InChangE – Individualisierung in sich ändernden Umwelten ( – ) participations in other joint project: MKW - Förderlinie "Profilbildung" | Förderkennzeichen: PROFILNRW-2020-143-B
SFB TRR 212 B01 - Anpassung an soziale Nischen während und nach der Adoleszenz ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Sonderforschungsbereich | Förderkennzeichen: TRR 212/1
SFB TRR 212 - S: Technologieserviceplattformen ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Sonderforschungsbereich | Förderkennzeichen: TRR 212/1
3T: Tierschutz – Tierwohl – Tierethik ( – ) Durch die Universität Münster intern gefördertes Projekt: Universität Münster-interne Förderung - Topical Programs
Das Individuum im Fokus der Lebenswissenschaften ( – ) Durch die Universität Münster intern gefördertes Projekt: Universität Münster-interne Förderung - Topical Programs
Kastration oder Sterilisation? Eine grundlagenorientierte Studie zu den Auswirkungen auf Wohlergehen und Partnerwahl von Hausmeerschweinchen ( – ) Gefördertes Einzelprojekt: DFG - Sachbeihilfe/Einzelförderung | Förderkennzeichen: KA 1546/10-1
MGSE – Münster Graduate School of Evolution - Unterstützung des Evolution Think Tank ( – ) Gefördertes Einzelprojekt: Santander Consumer Bank AG
FOR 1232 TPZ - Administration of the Research Unit and central platforms for "Genetic paternity determination" and "Endocrinological determination" ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Forschungsgruppe | Förderkennzeichen: KA 1546/9-1
FOR 1232 TP03 - The social modulation of behaviour, cognition and stress reactivity during pregnancy and lactation ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Forschungsgruppe | Förderkennzeichen: KA 1546/6-2; 597926
FOR 1232 TP03 - Social Environmental during Pregnancy Shapes Behavioural Profile in Adulthood: Constraint or Adaption? ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Forschungsgruppe | Förderkennzeichen: KA 1546/6-1:1
FOR 1232 TPZ - Administration of the Research Unit and central platforms for "Genetic paternity determination" and "Endocrinological determination" ( – ) Teilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster: DFG - Forschungsgruppe | Förderkennzeichen: KA 1546/7-1:1
Bračić, M, Bierbaum, L, Peng, M, Nimalavachchlan, L, Siewert, V, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „The behavioural ecology of optimism: judgement bias and foraging under predation risk in mice.“ Animal Behaviour, Nr. 219 122991. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2024.10.005.
Schulte, L, Oswald, P, Mühlenhaupt, M, Ossendorf, E, Kruse, S, Kaiser, S, und Caspers, BA. . „Stress response of fire salamander larvae differs between habitat types.“ Royal Society Open Science, Nr. 11 (4) 231304. doi: 10.1098/rsos.231304.
Rystrom, TL, Wesseler, Y, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Shaped by you: The effect of social partner on cortisol and behavior during adolescence in a female rodent.“ Ethology, Nr. 130 e13414. doi: 10.1111/eth.13414.
Kaiser, M, Gadau, J, Kaiser, S, Müller, C, und Richter, SH. . „Individualized social niches in animals: Theoretical clarifications and processes of niche change.“ BioScience, Nr. 74: 146–158. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biad122.
Rystrom, TL, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Social niche shapes social behavior and cortisol concentrations during adolescence in female guinea pigs.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. 162 (105539) doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2024.105539.
Kaiser, M.I., Killin, A., Abendroth, A.-K., Back, M.D., Baune, B.T., Bilstein, N., Breitmoser, Y., Caspers, B.A., Gadau, J., Gossmann, T.I., Kaiser, S., Krüger, O., Kurtz, J.Lengersdorf, D., Malsch, A., K. FMüller, C., Rauthmann J.F., Reinhold, K., Richter, S.H., Stummer, C., Trappes, R., C., Voelcker-Rehage, und Wittmann, M.J. . „Individualisation and individualised science across disciplinary perspectives.“ European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Nr. 14 (41) 41. doi: 10.1007/s13194-024-00602-8.
Kaiser, S, Krüger, C, und Sachser, N. . „The guinea pig.“ In The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory and other research animals, herausgegeben von H Golledge und C Richardson. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sroka, MGU, Ambree, O, Dohmen, C, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, und Richter, SH. . „Personality matters – The interplay between consistent individual differences and mouse welfare in female C57BL6/J mice.“ Frontiers in Animal Science, Nr. 5 (14238) doi: 10.3389/fanim.2024.1423814.
Göbel, M., Kaiser, S., Richter, S.H., Wagner, P., und Wehrenberg, G. . „Specifically Unspecific – Simple Devices as Feasible and Effective Enrichment for Small Mammals.“ Animal Behavior and Cognition, Nr. 11 (3): 305–329. doi: 10.26451/abc.
Pereira, H, Hoffman, JI, Krüger, O, Czirják, GA, Rinaud, T, Ottensmann, M, Gladow, K-P, . Caspers, BA, Maraci, Ö, Kaiser, S, und Chakarov, N. . „The gut microbiota-immune-brain axis in a wild vertebrate: dynamic interactions and health impacts.“ Frontiers in Microbiology, Nr. 15 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1413976.
Stieger, B, Wesseler, Y, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Behavioral lateralization of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 16 1095567. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.1095567.
Kaiser, S, Korte, A, Wistuba, J, Baldy, M, Wissmann, A, Dubičanac, A, Richter, SH, und Sachser, N. . „Effects of castration and sterilization on cortisol responsiveness – a case study in male guinea pigs.“ Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Nr. 9 (1093157) doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1093157.
Quante, SM, Siewert, V, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und SH, Richter. . „The power of a touch: Regular touchscreen training but not its termination affects hormones and behavior in mice.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 17 doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1112780.
Mutwill, AM, Schielzeth, H, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Conditional on the social environment? Roots of repeatability in hormone concentrations of male guinea pigs.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. 155 105423.
Bohn, L, Bierbaum, L, Kästner, N, von Kortzfleisch, VT, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Structural enrichment for laboratory mice: exploring the effects of novelty and complexity.“ Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Nr. 10 1207332. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1207332.
Lilie, ND, Riyahi, S, Kalinowski, A, Salazar, SM, Kaiser, S, Schmoll, T, und Korsten, P. . „Male social niche conformance? Effects of manipulated opportunity for extra-pair mating on behavior and hormones of male zebra finches.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. 146: 105243–105243. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2022.105243.
Kaiser, S, und Richter, SH. . „Don’t worry, be happy? Ein verhaltensbiologischer Blick auf das Gefühlsleben der Tiere.“ In Das unterschätzte Tier, herausgegeben von N Sachser, N Kästner und T Zimmermann. Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
Stieger, B, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „When left is right: The effects of paw preference training on behaviour in mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 430 (113929)
Von Kortzfleisch, VT, Ambrée, O, Karp, NA, Meyer, N, Novak, J, Palme, R, Rosso, M, Touma, C, Würbel, H, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Do multiple experimenters improve the reproducibility of animal studies?“ PLoS Biology, Nr. 20(3) (e3001564) doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001564.
Rystrom, TL, Prawitt, RC, Richter, SH, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Repeatability of endocrine traits and dominance rank in female guinea pigs.“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 19 (1): 4. doi: 10.1186/s12983-021-00449-2.
Feige-Diller, J, Herrera-Rivero, M, Witten, A, Stoll, M, Kaiser, S, Richter, SH, und Sachser, N. . „The impact of varying food availability on gene expression in the liver: Testing the Match-Mismatch hypothesis.“ Frontiers in Nutrition, Nr. 9 (910762)
Bračić, M, Bohn, L, Siewert, V, von Kortzfleisch, V, Schielzeth, H, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Once an Optimist, Always an Optimist? Studying Cognitive Judgment Bias in Mice.“ Behavioral Ecology, Nr. 33: 775–788.
Nagel, R., Kaiser, S., Stainfield, C., Toscani, C., Fox-Clarke, C., Paijmans, A.J., Costa, Castro C., Vendrami, D.L.J., Forcada, J., und Hoffman, J.I. . „Low heritability and high phenotypic plasticity of salivary cortisol in response to environmental heterogeneity in a wild pinniped.“ Ecology and Evolution, Nr. 12 (3) doi: 10.1002/ece3.8757.
Herrera-Rivero, M, Bohn, L, Witten, A, Jüngling, K, Kaiser, S, Richter, SH, Stoll, M, und Sachser, N. . „Transcriptional profiles in the mouse amygdala after a cognitive judgment bias test largely depend on the genotype.“ Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Nr. 15 1025389. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.1025389.
Kappeler, Peter M., Benhaiem, Sarah, Fichtel, Claudia, Fromhage, Lutz, Hoener, Oliver P., Jennions, Michael D., Kaiser, Sylvia, Krueger, Oliver, Schneider, Jutta M., Tuni, Cristina, van Schaik, Jaap, und Goymann, Wolfgang. . „Sex roles and sex ratios in animals.“ Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Nr. 98 (2) doi: 10.1111/brv.12915.
Feige-Diller, J, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „The impact of varying food availability on health and welfare in mice: Testing the Match-Mismatch hypothesis.“ Physiology and Behavior, Nr. 228 (113193) doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113193.
Mutwill, AM, Schielzeth, H, Zimmermann, TD, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Individuality meets plasticity: Endocrine phenotypes across male dominance rank acquisition in guinea pigs living in a complex social environment.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. 131 104967. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2021.104967.
Stieger, B, Melotti, L, Quante, SM, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „A step in the right direction: the effect of context, strain and sex on paw preference in mice.“ Animal Behaviour, Nr. 174: 21–30. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.01.012.
Krakenberg, V, Wewer, M, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Regular touchscreen training affects faecal corticosterone metabolites and anxiety-like behaviour in mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 401: 113080. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.113080.
Bodden, C, Wewer, M, Kästner, N, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Not all mice are alike: Mixed-strain housing alters social behaviour.“ Physiology and Behavior, Nr. 228 (113220) doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113220.
Melotti, L, Siestrup, S, Peng, M, Vitali, V, Dowling, D, von Kortzfleisch, VT, Bracic, M, Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, und Richter, SH. . „Individuality, as well as genetic background, affects syntactical features of courtship songs in male mice.“ Animal Behaviour, Nr. 180: 179–196.
Lihoreau, Mathieu, Kaiser, Sylvia, Resende, Briseida, Rodel, Heiko G., und Chaline, Nicolas. . „Editorial: Context-Dependent Plasticity in Social Species: Feedback Loops Between Individual and Social Environment.“ Frontiers in Psychology, Nr. 12: 64519. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645191.
Feige-Diller, J, Krakenberg, V, Bierbaum, L, Seifert, L, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „The effects of different feeding routines on welfare in laboratory mice.“ Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Nr. 6: 479.
Von Kortzfleisch, VT, Karp, NA, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Improving reproducibility in animal research by splitting the study population into several ‘mini-experiments’.“ Scientific Reports, Nr. 10 (16579) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73503-4.
Müller, C, Caspers, BA, Gadau, J, und Kaiser, S. . „The Power of Infochemicals in Mediating Individualized Niches.“ Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Nr. 35: 981–989. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2020.07.001.
Mutwill, AM, Zimmermann, TD, Hennicke, A, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Adaptive reshaping of the hormonal phenotype after social niche transition in adulthood.“ Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Nr. 287 20200667. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0667.
Sachser, N, Zimmermann, TD, Hennessy, MB, und Kaiser, S. . „Sensitive phases in the development of rodent social behavior.“ Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Nr. 36: 63–70. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.07.014.
Krakenberg, Viktoria, Siestrup, Sophie, Palme, Rupert, Kaiser, Sylvia, Sachser, Norbert, und Richter, SophieHelene. . „Effects of different social experiences on emotional state in mice.“ Scientific Reports, Nr. 10 (15255) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71994-9.
Mutwill, AM, Zimmermann, TD, Reuland, C, Fuchs, S, Kunert, J, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „High reproductive success despite queuing – Socio-sexual development of males in a complex social environment.“ Frontiers in Psychology, Nr. 10 2810. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02810.
Krakenberg, V, von Kortzfleisch, V, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Differential effects of serotonin transporter genotype on anxiety-like behavior and cognitive judgment bias in mice.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 13: 263.
Bodden, C, von Kortzfleisch, V, Karwinkel, F, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Heterogenising study samples across testing time improves reproducibility of behavioural data.“ Scientific Reports, Nr. 9: 8247.
Von Kortzfleisch, V, Kästner, N, Prange, L, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Have I been here before? Effects of repeated testing and age on the results of behavioural tests.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 367: 143–148.
Melotti, L, Kästner, N, Eick, AK, Schnelle, AL, Palme, R, Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, und Richter, SH. . „Can live with ‘em, can live without ‘em: pair housed male C57BL/6J mice show low aggression and increasing sociopositive interactions with age, but can adapt to single housing if separated.“ Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Nr. 214: 79–88.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Urbanik, S, Kunert, J, Waider, J, Lesch, K-P, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Brain serotonin deficiency affects female aggression.“ Scientific Reports, Nr. 9 (1366)
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Sangenstedt, S, Szardenings, C, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Does the early social environment prepare individuals for the future? A match-mismatch experiment in female wild cavies.“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 15:13 doi: 10.1186/s12983-018-0261-1.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Bodden, C, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Varying social experiences in adulthood do not differentially affect anxiety-like behavior but stress hormone levels.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 12: 72.
Sachser, N, Hennessy, MB, und Kaiser, S. . „The adaptive shaping of social behavioural phenotypes during adolescence.“ Biology Letters, Nr. 14 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0536.
Sachser, N, Richter, SH, und Kaiser, S. . „Artgerecht/tiergerecht.“ In Handbuch Tierethik, herausgegeben von JS Ach und D Borchers. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Richter, SH, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Emotionen.“ In Handbuch Tierethik, herausgegeben von JS Ach und D Borchers. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Bodden, C, Siestrup, S, Palme, R, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Evidence-based severity assessment: Impact of repeated versus single open-field testing on welfare in C57BL/6J mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 336: 261–268.
Meyer, N, Jenikejew, J, Richter, SH, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Social experiences during adolescence affect anxiety-like behavior but not aggressiveness in male mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 326: 147–153. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.03.017.
Siegeler, K, Lewejohann, L, Failing, K., Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Start early! Does social instability during the pre- and early postnatal development prepare male wild cavies for social challenge later in life?“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 14:2
Zimmermann, TD, Kaiser, S, Hennessy, MB, und Sachser, N. . „Adaptive shaping of the behavioural and neuroendocrine phenotype during adolescence.“ Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Nr. 284 (1849) doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2784.
Kästner, N, Richter, SH, Gamer, M, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „What a difference a day makes - female behaviour is less predictable near ovulation.“ Royal Society Open Science, Nr. 4 doi: 10.1098/rsos.160998.
Sangenstedt, S., Jaljuli, I., Sachser, N., und Kaiser, S. . „Stress responsiveness and anxiety-like behavior: The early social environment differentially shapes stability over time in a small rodent.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. 90 (null): 90–97. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.02.010.
Zimmermann, TD, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „The adaptiveness of a queuing strategy shaped by social experiences during adolescence.“ Physiology and Behavior, Nr. 181: 29–37. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.08.025.
Graulich, DM, Kaiser, S, Sachser, N, und Richter, SH. . „Looking on the bright side of bias - validation of an affective bias test for laboratory mice.“ Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Nr. 181: 173–181.
Meyer, N, Richter, SH, Schreiber, RS, Kloke, V, Kaiser, S, Lesch, KP, und Sachser, N. . „The Unexpected Effects of Beneficial and Adverse Social Experiences during Adolescence on Anxiety and Aggression and Their Modulation by Genotype.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 10 (97) doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00097.
SH, Richter, Kästner, N, Loddenkemper, DH, Kaiser, S, Sachser, und N. . „A time to wean? Impact of weaning age on anxiety-like behaviour and stability of behavioural traits in full adulthood.“ PloS one, Nr. 11(12): e0167652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167652.
Richter, SH, Kästner, N, Kriwet, M, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Play matters - the surprising relationship between juvenile playfulness and anxiety in later life.“ Animal Behaviour, Nr. 114: 261–271. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.02.003.
Kaiser, S, Hennessy, MB, und Sachser, N. . „Domestication affects the structure, development and stability of biobehavioural profiles.“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 12 (Suppl1): 19
Kaiser, S, Siegeler, K, Schwerdt, B, und N, Sachser. . „Social instability during pregnancy and lactation alters female wild cavy offsprings endocrine status and behaviour later in life.“ Behaviour, Nr. 152 (7-8): 837–859.
Bodden, C, Richter, SH, Schreiber, RS, Kloke, V, Gerss, J, Palme, R, Lesch, KP, Lewejohann, L, Kaiser, S, und Sacher, N. . „Benefits of adversity?! How life history affects the behavioral profile of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.“ Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Nr. 9 (47) doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00047.
Kästner, N., Richter, S.H., Lesch, K.P., Schreiber, R.S., Kaiser, S., und Sachser, N. . „Benefits of a "vulnerability gene"? A study in serotonin transporter knockout mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 283 doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.01.031.
Hennessy, MB, Kaiser, S, Tiedtke, T, und Sachser, N. . „Stability and change: Stress responses and the shaping of behavioral phenotypes over the life span.“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 12 (Suppl 1): 18. doi: 10.1186/1742-9994-12-S1_S18.
Kloke, V., Schreiber, R., Bodden, C., Möllers, J., Ruhmann, H., Kaiser, S., Lesch, K., Sachser, N., und Lewejohann, L. . „Hope for the best or prepare for the worst? Towards a spatial cognitive bias test for mice.“ PloS one, Nr. 9 (8) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105431.
Zipser, B, Schleking, A, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Effects of domestication on biobehavioural profiles: a comparison of domestic guinea pigs and wild cavies from early to late adolescence.“ Frontiers in Zoology, Nr. 11
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Sachser, N, Kaiser, S, und Hennessy, MB. . „Behavioural profiles are shaped by social experience: when, how and why.“ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Nr. 368 (1618): 20120344. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2012.0344.
Siegeler, K, Wistuba, J, Damm, OS, von Engelhardt, N, Sachser, N, und Kaiser, S. . „Early social instability affects plasma testosterone during adolescence but does not alter reproductive capacity or measures of stress later in life.“ Physiology and Behavior, Nr. 120C: 143–149. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2013.08.008.
Kloke, V, Heiming, RS, Bölting, S, Kaiser, S, Lewejohann, L, Lesch, KP, und Sachser, N. . „Unexpected effects of early-life adversity and social enrichment on the anxiety profile of mice varying in serotonin transporter genotype.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 247C: 248–258. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.03.039.
Karabeg, MM, Grauthoff, S, Kollert, SY, Weidner, M, Heiming, RS, Jansen, F, Popp, S, Kaiser, S, Lesch, KP, Sachser, N, Schmitt, AG, und Lewejohann, L. . „5-HTT Deficiency Affects Neuroplasticity and Increases Stress Sensitivity Resulting in Altered Spatial Learning Performance in the Morris Water Maze but Not in the Barnes Maze.“ PloS one, Nr. 8 (10): e78238.
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Zipser, B, Kaiser, S, und Sachser, N. . „Dimensions of Animal Personalities in Guinea Pigs.“ Ethology, Nr. 119 (11): 970–982.
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Jansen, F, Heiming, RS, Kloke, V, Kaiser, S, Palme, R, Lesch, KP, und Sachser, N. . „Away game or home match: The influence of venue and serotonin transporter genotype on the display of offensive aggression.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 219 (2): 291–301. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.01.029.
Sachser, N, Hennessy, MB, und Kaiser, S. . „Adaptive Modulation of Behavioural Profiles by Social Stress During Early Phase of Life and Adolescence.“ Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Nr. 35 (7): 1518–1533. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2010.09.002.
Heiming, RS, Bodden, C, Jansen, F, Lewejohann, L, Kaiser, S, Lesch, KP, Palme, R, und Sachser, N. . „Living in a dangerous world decreases maternal care: A study in serotonin transporter knockout mice.“ Hormones and Behavior, Nr. Volume 60 (4): 397–407. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.07.006.
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Lewejohann, L, Kloke, V, Heiming, RS, Jansen, F, Kaiser, S, Schmitt, A, Lesch, KP, und Sachser, N. . „Social Status and Day-to-Day Behaviour of Male Serotonin Transporter Knockout Mice.“ Behavioural Brain Research, Nr. 211 (2): 220–228. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2010.03.035.
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