Atölye Çalışmaları

Sayfamızın Güncel/Haberler ve Haber Arşivi bölümlerinde kaydı yapılmamış, geçmiş atölye çalışmalarına ilişkin bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Atölye çalışmalarının afişlerine Medya bölümünde yer alan Fotoğraflar kısmındn ulaşabilirsiniz.

CMO Workshop Series: Cataloging, Editing, and Performing Ottoman Music

Workshop 1: Archives and Catalogues of Written Music and Sound Recordings


The first workshop of the series hosts a concert organized by Istanbul Technical University for the sake of showing the connection between historical music sources, and performance through edition. The late 19th-early 20th century music manuscripts written in Hampartsum notation from İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi, which are cataloged and edited as part of Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae project, were selected in formulating the concert repertory. For vocal examples, pieces in different genres in makam Evc were selected from NE204, the music edition of which is made by Ersin Mıhçı and the text edition by Dr. Malek Sharif. For instrumental examples, pieces in different genres in makam Bûselik aşîrân were selected from manuscripts NE205 and NE207, both edited by Dr. Salah Eddin Maraqa.


1. CMO_NE204, p. 086

Evc Beste "Şeydâ ter eyledi beni hûykerde gerdenin"
Usul: Muhammes
Composer: Bekir Ağa (1685?-1759) GND: 1116745593

2. CMO_NE204, p. 087

Evc Semâî "Sabr eyleyemem ol güle cânım demedikce"
Usul: Aksak Semâî
Composer: Tanbûrî Osmân Ağa (?-1805?) GND: 1118857690

3. CMO_NE204, p. 088

Evc Nakış Semâî "Güncî ve kitâbî ve harîfi dü se yek renk"
Usul: Yürük Semâî
Composer: Abdülkâdir Merâgî (1353-1435?) GND: 118969323

4. CMO_NE205, p. 028

Bûselik Aşîrân Peşrev
Usul: Sakîl
Composer: Tanbûrî İsak (1745-1814) GND: 1020335246

5. CMO_NE207, p. 39

Bûselik Aşîrân Sâz Semâîsi
Usul: Aksak Semâî-Sengîn Semâî
Composer: Neyzen Râşid Efendi (1820?-1892?) GND: 1120714850


Ayşegül Kostak Toksoy

Born in İstanbul, she trained in kanun playing in ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music from 1988 to 1994. She completed her undergraduate degree in composition in 1998. Between 1998-2002, she received two MA degrees simultaneously in Turkish Art Music and Composition. She received her performance PhD in 2006. She is an associate professor at ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music and teaches courses on kanun, theory, and performance. Her compositions were performed nationally and internationally. Besides her domestic performances, she performed solo and participated in festivals and symposia in Russia, Sweden, Germany, Syria, Hungary, Macedonia, Switzerland, and China. She founded the ensemble “Aşknâme” as a kanun player, solo singer, and composer.

Ersin Çelik

Born in Istanbul in 1975, he started his undergraduate studies in ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music in 1993. After graduation, he managed a music school for 11 years. He taught courses on oud, singing, and repertory. He performed for 10 years in Bezmârâ, an ensemble specialized in 17th century music, in national and international platforms. He worked as an instructor in ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music and IU Center for Ottoman Research. He joined the national broadcast channel as a senior artist in 2015. He works as a vocalist in TRT Istanbul Radio.

Hatice Doğan Sevinç

Born in Istanbul, she started her undergraduate education in ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music in 1991 in classical kemençe. She studied with Ahmet Kadri Rizeli and İhsan Özgen, graduating in 2001. She received her MA from Haliç University in 2004-2005 and her performance PhD in 2012. She worked in Haliç University as an instructor for 3-stringed classical kemençe from 2005 to 2009. She performed in Cemal Reşit Rey Turkish Music Ensemble from 2005 to 2010 and she released an album titled “Dönüş Yolu” in 2011. She has another album with Lale Women Ensemble titled “Dilhayat Kalfa,” released by Kalan in 2017. Besides numerous concerts nationally and internationally with a variety of ensembles and orchestras, she performed in the premiere of Münir Nurettin Beken’s dual concerto with “Cameristi della Scala” orchestra in 2017. In 2018, she published her book named “Üç Telli Klasik Kemençe İçin Tek Tel Üzerinde Parmak Alıştırmaları.” She became an associate professor in ITU State Conservatory of Turkish Music in 2018.

Bilgilendirici Konser: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kentsel Sanat Müziği (Video/Ses kayıtları)

Münster, 30.08.2017

1. Segâh son peşrev „Cân kurtaran” and Segâh son yürük semâî (Anon.)
Source: Ms. TR-Iütae 107 (Istanbul University – Research Institute of Turkology)
Download MP3: Link

2. Yegâh peşrev, usûl berefşân (Tanbûrî İsak)
Source: Ms. TR-Iüne 207-5 (Istanbul University – Rare Works Library)
Download MP3: Link

3. Rehâvî peşrev, usûl sakîl (Dimitrie Cantemir)
Source: Ms. TR-Iüne 207-5 (Istanbul University – Rare Works Library)
Download MP3: Link

4. Hisâr sâz semâîsi (Hampartsum Limonciyan)
Source: Ms. TR-Iüne 203-1 (Istanbul University – Rare Works Library)
Download MP3: Link

You can also watch a video below or download it to your computer here: Video (500 MB)