in order to then work as technology specialists at the eScience Center.

For the doctoral students and postdocs of the CMTC, the course offered on the basis of the eScience Center materials has the advantage that, on the one hand, a guiding thread is provided for the exploration of the complex subject area of RSE, and on the other hand, a level of competence can be achieved and certified that has already proven itself in a professional context.

The template material consists of 4 modules, with 3-7 units of approximately 4 hours (see below for details). In winter semester 24/25, selected units will be worked on. The selection is made with a view to the training needs in the CTMC context and in consultation with the participants.

The units of the course must be completed in self-study; participants must also prepare one of the flipped classroom sessions (possibly in small groups, depending on the number of participants). Joint meetings of approx. 2 hours in length take place every 1-2 weeks by arrangement. A certificate will be issued for active participation in all sessions.

If you are interested, please contact the coordinator of the CMTC, Dr. Martin Korth, via mail: (Members of the CMTC groups do not have to get in contact via mail, but can register directly in the Learnweb course with the key that was sent via the CMTC list).

Link to the Learnweb course:


eScience Center RSE internal training curriculum:

Module 1: introduction to computer science and software engineering
Unit 1: Research software
Unit 2: Programming paradigms
Unit 3: Data structures and algorithm complexity
Unit 4: Software architecture design
Unit 5: Performance optimization and parallelization
Unit 6: API-design
Unit 7: Data processing and data storage

Module 2: Code Quality & Documentation
Unit 1: Modularity
Unit 2: Software testing
Unit 3: Readability and code formatting
Unit 4: Notebooks & literate programming

Module 3: Collaborative Development
Unit 1: GitHub the basics
Unit 2: collaboration using GitHub
Unit 3: Code review

Module 4: Open-Source Software (OSS)
Unit 1: Using OSS libraries
Unit 2: Human aspects of Software Engineering
Unit 3: Open Science and Reproducible Research
Unit 4: contributing to Open Source software
Unit 5: Licensing