
Lecture in Memory of former Institute and Museum Director
Karl Lehmann-Hartleben
Karl Lehmann-Hartleben
© Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Berlin, Archiv der Zentrale, Biographica-Mappe Karl Lehmann-Hartleben

In memory of the former Institute and Museum Director Prof. Dr Karl Lehmann Hartleben, the Institute of Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology and the Archaeological Museum have been organising the ‘Karl Lehmann Hartleben Lecture’ once a year during the summer semester since 2024.

Below you will find the respective guest speakers and their topics:

26 June 2024

Prof Dr George Kavvadias (National Museum of Athens)

‘A vase on the track! The amazing story of Spyros Louis' Olympic prize’

Spyridon Louis, the first Greek Olympic marathon champion in Athens in 1896, received various gifts for this achievement. Among them was an antique skyphos, which had been in the possession of the Archaeological Museum of the University of Münster for several years, purchased by the collector and staunch National Socialist Werner Peek. Due to its great sentimental value, the museum donated the trophy to the Greek state in 2019.