Studies in biology, chemistry, and social sciences promoted by the German National Academic Foundation at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat) in zoology and behavioural biology promoted by the German National Academic Foundation at the department of Behavioural Biology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Senior professorship at the faculty of biology, University of Münster
Professor (C4) for behavioural biology, University of Münster
Professor (C3) for zoology and behavioural biology, University of Münster
Assistant professor, Department for Animal Physiology, Bayreuth University
Habilitation and venia legendi in zoology, Bayreuth University
Postdoctoral fellow, Department for Animal Physiology, Bayreuth University
Honorary member of the Ethological Society – Board of the Ethological Society
External Functions
Chairman of the academic advisory council of the Institute for Ornithology "Ornithological Station Helgoland"
President of Münster Alliance for Science
Member of scientific advisory board at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Wien
Member of board of trustees of the foundation "Bündnis Mensch & Tier"
Member of the advisory board of the Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences
Member of the external scientific advisory board of the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
Vice chairman of the scientific advisory board, University of Münster
Member of the steering committee, CRC Transregio 212 "Individualisation in Evolution, Ecology, and Behaviour"
Member of the academic advisory council of the Institute for Ornithology "Ornithological Station Helgoland"
Member of the steering committee, CRC Transregio 58 "Fear, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders"
Honorary Member of the Ethological Society
Member of the strategy committee science (Münster Alliance for Science)
Liaison professor ("Vertrauensdozent") of the German National Academic Foundation
Member of the Academic Senate, University of Münster
Member of the steering committee "Münster Graduate School of Evolution" (MGSE)
Member of the scientific board "Center for the Philosophy of Science", University of Münster
Member of the academic advisory council for the PhD program BIOREC ("Biological Responses to Environmental Challenge")
Editorial board: Hormones & Behavior
Member of the senate commission on experimental research (DFG/German Research Foundation)
Member of advisory board at the Institute for Theological Zoology (patroness: Jane Goodall)
Member of the Research Council, University of Münster
Dean, faculty of biology, University of Münster
Vice Dean, faculty of biology, University of Münster
Organization of first european conference on behavioural biology (ECBB) / foundation of a conference tradition
President Ethologische Gesellschaft (Ethological Society)
Vice-president Ethologische Gesellschaft (Ethological Society)
Editorial board: Physiology & Behavior
Advisory board German Zoological Society
German delegate of the International Ethological Council
Young German Scientist at the Dahlem conference on sexual selection
Member of the Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (German Zoological Society)
Member of the Ethologische Gesellschaft (Ethological Society)
Professorship (C4) behavioural biology at Münster university / accepted University of Münster, behavioural biology (C4) – accepted
Professorship (C4) chair in behavioural ecology at Hamburg university / declined Universität Hamburg, behavioural ecology (C4) – rejected
Professorship (C3) zoology / behavioural biology at Münster university / accepted University of Münster, zoology / behavioural biology (C3) – accepted
The Underrated Animal (Rowohlt) (since ) Own Resources Project
RTG 2220 EvoPAD – RTG 2220: Evolutionary Processes in Adaptation and Disease ( – ) Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Research Training Group | Project Number: GRK 2220/1
CRC TRR 212 A02 - Optimistic and pessimistic decision making under ambiguity: causes and consequences for niche choice and niche conformance ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 212/1
CRC TRR 212 B01 - Social niche conformance and social niche transition during adolescence and beyond: effects on biobehavioural profile and fitness ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 212/1
CRC TRR 212 - S: Technology Service Platforms ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 212/1
The Individual in the Focus of Life Sciences ( – ) Internally at the University of Münster Funded Project: Uni Münster-internal funding - Topical Programs
The Limits of Adaptation (Rowohlt)
(since ) Own Resources Project
CRC TRR 58 - A01: Life history, serotonin transporter genotype and anxiety-like behaviour: testing the "coping-with-challenge hypothesis" ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 58/4
Much Like Us - What Science Reveals about the Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour of Animals (Rowohlt) (since ) Individual Granted Project: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH
MGSE – Münster Graduate School of Evolution - Unterstützung des Evolution Think Tank ( – ) Individual Granted Project: Santander Consumer Bank AG
FOR 1232 TP06 - The social modulation of behavioural profile and stress responsiveness during adolescence: an adaptive mechanisms? ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Research Unit | Project Number: SA 389/11-2; 597932
FOR 1232 TPZ - Administration of the Research Unit and central platforms for "Genetic paternity determination" and "Endocrinological determination" ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Research Unit | Project Number: KA 1546/9-1
CRC TRR 58 - A01: Life history, serotonergic system, and anxiety-like behaviour: testing the mismatch hypothesis ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR58/3
The Biology of Individuality (since ) Own Resources Project
CRC TRR 58 - A01: The Influence of early life stress on anxiety-like behavior: the significance of the preand postnatal phase for gene x environment interactions and the modifiability of its outcome later in life ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR58/1
FOR 1232 TPZ - Administration of the Research Unit and central platforms for "Genetic paternity determination" and "Endocrinological determination" ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Research Unit | Project Number: KA 1546/7-1:1
FOR 1232 TP06 - Social modulation of behavioural profile and stress responsiveness during adolescence: mechanisms and function. ( – ) Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Research Unit | Project Number: SA 389/11-1:1
Gene x Environment Interactions in the Control of Aggressive Behaviour ( – ) Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: 551821
Gene x Environment Interaction and the Alzheimer’s Disease ( – ) Own Resources Project
Die ethologische Charakterisierung genmanipulierter Labormäuse: Eine Basis zur molekulargenetischen Analyse komplexen Verhaltens ( – ) Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Interdisciplinary Discourse with the Humanities (since ) Own Resources Project
Evolution and Development of Social Behaviour (since ) Own Resources Project
Stress, Stress Avoidance and Animal Welfare (since ) Own Resources Project
Bračić, M, Bierbaum, L, Peng, M, Nimalavachchlan, L, Siewert, V, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “The behavioural ecology of optimism: judgement bias and foraging under predation risk in mice.” Animal Behaviour, № 219 122991. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2024.10.005.
Rystrom, TL, Wesseler, Y, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Shaped by you: The effect of social partner on cortisol and behavior during adolescence in a female rodent.” Ethology, № 130 e13414. doi: 10.1111/eth.13414.
Rystrom, TL, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Social niche shapes social behavior and cortisol concentrations during adolescence in female guinea pigs.” Hormones and Behavior, № 162 (105539) doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2024.105539.
Kaiser, S, Krüger, C, and Sachser, N. . “The guinea pig.” in The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory and other research animals, edited by H Golledge and C Richardson. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Stieger, B, Wesseler, Y, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Behavioral lateralization of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 16 1095567. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.1095567.
Kaiser, S, Korte, A, Wistuba, J, Baldy, M, Wissmann, A, Dubičanac, A, Richter, SH, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of castration and sterilization on cortisol responsiveness – a case study in male guinea pigs.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, № 9 (1093157) doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1093157.
Quante, SM, Siewert, V, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and SH, Richter. . “The power of a touch: Regular touchscreen training but not its termination affects hormones and behavior in mice.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 17 doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1112780.
Mutwill, AM, Schielzeth, H, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Conditional on the social environment? Roots of repeatability in hormone concentrations of male guinea pigs.” Hormones and Behavior, № 155 105423.
Bohn, L, Bierbaum, L, Kästner, N, von Kortzfleisch, VT, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Structural enrichment for laboratory mice: exploring the effects of novelty and complexity.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, № 10 1207332. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1207332.
Sachser, Norbert. . Much Like Us: What Science Reveals about the Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour of Animals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sachser, Norbert, Kästner, Niklas, and Zimmermann, Tobias. . Das Unterschätzte Tier: Was wir heute über Tiere wissen und im Umgang mit ihnen besser machen müssen,, edited by NorbertSachser, NiklasKästner and TobiasZimmermann. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
Stieger, B, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “When left is right: The effects of paw preference training on behaviour in mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 430 (113929)
Von Kortzfleisch, VT, Ambrée, O, Karp, NA, Meyer, N, Novak, J, Palme, R, Rosso, M, Touma, C, Würbel, H, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Do multiple experimenters improve the reproducibility of animal studies?” PLoS Biology, № 20(3) (e3001564) doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001564.
Rystrom, TL, Prawitt, RC, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Repeatability of endocrine traits and dominance rank in female guinea pigs.” Frontiers in Zoology, № 19 (1): 4. doi: 10.1186/s12983-021-00449-2.
Feige-Diller, J, Herrera-Rivero, M, Witten, A, Stoll, M, Kaiser, S, Richter, SH, and Sachser, N. . “The impact of varying food availability on gene expression in the liver: Testing the Match-Mismatch hypothesis.” Frontiers in Nutrition, № 9 (910762)
Bračić, M, Bohn, L, Siewert, V, von Kortzfleisch, V, Schielzeth, H, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Once an Optimist, Always an Optimist? Studying Cognitive Judgment Bias in Mice.” Behavioral Ecology, № 33: 775–788.
Herrera-Rivero, M, Bohn, L, Witten, A, Jüngling, K, Kaiser, S, Richter, SH, Stoll, M, and Sachser, N. . “Transcriptional profiles in the mouse amygdala after a cognitive judgment bias test largely depend on the genotype.” Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, № 15 1025389. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.1025389.
Feige-Diller, J, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “The impact of varying food availability on health and welfare in mice: Testing the Match-Mismatch hypothesis.” Physiology and Behavior, № 228 (113193) doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113193.
Mutwill, AM, Schielzeth, H, Zimmermann, TD, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Individuality meets plasticity: Endocrine phenotypes across male dominance rank acquisition in guinea pigs living in a complex social environment.” Hormones and Behavior, № 131 104967. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2021.104967.
Stieger, B, Melotti, L, Quante, SM, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “A step in the right direction: the effect of context, strain and sex on paw preference in mice.” Animal Behaviour, № 174: 21–30. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.01.012.
Bodden, C, Wewer, M, Kästner, N, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Not all mice are alike: Mixed-strain housing alters social behaviour.” Physiology and Behavior, № 228 (113220) doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113220.
Melotti, L, Siestrup, S, Peng, M, Vitali, V, Dowling, D, von Kortzfleisch, VT, Bracic, M, Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, and Richter, SH. . “Individuality, as well as genetic background, affects syntactical features of courtship songs in male mice.” Animal Behaviour, № 180: 179–196.
Feige-Diller, J, Krakenberg, V, Bierbaum, L, Seifert, L, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “The effects of different feeding routines on welfare in laboratory mice.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, № 6: 479.
Von Kortzfleisch, VT, Karp, NA, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Improving reproducibility in animal research by splitting the study population into several ‘mini-experiments’.” Scientific Reports, № 10 (16579) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73503-4.
Mutwill, AM, Zimmermann, TD, Hennicke, A, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Adaptive reshaping of the hormonal phenotype after social niche transition in adulthood.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, № 287 20200667. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0667.
Sachser, N, Zimmermann, TD, Hennessy, MB, and Kaiser, S. . “Sensitive phases in the development of rodent social behavior.” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, № 36: 63–70. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.07.014.
Krakenberg, Viktoria, Siestrup, Sophie, Palme, Rupert, Kaiser, Sylvia, Sachser, Norbert, and Richter, SophieHelene. . “Effects of different social experiences on emotional state in mice.” Scientific Reports, № 10 (15255) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71994-9.
Mutwill, AM, Zimmermann, TD, Reuland, C, Fuchs, S, Kunert, J, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “High reproductive success despite queuing – Socio-sexual development of males in a complex social environment.” Frontiers in Psychology, № 10 2810. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02810.
Krakenberg, V, von Kortzfleisch, V, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Differential effects of serotonin transporter genotype on anxiety-like behavior and cognitive judgment bias in mice.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 13: 263.
Bodden, C, von Kortzfleisch, V, Karwinkel, F, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Heterogenising study samples across testing time improves reproducibility of behavioural data.” Scientific Reports, № 9: 8247.
Von Kortzfleisch, V, Kästner, N, Prange, L, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Have I been here before? Effects of repeated testing and age on the results of behavioural tests.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 367: 143–148.
Melotti, L, Kästner, N, Eick, AK, Schnelle, AL, Palme, R, Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, and Richter, SH. . “Can live with ‘em, can live without ‘em: pair housed male C57BL/6J mice show low aggression and increasing sociopositive interactions with age, but can adapt to single housing if separated.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science, № 214: 79–88.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Urbanik, S, Kunert, J, Waider, J, Lesch, K-P, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Brain serotonin deficiency affects female aggression.” Scientific Reports, № 9 (1366)
Krakenberg, V, Woigk, I, Garcia, Rodriguez L, Kästner, N, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Technology or ecology? New tools to assess cognitive
judgement bias in mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 362: 279–287.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Bodden, C, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Varying social experiences in adulthood do not differentially affect anxiety-like behavior but stress hormone levels.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 12: 72.
Sachser, N, Hennessy, MB, and Kaiser, S. . “The adaptive shaping of social behavioural phenotypes during adolescence.” Biology Letters, № 14 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0536.
Sachser, Norbert. . Der Mensch im Tier: Warum Tiere uns im Denken, Fühlen und Verhalten oft so ähnlich sind, Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
Sachser, N, Richter, SH, and Kaiser, S. . “Artgerecht/tiergerecht.” in Handbuch Tierethik, edited by JS Ach and D Borchers. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Richter, SH, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Emotionen.” in Handbuch Tierethik, edited by JS Ach and D Borchers. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Bodden, C., Siestrup, S., Palme, R., Kaiser, S., Sachser, N., Richter, S., and Richter, S. . “Evidence-based severity assessment: Impact of repeated versus single open-field testing on welfare in C57BL/6J mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 336: 268. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.08.029.
Bodden, C., Van Den, Hove D., Lesch, K., Lesch, K., and Sachser, N. . “Impact of varying social experiences during life history on behaviour, gene expression, and vasopressin receptor gene methylation in mice.” Scientific Reports, № 7 (1) doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09292-0.
Meyer, N, Jenikejew, J, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social experiences during adolescence affect anxiety-like behavior but not aggressiveness in male mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 326: 147–153. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.03.017.
Zimmermann, TD, Kaiser, S, Hennessy, MB, and Sachser, N. . “Adaptive shaping of the behavioural and neuroendocrine phenotype during adolescence.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, № 284 (1849) doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2784.
Talarico, M., Seifert, F., Lange, J., Sachser, N., Kurtz, J., and Scharsack, J. . “Specific manipulation or systemic impairment? Behavioural changes of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) infected with the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, № 71 (2) doi: 10.1007/s00265-017-2265-9.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Gamer, M, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “What a difference a day makes - female behaviour is less predictable near ovulation.” Royal Society Open Science, № 4 doi: 10.1098/rsos.160998.
Sangenstedt, S., Jaljuli, I., Sachser, N., and Kaiser, S. . “Stress responsiveness and anxiety-like behavior: The early social environment differentially shapes stability over time in a small rodent.” Hormones and Behavior, № 90 (null): 90–97. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.02.010.
Zimmermann, TD, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “The adaptiveness of a queuing strategy shaped by social experiences during adolescence.” Physiology and Behavior, № 181: 29–37. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.08.025.
Graulich, D.M., Kaiser, S., Sachser, N., and Richter, S.H. . “Looking on the bright side of bias - validation of an affective bias test for laboratory mice.” Applied Animal Behaviour Sciences, № 181
Remmes, J, Bodden, C, Richter, SH, Lesting, J, Sachser, N, Pape, H-C, and Seidenbecher, T. . “Impact of life history on fear memory and extinction.” Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, № 10: 185. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00185.
Meyer, N, Richter, SH, Schreiber, RS, Kloke, V, Kaiser, S, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “The Unexpected Effects of Beneficial and Adverse Social Experiences during Adolescence on Anxiety and Aggression and Their Modulation by Genotype.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 10 (97) doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00097.
SH, Richter, Kästner, N, Loddenkemper, DH, Kaiser, S, Sachser, and N. . “A time to wean? Impact of weaning age on anxiety-like behaviour and stability of behavioural traits in full adulthood.” PloS one, № 11(12): e0167652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167652.
Richter, SH, Kästner, N, Kriwet, M, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Play matters - the surprising relationship between juvenile playfulness and anxiety in later life.” Animal Behaviour, № 114: 261–271. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.02.003.
Trillmich, F, Günther, A, Müller, C, Reinhold, K, and Sachser, N. . “New perspectives in behavioural development: adaptive shaping of behaviour over a lifetime?” Frontiers in Zoology, № 12(Suupl 1): 4. doi: 10.1186/1742-9994-12-S1-S1.
Kaiser, S, Hennessy, MB, and Sachser, N. . “Domestication affects the structure, development and stability of biobehavioural profiles.” Frontiers in Zoology, № 12 (Suppl1): 19
Bodden, C, Richter, SH, Schreiber, RS, Kloke, V, Gerss, J, Palme, R, Lesch, KP, Lewejohann, L, Kaiser, S, and Sacher, N. . “Benefits of adversity?! How life history affects the behavioral profile of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 9 (47) doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00047.
Hennessy, M.B., Kaiser, S., Tiedtke, T., and Sachser, N. . “Stability and change: Stress responses and the shaping of behavioural phenotypes over the life span.” Frontiers in Zoology, № 12 (Suppl1)
Kästner, N., Richter, S.H., Lesch, K.P., Schreiber, R.S., Kaiser, S., and Sachser, N. . “Benefits of a "vulnerability gene"? A study in serotonin transporter knockout mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 283 doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.01.031.
Kaiser, S., Schwerdt, B., Siegeler, K., and Sachser, N. . “Social instability during pregnabcy and lactation alters female wild cavy offsprings' endocrine status and behaviour later in life.” Behaviour, № 152
Bodden, C., Richter, S.H., Schreiber, R.S., Kloke, V., Gerss, J., Palme, R., Lesch, K.P., Lewejohann, L., Kaiser, S., and Sachser, N. . “Benefits of adversity?! How life history affects the behavioral profile of mice vaying in serotonin transporter genotype.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, № 9: 47.
Freund, J., Brandmaier, A., Lewejohann, L., Kirste, I., Kritzler, M., Krüger, A., Sachser, N., Lindenberger, U., and Kempermann, G. . “Association between exploratory activity and social individuality in genetically identical mice living in the same enriched environment.” Neuroscience, № 309 (null): 140–152. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.05.027.
Sachser, N, and Richter, SH. . “Animals can tell us more.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, № 38: 44–45.
Zipser, B, Schleking, A, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of domestication on biobehavioural profiles: a comparison of domestic guinea pigs and wild cavies from early to late adolescence.” Frontiers in Zoology, № 11
Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, and Hennessy, MB. . “Behavioural profiles are shaped by social experience: when, how and why.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, № 368 (1618): 20120344. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2012.0344.
Siegeler, K, Wistuba, J, Damm, OS, von Engelhardt, N, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Early social instability affects plasma testosterone during adolescence but does not alter reproductive capacity or measures of stress later in life.” Physiology and Behavior, № 120C: 143–149. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2013.08.008.
Freund, J, Brandmaier, AM, Lewejohann, L, Kirste, I, Kritzler, M, Krüger, A, Sachser, N, Lindenberger, U, and Kempermann, G. . “Emergence of individuality in genetically identical mice.” Science, № 340 (6133): 756–9. doi: 10.1126/science.1235294.
Kloke, V, Heiming, RS, Bölting, S, Kaiser, S, Lewejohann, L, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “Unexpected effects of early-life adversity and social enrichment on the anxiety profile of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 247C: 248–258. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.03.039.
Heiming, RS, Mönning, A, Jansen, F, Kloke, V, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “To attack, or not to attack? The role of serotonin transporter genotype in the display of maternal aggression.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 242: 135–41. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2012.12.045.
Hohoff, C, Gorji, A, Kaiser, S, Willscher, E, Korsching, E, Ambrée, O, Arolt, V, Lesch, K-P, Sachser, N, Deckert, J, and Lewejohann, L. . “Effect of acute stressor and serotonin transporter genotype on amygdala first wave transcriptome in mice.” PloS one, № 8 ((3)): e58880.
Kloke, V, Jansen, F, Heiming, RS, Palme, R, Lesch, K-P, and Sachser, N. . “The winner and loser effect, serotonin transporter genotype, and the display of offensive aggression.” Physiology and Behavior, № 103 (5): 565–574. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.04.021.
Richter, SH, Garner, JP, Zipser, B, Lewejohann, L, Sachser, N, Touma, C, Schindler, B, Chourbaji, S, Brandwein, C, Gass, P, van Stipdonk, N, van der, Harst J, Spruijt, B, Võikar, V, Wolfer, DP, and Würbel, H. . “Effect of population heterogenization on the reproducibility of mouse behavior: a multi-laboratory study.” PloS one, № 6 (1): e16461. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016461.
Narayanan, V, Heiming, RS, Jansen, F, Lesting, J, Sachser, N, Pape, HC, and Seidenbecher, T. . “Social defeat: impact on fear extinction and amygdala-prefrontal cortical theta synchrony in 5-HTT deficient mice.” PloS one, № 6 (7): e22600. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022600.
S, Lürzel, S, Kaiser, Krüger, C., and N, Sachser. . “Inhibiting influence of testosterone on stress responsiveness during adolescence.” Hormones and Behavior, № 60 (5): 691–698.
Lürzel, S, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social interaction decreases stress responsiveness during adolescence.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, № 36 (9): 1370–7. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.03.010.
Siegeler, K, Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “The social environment during pregnancy and lactation shapes the behavioral and hormonal profile of male offspring in wild cavies.” Developmental Psychobiology, № 53 (6): 575–84. doi: 10.1002/dev.20585.
Lewejohann, L, Zipser, B, and Sachser, N. . “"Personality" in laboratory mice used for biomedical research: a way of understanding variability?” Developmental Psychobiology, № 53 (6): 624–30. doi: 10.1002/dev.20553.
Heiming, RS, Bodden, C, Jansen, F, Lewejohann, L, Kaiser, S, Lesch, KP, Palme, R, and Sachser, N. . “Living in a dangerous world decreases maternal care: a study in serotonin transporter knockout mice.” Hormones and Behavior, № 60 (4): 397–407. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.07.006.
Hundelt, M, Fath, T, Selle, K, Oesterwind, K, Jordan, J, Schultz, C, Götz, J, von Engelhardt, J, Monyer, H, Lewejohann, L, Sachser, N, Bakota, L, and Brandt, R. . “Altered phosphorylation but no neurodegeneration in a mouse model of tau hyperphosphorylation.” Neurobiology of Aging, № 32 (6): 991–1006. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.06.007.
Jansen, F, Heiming, RS, Kloke, V, Kaiser, S, Palme, R, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “Away game or home match: The influence of venue and serotonin transporter genotype on the display of offensive aggression.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 219 (2): 291–301. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.01.029.
Adrian, O, and Sachser, N. . “Diversity of Social and Mating Systems in Cavies: a Review.” Journal of Mammalogy, № 92 (1): 39–53. doi: 10.1644/09-MAMM-S-405.1.
Nietzer, SL, Bonn, M, Jansen, F, Heiming, RS, Lewejohann, L, Sachser, N, Asan, ES, Lesch, KP, and Schmitt, AG. . “Serotonin Transporter Knockout and Repeated Social Defeat Stress: Impact on Neuronal Morphology and Plasticity in Limbic Brain Areas.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 220 (1): 42–54. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.01.011.
Sachser, N, Hennessy, MB, and Kaiser, S. . “Adaptive Modulation of Behavioural Profiles by Social Stress During Early Phase of Life and Adolescence.” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, № 35 (7): 1518–1533. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2010.09.002.
Herring, A, Lewejohann, L, Panzer, AL, Donath, A, Kröll, O, Sachser, N, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Preventive and therapeutic types of environmental enrichment counteract beta amyloid pathology by different molecular mechanisms.” Neurobiology of Disease, № 42 (3): 530–538.
Lewejohann, L, Kloke, V, Heiming, RS, Jansen, F, Kaiser, S, Schmitt, A, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “Social Status and Day-to-Day Behaviour of Male Serotonin Transporter Knockout Mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 211 (2): 220–228. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2010.03.035.
Jansen, F, Heiming, RS, Lewejohann, L, Touma, C, Palme, R, Schmitt, A, Lesch, KP, and Sachser, N. . “Modulation of Behavioural Profile and Stress Response by 5-HTT Genotype and Social Experience in Adulthood.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 207 (1): 21–29. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2009.09.033.
Herring, A, Blome, M, Ambree, O, Sachser, N, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Reduction of Cerebral Oxidative Stress Following Environmental Enrichment in Mice with Alzheimer-Like Pathology.” Brain Pathology, № 20 (1): 166–175. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3639.2008.00257.x.
Lurzel, S, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social Interaction, Testosterone, and Stress Responsiveness During Adolescence.” Physiology and Behavior, № 99 (1): 40–46. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2009.10.005.
Kaiser, S, Krüger, C, and Sachser, N. . “The guinea pig.” in The care and management of laboratory and other research animals, edited by R Hubrecht and J. Kirkwood. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444318777.ch27.
Heiming, RS, and Sachser, N. . “Consequences of Serotonin Transporter Genotype and Early Adversity on Behavioral Profile – Pathology or Adaptation?” Frontiers in Neuroscience, № 4 (1): 187–187. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2010.00187.
Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Meerschweinchen als Sozialstrategen.” SPEKTRUM DER WISSENSCHAFT: 56–63.
Sachser, N., and Kaiser, S. . “The social modulation of behavioural development.” in Animal Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms, edited by P. Kappeler. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02624-9_17.
Kaiser, S., and Sachser, N. . “Sex-Specific Effects of Early Social Stress in Mammals: A Study in Guinea Pigs.” in Encyclopedia of Stress, Vol. null , edited by G Fink. Amsterdam: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-012373947-6.00478-5.
Kemme, K, Kaiser, S, von Engelhardt, N, Wewers, D, Groothuis, T, and Sachser, N. . “An Unstable Social Environment Affects Sex Ratio in Guinea Pigs: An Adaptive Maternal Effect?” Behaviour, № 146 (11): 1513–1529. doi: 10.1163/156853909X445579.
Hennessy, MB, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social Buffering of the Stress Response: Diversity, Mechanisms, and Functions.” Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, № 30 (4): 470–482. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2009.06.001.
Lewejohann, L, Hoppmann, AM, Kegel, P, Kritzler, M, Kruger, A, and Sachser, N. . “Behavioral Phenotyping of a Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease in a Seminaturalistic Environment Using RFID Tracking.” Behavior Research Methods, № 41 (3): 850–856. doi: 10.3758/BRM.41.3.850.
Glocker, ML, Langleben, DD, Ruparel, K, Loughead, JW, Valdez, JN, Griffin, MD, Sachser, N, and Gur, RC. . “Baby Schema Modulates the Brain Reward System in Nulliparous Women.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, № 106 (22): 9115–9119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0811620106.
Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of Prenatal Social Stress on Offspring Development: Pathology or Adaptation?” Current Directions in Psychological Science, № 18 (2): 118–121. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01620.x.
Diederich, K, Schabitz, WR, Kuhnert, K, Hellstrom, N, Sachser, N, Schneider, A, Kuhn, HG, and Knecht, S. . “Synergetic Effects of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor and Cognitive Training on Spatial Learning and Survival of Newborn Hippocampal Neurons.” PloS one, № 4 (4): e5303. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005303.
Glocker, ML, Langleben, DD, Ruparel, K, Loughead, JW, Gur, RC, and Sachser, N. . “Baby Schema in Infant Faces Induces Cuteness Perception and Motivation for Caretaking in Adults.” Ethology, № 115 (3): 257–263. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01603.x.
Hundelt, M, Fath, T, Selle, K, Oesterwind, K, Jordan, J, Schultz, C, Götz, J, von Engelhardt, J, Monyer, H, Lewejohann, L, Sachser, N, and Bakota, R. . “Altered Phosphorylation but no Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of Tau Hyperphosphorylation.” Neurobiology of Aging doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.06.007.
Heiming, RS, Jansen, F, Lewejohann, L, Kaiser, S, Schmitt, A, and Lesch, KPand Sachser N. . “Living in a dangerous world: the shaping of behavioral profile
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Diederich, K, Sevimli, S, Dörr, H, Kösters, E, Hoppen, M, Lewejohann, L, Klocke, R, Minnerup, J, Knecht, S, Nikol, S, Sachser, N, Schneider, A, Gorji, A, Sommer, C, and Schäbitz, WR. . “The Role of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in the Healthy Brain: A Characterization of G-CSF-Deficient Mice.” Journal of Neuroscience, № 29 (37): 11572–11581. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0453-09.2009.
Lewejohann, L, Reefmann, N, Widmann, P, Ambrée, O, Herring, A, Keyvani, K, Paulus, W, and Sachser, N. . “Transgenic Alzheimer Mice in a Semi-Naturalistic Environment: More Plaques, Yet Not Compromised in Daily Life.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 201 (1): 99–102. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2009.01.037.
Herring, A, Ambrée, O, Tomm, M, Habermann, H, Sachser, N, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Environmental Enrichment Enhances Cellular Plasticity in Transgenic Mice with Alzheimer-like Pathology.” Experimental Neurology, № 216 (1): 184–192. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2008.11.027.
Ambrée, O, Richter, H, Sachser, N, Lewejohann, L, Dere, E, de Souza, Silva MA, Herring, A, Keyvani, K, Paulus, W, and Schäbitz, WR. . “Levodopa Ameliorates Learning and Memory Deficits in a Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease.” Neurobiology of Aging, № 30 (8): 1192–1204. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2007.11.010.
Herring, A, Lewejohann, L, Donath, A, Sachser, N, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Preventive and therapeutic environmental enrichment counteract A beta pathology by different molecular mechanisms.” Acta Neuropathologica, № 118 (3): 444–444.
Adrian, O, Dekomien, G, Epplen, JT, and Sachser, N. . “Body Weight and Rearing Conditions of Males, Female Choice and Paternities in a Small Mammal, Cavia Aperea.” Ethology, № 114 (9): 897–906. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01548.x.
Asher, M, Lippmann, T, Epplen, JT, Kraus, C, Trillmich, F, and Sachser, N. . “Large Males Dominate: Ecology, Social organization, and Mating System of Wild Cavies, the Ancestors of the Guinea Pig.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, № 62 (9): 1509–1521. doi: 10.1007/s00265-008-0580-x.
Adrian, O, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, Jandewerth, P, Lottker, P, Epplen, JT, and Hennessy, MB. . “Female Influences on Pair Formation, Reproduction and Male Stress Responses in a Monogamous Cavy (Galea Monasteriensis).” Hormones and Behavior, № 53 (3): 403–412. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2007.11.009.
Kemme, K, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Prenatal Stress Does Not Impair Coping with Challenge Later in Life.” Physiology and Behavior, № 93 (1-2): 68–75. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2007.07.013.
Müller, Klaus, and Sachser, Norbert, eds. . Theology Meets Biology. Anthropological Perspectives on Animals and Human Beings, Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet.
Richter, H, Ambrée, O, Lewejohann, L, Herring, A, Keyvani, K, Paulus, W, Palme, R, Touma, C, Schäbitz, WR, and Sachser, N. . “Wheel-Running in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease: Protection or Symptom?” Behavioural Brain Research, № 190 (1): 74–84. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2008.02.005.
Bacher, M, Dodel, R, Aljabari, B, Keyvani, K, Marambaud, P, Kayed, R, Glabe, C, Goertz, N, Hoppmann, A, Sachser, N, Klotsche, J, Schnell, S, Lewejohann, L, and Al-Abed, Y. . “CNI-1493 Inhibits Abeta Production, Plaque Formation, and Cognitive
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Herring, A, Yasin, H, Ambrée, O, Sachser, N, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Environmental Enrichment Counteracts Alzheimer's Neurovascular Dysfunction in TgCRND8 Mice.” Brain Pathology, № 18 (1): 32–39. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3639.2007.00094.x.
Görtz, N, Lewejohann, L, Tomm, M, Ambrée, O, Keyvani, K, Paulus, W, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Exploration, Anxiety, and Memory in Female TgCRND8 Alzheimer Mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 191 (1): 43–48. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2008.03.006.
Kemme, K, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Prenatal Maternal Programming Determines Testosterone Response During Social Challenge.” Hormones and Behavior, № 51 (3): 387–394. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2006.12.009.
Kaiser, S, Harderthauer, S, Sachser, N, and Hennessy, MB. . “Social Housing Conditions Around Puberty Determine Later Changes in Plasma Cortisol Levels and Behavior.” Physiology and Behavior, № 90 (2-3): 405–411. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2006.10.002.
Kaiser, S., and Sachser, N. . “Sex-Specific Effects of Early Social Stress in Mammals: A Study in Guinea Pigs.” in Encyclopedia of stress, Vol. 3 , edited by G. Fink. Boston, New York, San Diego: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-012373947-6/00478-5.
Ambree, O, Leimer, U, Herring, A, Gortz, N, Sachser, N, Heneka, MT, Paulus, W, and Keyvani, K. . “Reduction of Amyloid Angiopathy and A Beta Plaque Burden After Enriched Housing in TgCRND8 Mice - Involevement of Multiple Pathways.” American Journal of Pathology, № 169 (2): 544–552. doi: 10.2353/ajpath.2006.051107.
Ambree, O, Touma, C, Gortz, N, Keyvani, K, Paulus, W, Palme, R, and Sachser, N. . “Activity Changes and Marked Stereotypic Behavior Precede A Beta Pathology in TgCRND8 Alzheimer Mice.” Neurobiology of Aging, № 27 (7): 955–964. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2005.05.009.
Hennessy, MB, Hornschuh, G, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Cortisol Responses and Social Buffering: A Study Throughout the Life Span.” Hormones and Behavior, № 49 (3): 383–390. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2005.08.006.
Lewejohann, L, Reinhard, C, Schrewe, A, Brandewiede, J, Haemisch, A, Gortz, N, Schachner, M, and Sachser, N. . “Environmental Bias? Effects of Housing Conditions, Laboratory Environment and Experimenter on Behavioral Tests.” Genes, Brain and Behavior, № 5 (1): 64–72. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-183X.2005.00140.x.
Hennessy, MB, Bullinger, KL, Neisen, G, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social Organization Predicts Nature of Infant-Adult Interactions in Two Species of Wild Guinea Pigs (Cavia aperea and Galea Monasteriensis).” Journal of Comparative Psychology, № 120 (1): 12–18. doi: 10.1037/0735-7036.120.1.12.
Kritzler, M, Lewejohann, L, Krüger, A, Raubal, M, and Sachser, N. . “An RFID-based Tracking System for Laboratory Mice in a Semi-Natural Environment.”
Stefanski, V, Sachser, N, and Holst, v D. . “Sozialer Stress, Verhalten, Immunsystem und Krankheit.” in Lehrbuch der klinischen Pathophysiologie komplexer chronischer Erkrankungen, Vol. 1 , edited by StraubRH. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Stock, C, and Sachser, N. . “Humanbiologische Grundlagen der Gesundheitswissenschaften.” in Handbuch der Gesundheitswissenschaften, edited by K Hurrelmann, U Laaser and O Razum. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Schwarze-Eicker, KA, Keyvani, K, Gortz, N, Westaway, D, Sachser, N, and Paulus, W. . “Prion Protein (PrPc) Promotes Beta-Amyloid Plaque Formation.” Neurobiology of Aging, № 26 (8): 1177–1182. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2004.10.004.
Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “The Effects of Prenatal Social Stress on Behaviour: Mechanisms and Function.” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, № 29 (2): 283–294. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.09.015.
Wewers, D, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Application of an Antiandrogen During Pregnancy Infantilizes the Male Offsprings' Behaviour.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 158 (1): 89–95. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2004.08.009.
Adrian, O, Brockmann, I, Hohoff, C, and Sachser, N. . “Paternal Behaviour in Wild Guinea Pigs: A Comparative Study in Three Closely Related Species With Different Social and Mating Systems.” Journal of Zoology, № 265 (1): 97–105. doi: 10.1017/S0952836904006090.
Carter, CS, Ahnert, L, Grossmann, K, Hrdy, SB, Lamb, ME, Porges, SW, and Sachser, Net al.eds. . Dahlem Workshop Reports, Attachment and Bonding: A New Synthesis, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Pedersen, CA, Ahnert, L, Anzenberger, G, Belsky, J, Draper, P, Fleming, AS, Grossmann, K, Sachser, N, Sommer, S, Tietze, DP, and Young, LJ. . “Beyond Infant Attachment: The Origins of Bonding Later in Life.” in Attachment and Bonding: A New Synthesis, edited by S.C. Carter, L. Ahnert, K. Grossmann, S.B. Hrdy, M.E. Lamb, S.W. Porges and N. Sachser. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Sachser, N. . “Adult Social Bonding: Insights from Studies in Non-Human Mammals.” in Attachment and Bonding: A New Synthesis, edited by S.C. Carter, L. Ahnert, K. Grossmann, S.B. Hrdy, M.E. Lamb, S.W. Porges and N. Sachser. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Prior, H, Schwegler, H, Marashi, V, and Sachser, N. . “Exploration, Emotionality, and Hippocampal Mossy Fibers in Nonaggressive AB/Gat and Congenic Highly Aggressive Mice.” Hippocampus, № 14 (1): 135–140. doi: 10.1002/hipo.10166.
Marashi, V, Barnekow, A, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Males of a Docile Inbred Strain of Mice.” Physiology and Behavior, № 82 (5): 765–776. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2004.05.009.
Lewejohann, L, Skryabin, BV, Sachser, N, Prehn, C, Heiduschka, P, Thanos, S, Jordan, U, Dell'Omo, G, Vyssotski, AL, Pleskacheva, MG, Lipp, HP, Tiedge, H, Brosius, J, and Prior, H. . “Role of a Neuronal Small Non-Messenger RNA: Behavioural Alterations in BC1 RNA-Deleted Mice.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 154 (1): 273–289. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2004.02.015.
Touma, C, Ambree, O, Gortz, N, Keyvani, K, Lewejohann, L, Palme, R, Paulus, W, Schwarze-Eicker, K, and Sachser, N. . “Age- and Sex-Dependent Development of Adrenocortical Hyperactivity in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.” Neurobiology of Aging, № 25 (7): 893–904. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2003.09.004.
Sachser, N. . “Curiosity, playing, and learning: Behavioral-biological annotations on childhood.” Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, № 50 (4): 475–486.
Asher, MR, De Oliveira, ES, and Sachser, N. . “Social System and Spatial Organization of Wild Guinea Pigs (Cavia Aperea) in a Natural Low Density Population.” Journal of Mammalogy, № 85 (4): 788–796. doi: 10.1644/BNS-012.
Keyvani, K, Sachser, N, Witte, OW, and Paulus, W. . “Gene Expression Profiling in the Intact and Injured Brain Following Environmental Enrichment.” Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, № 63 (6): 598–609. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2005.05.016.
Trillmich, F, Kraus, C, Kunkele, J, Asher, M, Clara, M, Dekomien, G, Epplen, JT, Saralegui, A, and Sachser, N. . “Species-Level Differentiation of Two Cryptic Species Pairs of Wild Cavies, Genera Cavia and Galea, with a Discussion of the Relationship Between Social Systems and Phylogeny in the Caviinae.” Canadian Journal of Zoology, № 82 (3): 516–524. doi: 10.1139/z04-010.
Touma, C, Palme, R, and Sachser, N. . “Analyzing Corticosterone Metabolites in Fecal Samples of Mice: A Noninvasive Technique to Monitor Stress Hormones.” Hormones and Behavior, № 45 (1): 10–22. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2003.07.002.
Sachser, N, Künzl, C, and Kaiser, S. . “The Welfare of Laboratory Guinea Pigs.” in The Welfare of Laboratory Animals, Vol. 2 of Animal Welfare, edited by E Kalista. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Sachser, N. . “Neugier, Spiel und Lernen: Verhaltensbiologische Anmerkungen zur Kindheit.” Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, № 50 (4): 475–486.
Solmsdorff, K, Kock, D, Hohoff, C, and Sachser, N. . “Comments of the Genus Gelea Meyen 1833 with Description of Gelea Monasteriensis n.sp. from Bolivia (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviidae).” Senckenbergiana biologica(84 (1/2)): 137–156.
Solmsdorff, K, Kock, D, Hohoff, C, and Sachser, N. . “Comments on the genus Galea MEYEN 1833 with description of Galea monasteriensis n. sp. from Bolivia (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviidae).” Senckenbergiana biologica, № 84 (1-2): 137–156.
Skryabin, BV, Sukonina, V, Jordan, U, Lewejohann, L, Sachser, N, Muslimov, I, Tiedge, H, and Brosius, J. . “Neuronal Untranslated BC1 RNA: Targeted Gene Elimination in Mice.” Molecular and Cellular Biology, № 23 (18): 6435–6441. doi: 10.1128/MCB.23.18.6435-6441.2003.
Kaiser, S, Kruijver, FPM, Swaab, DF, and Sachser, N. . “Early Social Stress in Female Guinea Pigs Induces a Masculinization of Adult Behavior and Corresponding Changes in Brain and Neuroendocrine Function.” Behavioural Brain Research, № 144 (1-2): 199–210. doi: 10.1016/S0166-4328(03)00077-9.
Kaiser, S, Kruijver, FPM, Straub, RH, Sachser, N, and Swaab, DF. . “Early Social Stress in Male Guinea-Pigs Changes Social Behaviour, and Autonomic and Neuroendocrine Functions.” Journal of Neuroendocrinology, № 15 (8): 761–769. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2826.2003.01055.x.
Kaiser, S, Kirtzeck, M, Hornschuh, G, and Sachser, N. . “Sex-Specific Difference in Social Support - a Study in Female Guinea Pigs.” Physiology and Behavior, № 79 (2): 297–303. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(03)00091-X.
Hohoff, C, Franzen, K, and Sachser, N. . “Female Choice in a Promiscuous Wild Guinea Pig, the Yellow-Toothed Cavy (Galea Musteloides).” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, № 53 (6): 341–349. doi: 10.1007/s00265-002-0569-9.
Wewers, D, Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Maternal Separation in Guinea-Pigs: A Study in Behavioural Endocrinology.” Ethology, № 109 (5): 443–453. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0310.2003.00888.x.
Marashi, V, Barnekow, A, Ossendorf, E, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of Different Forms of Environmental Enrichment on Behavioral, Endocrinological, and Immunological Parameters in Male Mice.” Hormones and Behavior, № 43 (2): 281–292. doi: 10.1016/S0018-506X(03)00002-3.
Touma, C, Sachser, N, Mostl, E, and Palme, R. . “Effects of Sex and Time of Day on Metabolism and Excretion of Corticosterone in Urine and Feces of Mice.” General and Comparative Endocrinology, № 130 (3): 267–278. doi: 10.1016/S0016-6480(02)00620-2.
Kunzl, C, Kaiser, S, Meier, E, and Sachser, N. . “Is A Wild Mammal Kept and Reared in Captivity Still a Wild Animal?” Hormones and Behavior, № 43 (1): 187–196. doi: 10.1016/S0018-506X(02)00017-X.
Kaiser, S, Heemann, K, Straub, RH, and Sachser, N. . “The Social Environment Affects Behaviour and Androgens, But Not Cortisol in Pregnant Female Guinea Pigs.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, № 28 (1): 67–83. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4530(02)00010-0.
Knierim, U, Hesse, D, von Borell, E, Herrmann, HJ, Müller, C, Rauch, HW, Sachser, N, and Zerbe, F. . “Minimum Standards for Voluntary Animal Welfare Assessment of Mass-Produced Farm Animal Housing Equiment.” Animal Welfare, № 12 (1): 75–84.
Sachser, N. . “Soziale Umwelt, Verhalten und Stress: Erkenntnisse der modernen Verhaltensbiologie.” in Pädagogisch-anthropologische Perspektiven, Vol. 13 of Pädagogische Anthropologie, edited by E Liebau, H Peskoller and C Wulf. Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.
Hohoff, C, Solmsdorff, K, Lottker, P, Kemme, K, Epplen, JT, Cooper, TG, and Sachser, N. . “Monogamy in a New Species of Wild Guinea Pigs (Galea sp.).” Naturwissenschaften, № 89 (10): 462–465. doi: 10.1007/s00114-002-0355-6.
Illies, I, Muhlen, W, Ducker, G, and Sachser, N. . “The Influence of Different Bee Traps on Undertaking Behaviour of the Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) and Development of a New Trap.” Apidologie, № 33 (3): 315–326. doi: 10.1051/apido:2002014.
Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Social Stress During Pregnancy and Lactation Affects in Guinea Pigs the Male Offsprings' Endocrine Status and Infantilizes their Behaviour.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, № 26 (5): 503–519. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4530(01)00009-9.
Touma, C, Palme, R, and Sachser, N. . “Different Types of Oestrous Cycle in Two Closely Related South American Rodents (Cavia Aperea and Galea Musteloides) with Different Social and Mating Systems.” Reproduction, № 121 (5): 791–801. doi: 10.1530/rep.0.1210791.
Knierim, U, Carter, CS, Fraser, D, Gärtner, K, Lutgendorf, SK, Mineka, S, Panksepp, J, and Sachser, N. . “Good Welfare: Improving Quality of Life.” in Coping with Challenge: Welfare in Animals Including Humans, edited by BroomDM. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Sachser, N. . “What is Important to Achieve Good Welfare in Animals?” in Coping with challenge: welfare in animals including humans, edited by BroomDM. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “Stress und Wohlergehen.” Praxis der Naturwissenschaften: Biologie in der Schule, № 50 (5): 15–20.
Kalthoff, A, Schmidt, C, and Sachser, N. . “Der Einfluss von Zoobesuchern auf das Verhalten und die Speichel-Corticosteronkonzentrationen von Zootieren.” in Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2000 Münster: Landwirtschaftsverlag.
Sachser, N. . “Wechselwirkungen - Verhaltensbiologische Anmerkungen zur Natur des Menschen.” FORSCHUNG UND LEHRE(10): 10–11.
Kaiser, S, Brendel, H, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of ACTH Applications During Pregnancy on the Female Offsprings' Endocrine Status and Behavior in Guinea Pigs.” Physiology and Behavior, № 70 (1-2): 157–162. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(00)00248-1.
Cooper, TG, Weydert, S, Yeung, CH, Kunzl, C, and Sachser, N. . “Maturation of epididymal spermatozoa in the nondomesticated guinea pigs Cavia aperea and Galea musteloides.” Journal of Andrology, № 21 (1): 154–163.
Hesse, D, Knierim, U, von Borell, E, Herrmann, HJ, Koch, L, Müller, C, Rauch, HW, Sachser, N, and Zerbe, F. . “Tiergerechtheit auf dem Prüfstand - Anforderungen an freiwillige Prüfverfahren gemäß §13a TierschG.” in Merkblatt der Deutschen Landwirtschaftlichen Gesellschaft e.V.
Lewejohann, L, and Sachser, N. . “Präferenztests zur Beurteilung unterschiedlicher Haltungsbedingungen von männlichen Labormäusen.” in Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 1999, Vol. 391Darmstadt: KTBL.
Wölbing, O, Asher, M, Bishr, Y, Kuhn, W, and Sachser, N. . “Applying GIS for Investigations in Behavioural Biology.” in Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XII, Beiträge zum AGIT-Symposium Salzburg 200, edited by J Strobl, T Blaschke and G Griesebner. Berlin: Herbert Wichmann-Verlag.
Keil, A, Epplen, JT, and Sachser, N. . “Reproductive Success of Males in the Promiscuous-Mating Yellow-Toothed Cavy (Galea Musteloides).” Journal of Mammalogy, № 80 (4): 1257–1263. doi: 10.2307/1383176.
Sachser, N, Schwarz-Weig, E, Keil, A, and Epplen, JT. . “Behavioural Strategies, Testis Size, and Reproductive Success in Two Caviomorph Rodents with Different Mating Systems.” Behaviour, № 136: 1203–1217. doi: 10.1163/156853999501720.
Künzl, C, and Sachser, N. . “The Behavioral Endocrinology of Domestication: A Comparison Between the Domestic Guinea Pig (Cavia Aperea f. Porcellus) and its Wild Ancestor, the Cavy (Cavia Aperea).” Hormones and Behavior, № 35 (1): 28–37. doi: 10.1006/hbeh.1998.1493.
Hesse, D, Knierim, U, von Borell, E, Herrmann, HJ, Koch, L, Müller, C, Rauch, HW, Sachser, N, Schwabenbauer, K, and Zerbe, F. . “Freiwilliges Prüfverfahren für Stalleinrichtungen entsprechend dem novellierten Tierschutzgesetz von 1998.” Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, № 106: 138–141.
Kaiser, S, Classen, D, and Sachser, N. . “Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher struktureller Anreicherungen auf das Spontanverhalten weiblicher Labormäuse (Stamm NMRI).” in Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 1998 Darmstadt: KTBL.
Künzl, C, Meier, E, and Sachser, N. . “Ist ein Wildmeerschweinchen in Menschenhand noch ein Wildtier?” in Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 1998 Darmstadt: KTBL.
Sachser, N, Dürschlag, M, and Hirzel, D. . “Social Relationships and the Management of Stress.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, № 23 (8): 891–904. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4530(98)00059-6.
Sachser, N. . “Of Domestic and Wild Guinea Pigs: Studies in Sociophysiology, Domestication, and Social Evolution.” Naturwissenschaften, № 85 (7): 307–317. doi: 10.1007/s001140050507.
Kaiser, S, and Sachser, N. . “The Social Environment During Pregnancy and Lactation Affects the Female Offsprings' Endocrine Status and Behaviour in Guinea Pigs.” Physiology and Behavior, № 63 (3): 361–6. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(97)00435-6.
Kail, A, and Sachser, N. . “Reproductive Benefits from Female Promiscuous Mating in a Small Mammal.” Ethology, № 104 (11): 897–903. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.1998.tb00039.x.
Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “The Social Environment, Behaviour and Stress - a Case Study in Guinea Pigs.” Acta physiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum, № 161: 83–87.
Sachser, N, and Kaiser, S. . “Prenatal Social Stress Masculinizes the Females' Behaviour in Guinea Pigs.” Physiology and Behavior, № 60 (2): 589–94. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(96)80036-9.
Prior, H, and Sachser, N. . “Effects of Enriched Housing Environment on the Behaviour of Young Male and Female Mice in Four Exploratory Tasks.” Journal of Experimental Animal Science, № 37: 57–68.
Sachser, N, Lick, C, and Stanzel, K. . “The Environment, Hormones, and Aggressive Behaviour: a 5-Year-Study in Guinea Pigs.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, № 19 (5-7): 697–707. doi: 10.1016/0306-4530(94)90051-5.
Sachser, N. . “Social stratification and health in non-human mammals - a case study in guinea pigs.” in Reproductive and Interpersonal Aspects of Dominance and Status, Vol. 2 of Social Stratification and Socioeconomic Inequality, edited by L. Ellis. Santa Barbara/CA: Greenwood Publishers.
Sachser, N., ed. . Sozialphysiologische Untersuchungen an Hausmeerschweinchen. Gruppenstrukturen, soziale Situation und Endokrinium, Wohlergehen, Singhofen: Paul Parey Verlag.
Sachser, N. . “The ability to arrange with conspecifics depends on social experiences around puberty.” Physiology and Behavior, № 53 (3): 539–44.
Sachser, N, and Lick, C. . “Social experience, behavior, and stress in guinea pigs.” Physiology and Behavior, № 50 (1): 83–90.
Sachser, N. . “Social organization, social status, behavioral strategies and endocrine responses in male guinea pigs.” in Hormones, Brain and Behaviour in Vertebrates, Vol. 9 of Comparative Physiology, edited by L. Balthazart. Basel: Karger.
West-Eberhardt, M.J., Bradbury, J.W., Davies, N.B., Gouyon, P.-H., Hammerstein, P., König, B., Parker, G.A., Queller, D.C., Sachser, N., Slagsvold, T., Trillmich, F., and Vogel, C. . “Conflicts between and within the sexes in sexual selection.” in Sexual selection: Testing the alternatives, edited by J.W. Bradbury and M.B. Andersson. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.