HP35 and HP35st modules
The HP35 module uses the 35 aa-long villin headpiece peptide (HP), which is characterized by an ultrafast unfolding response at 6–8 pN; the mutant HP35st module is sensitive to 9–11 pN. Remarkably, the force response of both modules is largely insensitive to the applied loading rates. As it is still unknown how fast molecules applied mechanical loads onto each other in vivo, these sensors are particularly useful to determine molecular forces in cells. In addition, the analysis of both modules, HP35 and HP35st, is useful to establish formal evidence that observed FRET changes are indeed force-specific and not a consequence of conformational changes (Austen et al. 2015).
Austen K, Ringer P, Mehlich A, Chrostek-Grashoff A, Kluger C, Klingner C, Sabass B, Zent R, Rief M, Grashoff C. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Dec; 17(12):1597-1606. [Epub 2015 Nov 2] >>