
| Lezing van Dr. Rudolf Dekker
Lezing van Dr. Rudolf Dekker
© Universität Münster

Dr. Rudolf Dekker (Rotterdam): "De criminele autobiografie. Van 1600 tot heden", dinsdag 18 april 2023, 18.15 uur
Link to book presentation

Op 18 april om 18.15 uur zal dr. Rudolf Dekker (Rotterdam) in het Autobiografieforum voorlezen uit zijn boek "De criminele autobiografie. Van 1600 tot heden" (2021). The reading takes place in room 1.05 of the House of the Netherlands, Alter Steinweg 6/7. Alle geïnteresseerden zijn van harte uitgenodigd!

| Lecture Dr. Sara Gallardo (Madrid)
Lecture Dr. Sara Gallardo (Madrid)
© AutobiographieForum

Save the Date: Dr. Sara Gallardo (University of Madrid) on July 12, 4 to 6 p.m.

On July 12, the Spanish literary scientist Dr. Sara Gallardo (Madrid and a fellow at the Romanic Institute at Münster University) will give a talk on her latest research under the title "Gedächtnis, Körper und autobiographisches Schreiben in der zeitgenössischen spanischsprachigen Literatur" in the 'House of the Netherlands', room 1.05, entrance via Kirchherrngasse, to which all of you are cordially invited. Textmaterial in preparation for the talk will be announced on time. Please register for the talk until June 30 under ndlmwe@uni-muenster.de. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Gastlezing van Prof. Dr. Reinhard Mehring (Heidelberg)
Gastlezing van Prof. Dr. Reinhard Mehring (Heidelberg)
© Uni Münster

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Mehring (Heidelberg):
"Natality as a Taboo Formula. Hannah Arendt's Pariah-Reservation"
Wed, July 14, 2021, 4:15 pm

Hannah Arendt’s elaboration on ‘natality’ initially appears as a compromise between an orientation towards Heidegger (‘beginning’) and Jaspers (Kant`s ‘spontaneity’). However, it taboos queries regarding the conditions of possibility of ‘spontaneous’ and ‘revolutionary acting’, respectively.
The lecture asks how Arendt’s enthusiasm for the ‘left’ revolution relates to the conservative incantation of reversion to the authoritative beginnings. This question leads to further reflections on Arendt’s self-identification with ‘the girl from abroad’ in a ‘hidden tradition’ between ‘pariah and parvenu’.

The lecturer has published on Arendt since the 1990s, for example a review on the correspondence with Heidegger (cf. ZRGG 53 (2001): 256-273) and lately on “Arendt’s Pariah-Identification” (in: Power and Violence (original German title: Macht und Gewalt), eds. Wischke and Zenkert, Wiesbaden: Springer 2019, 183-216).

This zoom-lecture will be held in German. Please register for a zoom-link with ndlmwe@uni-muenster.de.


Lezing van Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker
Lezing van Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker

Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker:
"Autobiography und Leadership in epistoraler Form: Paulus im Vergleich mit Cicero und Seneca"

Op dinsdag 12 januari om 16.15 u vindt de volgende zitting van het autobiografieforum peer zoom plaats.  Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker spreekt over: "Autobiographie and Leadership in epistoraler Form: Paulus im Vergleich mit Cicero und Seneca". U kunt zich tot 5 januari 2021 aanmelden via een mail naar  ndlmwe@uni-muenster.de. U ontvangt dan een zoomlink en een tekst ter voorbereiding. Wij kijken uit naar een levendige discussie!