
© Pferdemuseum Münster
© Chiara Thumiger

Welche Rolle spielten Beeinträchtigungen und Fähigkeiten in der antiken Welt? Diese Frage wird die Klassische Philologin PD DR. Chiara Thumiger vom Exzellenzcluster "Roots" der Universität Kiel am 27. Mai ab 18 Uhr im Dialog mit den studentischen Moderator*innen Likas Luisen und Ann-Kathrin Hönerloh erörtern.

Das Gespräch findet im Rahmen der Reihe "Diversity Dialogues in Chlassical Studies" im Archäologischen Museum auf Einladung des Seminars für Alte Geschichte  und des Instituts für Klassische Archäologie und Christliche Archäologie. Im Anschluss an das Gespräch findet ein Empfang im Museum statt. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Christa Thumiger wurde am King’s College London in griechischer Literatur promoviert und lehrte und forschte danach noch einige Jahre in London. Weitere wissenschaftliche Stationen waren die Forschungsgruppe "Medicine of the Mind, Philosophy of the Body" an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin sowie ein Research Fellowship in Medical Humanities an der Warwick University.

Derzeit erforscht sie am Kieler Exzellenzcluster "Roots" im Projekt "Ancient Guts" antike Ansichten über Ernährungsprozesse in einer breiten kulturgeschichtlichen Perspektive. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen neben Ancient disablities auch die antike Medizin sowie antike Konzepte des Geistes und von mentaler Gesundheit beziehungsweise Krankheit.

© Michael Grünbart

Eine bis dahin noch nicht gekannte Machtfülle einer römischen Kaiserin zeigen Münzen, die unter Iustinos II in den Jahren 560er und -70er Jahren geprägt wurden. Auf dem kupfernen Kleingeld war er gemeinsam mit seiner Ehefrau Gemahlin Sophia abgegbildet, die neben ihm auf gleicher Höhe saß und die selben Insignien wie er trug. Auf der Münze des Monats Mai geht die Symbiose noch weiter: Auf den Pentanummi-Stücken werden die Namen der Kaiserin und des Κaisers in einem Blockmonogramm verschmolzen. Wenn man die einzelnen Buchstaben liest, dann kommt man auf IVCTINOV KAI COΦIAC (»des Iustinos und der Sophia«). Das kaiserliche Ehepaar tritt als Einheit auf.

© Archäologisches Museum Münster

Auf verschiedenste Weise wurden im antiken Rom die Kaiser nach ihrem Tod verehrt und zu den Göttern erhoben. Besonders in Reliefs und in der Münzprägung existieren unterschiedliche Darstellungen der verstorbenen Herrscher und deren Angehörige. Tim Landsmann wird am 5. und 26. Mai um 14.15 Uhr im Raum F033 des Fürstenberghauses die Apotheose der Kaiser beim "Thema des Monats" näher beleuchten.

© Peter Niesporek-Heberer
© Archäologie Diagonal
© Kristin Kleber
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Forschungsstelle Asia Minor
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Universität Tübingen
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© A. Al-Magasees
© AS - Archäologie Schweiz
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Musée du Louvre/Anne Chauvet
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© Archäologisches Museum/Robert Dylka
© Archäologisches Museum Münster
© W. Held
© Courtesy of the artist; Selfridges (London)
© Stadtarchäologie Münster

Schauraum Münster 2023

© Uni MS Design Service

CAMPUS EARTH 2022 – The WWU Sustainability Day

The first Sustainability Day of the WWU will take place on 10 October 2022. The event day will take place in the premises and outdoor areas of the Fürstenberghaus and Philosophikum and will focus on global, social and intergenerational resource justice. The public is invited to come to the university and engage in exchange with experts. Participation in the programme is free of charge, registration is not required.
For more information, here is the link to the event's website:
Campus Earth

© Archäologisches Museum

The Horse in Antiquity - From Troy to Olympia

Special exhibition at the Westphalian Horse Museum at the Allwetterzoo Münster
16 June to 18 September 2022

As part of the special exhibition, the Westphalian Horse Museum was visited by Barbara Overbeck from WDR 5 and the curator of the Münster Archaeological Museum, Dr. Helge Nieswandt, answered some interesting questions. 

For all those interested, here is the link to the interview:

© Lianna Hecht

The mummy is back

On 09.11.2021, the mummy returned from its trip to Japan and is now in its new display case in the basement. In addition, you will also find a new publication in our museum shop entitled "Egyptian Mummies between the Rhine and the Ems - Souvenir and Sensation" !


© Archäologisches Museum

The team of the Archaeological Museum of the Westphalian Wilhelms University mourns

The team of the Archaeological Museum of the Westphalian Wilhelms University mourns the loss of a great patron who wishes to remain anonymous.

a great patron who wishes to remain anonymous.

He passed away in Münster on 04 April 2020 at the age of 91.

Münster and the Münsterland region have lost an extraordinary patron of cultural institutions in April 2020, who in his modesty must remain unnamed. The LWL Museum of Art and Culture, the RELíGIO - Westphalian Museum of Religious Culture GmbH as well as the Archaeological Museum of the WWU Münster have received great support from a generous patron through the donation of artefacts or the establishment of foundations for the financial support of museum work. His commitment did not only extend to financial transactions, but also provided valuable impulses through personal sympathy and tireless advisory work.
The teams of the above-mentioned institutions mourn the loss of a great supporter of cultural work.

On behalf of the EMU Archaeological Museum

The Director
Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger

The curator
Dr. H.-Helge Nieswandt
The Chairman of the Kerykeion Foundation for Archaeological Museums
Prof. Dr. Dieter Salzmann
The Chairman of the Society for the Promotion of the Archaeological Museum
Walter Osthues

To the picture: Seated figure of a man from Ancient South Arabia (Yemen)

© Archäologisches Museum

WeltWeit.Unverzichtbar - Kleine Fächer für große Themen

Special exhibition at the Archaeological Museum from 10 January to 22 March 2020.

In today's global world, we live in societies that are changing rapidly and constantly. This dynamic is a challenge that needs to be addressed. Armed conflicts, human rights violations, inequality, environmental pollution and populism are just some of the social problems we face. Understanding them also means considering approaches to solutions. The so-called "small subjects" in the humanities make a contribution to this.

As part of the "Small Subjects Weeks", we showed an exhibition at the University of Münster that did not focus on old familiar things, but presented global phenomena using small things. On the basis of three social challenges - migration, communication and sustainability - we give an insight into how we look at core questions and problems of modern society and thus contribute to the understanding of these topics.

You can find more information about the exhibition on the Cluster of Excellence website.

© Archmus

Reopening of the Bible Museum and the Archaeology Museum

On Friday 13 December 2019, the WWU Bible Museum and Archaeological Museum will reopen!
After that, we will extend our opening hours so that we will be open for you Tuesdays to Sundays 10-18 hrs.

© Archäologisches Museum

The team of the Archaeological Museum of the Westphalian Wilhelms University mourns

The team of the Archaeological Museum of the Westphalian Wilhelms University mourns the death of

Prof. Dr Tono Eitel,

who died in Münster on 25 June 2017 at the age of 84.

In January 2004, we gladly accepted Prof. Dr. Tono Eitel's invitation to view his extensive collection in his private rooms. This meeting, which was characterised by a very friendly atmosphere, not only revealed his profound knowledge of his antiquities from the Greco-Roman cultural sphere, but also those from the Near East. When we were then invited to the study room to examine the collection of stamps and scroll seals, the desire to work closely together arose immediately. Thus, in 2008, a contract was concluded between WWU and Prof. Eitel, which provided for the seal collection to be processed and gradually transferred to the museum's holdings. Thanks to the generosity of the Rectorate, a special presentation wall was installed in the museum and a publication of the collection was initiated. We are grateful that Tono Eitel was able to live to see the publication of the monograph of his collection, which appeared this year.

The team of the Archaeological Museum mourns the loss of a great supporter of the museum.

On behalf of the Archaeological Museum of the WWU

The director
Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger

The curator
Dr. H.-Helge Nieswandt

The former director
Prof. Dr. Dieter Salzmann