
© Melanie Dammhahn

New interview online!

Talk with Prof. Dr. Melanie Dammhahn and Prof. Dr. Sascha Buchholz on the occasion of the international day of biodiversity!

Find the interview here: Podcast of the University of Münster

© Department of Behavioural Biology

Public job advertisement

The Department of Behavioural Biology in the Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, is seeking to fill a position!

See advertisement

© Thomas Mohn Fotografie

Public lecture!

The Department of Behavioural Biology invites to a public lecture by the psychologist Mitja Back on the 21st of February. For further information, see the official press release of the University of Münster.

© Department of Behavioural Biology

Public job advertisement

The Department of Behavioural Biology in the Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, is seeking to fill a position!

See advertisement

© Department of Behavioural Biology

Professorship for Behavioural Biology!

Prof. Dr. Melanie Dammhahn was nominated as a professor for Behavioural Biology at the Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster on May 1st 2022.

© Uni Münster

Stipendienprogramm ProTalent: Bewerbungsphase gestartet

300 Euro im Monat für leistungsstarke Studierende

Ab sofort können sich Studierende der WWU Münster für ProTalent-Stipendien im Förderjahr 2022/23 bewerben. Das Programm richtet sich an Studierende der WWU, die bisher gute bis sehr gute Studienleistungen erzielt haben, sowie an Studienanfänger, deren bisherige Leistungen ein erfolgreiches Studium erwarten lassen. Zusätzlich werden der persönliche Werdegang, das gesellschaftliche Engagement und besondere soziale, familiäre oder persönliche Umstände berücksichtigt.

Die Online-Bewerbung ist bis einschließlich 14. Juli 2022 hier möglich. Das Förderjahr beginnt am 1. Oktober 2022.

© Department of Behavioural Biology

Presentation Dog-App WAU

Come and get to know our Citizen Science Project as well as our Smartphone App WAU. See your dog with different eyes and learn with the aid of WAU more about the behaviour and emotions of dogs!

When? Saturday, December 4th 2021, 9-18 h
Where? Meadow at the promenade in front of the castle (Schlossplatz 6)
Waht to bring with me? Dog, Smartphone and a little bit of time

For more information see also: Newsportal of the University of Münster

© Johann Ach

Important information!

The lecture series “Tierschutz - Tierwohl - Tierethik“, December 2nd 6.15 p.m., takes place online (via Zoom). You can join via the following link:

Join Zoom-Meeting

Meeting-ID: 657 4306 2857
Kenncode: 680504

The program of the lecture series can be found here.

© Johann Ach

Lecture series: Tierschutz - Tierwohl - Tierethik

“Tierschutz - Tierwohl - Tierethik“: The lecture series about animal welfare includes talks from different scientific diciplines such as biology, medicine, law, philosophy, and theology. You should not miss it!

The program of the lecture series can be found here.

© Department of Behavioural Biology

What humans and animals have in common

“Der Mensch im Tier – Ein Thema für Münster“: the event series addresses different questions based on the book "The Human Animal" of behavioural biologist Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser in public talks, conversations and discussions. Feel free to join! 

Homepage of the event series

© Helene Richter

New interview online!

Talk with Prof. Dr. Helene Richter about animal welfare, animal protection and reproducibility in animal experimental research!

Find the interview here: Podcast of the University of Münster

© Department of Behavioural Biology

New book published!

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser publishes his book with the title "Der Mensch im Tier" (The Human Animal).