Mini-Symposium in Hochschule Geisenheim University
This week, we had our yearly mini-symposium of the group, with the Bex-Biotech team as our guests. It had been organized by Rita Weyer, Max Linhorst, and Margareta Hellmann, supported as always by Cordula Kurth. For the first time, the mini-symposium was held at an institute of one of our alumni, Dr. Anne Vortkamp. She is now at the Institute for Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of “Hochschule Geisenheim University” where she hosted us for three days. After a brief introduction by Bruno Moerschbacher, our Bachelor and Research Module students presented their work in oral presentations, followed by three poster sessions with a total of 17 posters spread over three days. If at all possible, the results presented were even better this year than last, so that the number and quality of manuscripts that we will be able to submit for publication soon is more than promising. On Tuesday, we also had presentations from Geisenheim researchers who presented to us their work on growing grapes and making wine, including trips to the fields and cellars and some wine tasting, followed by a great barbecue on the premises of the university. Wednesday’s highlight was a hiking trip from Rüdesheim to Assmannshausen through the vineyards of the Rheingau, and the return trip via boat on the river Rhine. After the last poster session on Thursday, the poster prizes were given - this year to Lea Hembach, Max Linhorst, and Philipp Lemke. Finally, Bruno wrapped up the mini-symposium - mostly by thanking everyone who had contributed to its success: the organizing teams, our host Anne, our drivers who had had to not drink any wine - but most importantly to all group members for their excellent work and results, and for their enthusiasm and spirit that turns work into fun.