Image Processing with Fiji/ImageJ

For all scientists who work with microscopes and microscopic images!

At the end of the course, you will be able to analyse your images in an automated and unbiased way and to prepare your images for scientific figure creation.


  • basic image acquisition and image processing
  • image histogram and bit depth
  • image enhancements (background subtraction/using filters for further analysis)
  • image segmentation (e.g. counts of nuclei, creation of regions of interest (ROI) etc.)
  • automated object counting
  • measurements (e.g. signal quantifications)
  • create figures (split channels, projections, scale bar, annotations)
  • macro recorder and batch processing



Course 1: 13.11. - 14.11.2024, 9 am - 5 pm

Course 2: 11.12. - 12.12.2024, 9 am - 5 pm


Multiscale Imaging Centre, Röntgenstraße 16


The number of participants is limited to ten people per workshop. Please send your registration request to