Welcome to the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies (CAHS)

Welcome to the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies (CAHS)

This original CAHS site was designed by Joel Deshaye, in consultation with Uwe Rasch, M.A., and Prof Dr Bernfried Nugel, in 2003.

The design visually refers to a description of the moksha-medicine experience as described in Huxley’s 1962 novel, Island. This description, which serves as a footer on the first page, shows Will Farnaby’s reaction to looking at a bookshelf while under the hallucinogenic influence of the drug:

"And what strange jewellery! Narrow slabs of emerald and topaz, of ruby and sapphire and lapis lazuli, blazing away, row above row, like so many bricks in a wall of the New Jerusalem. Then—at the end, not in the beginning—came the word. In the beginning were the jewels, the stained-glass windows, the walls of paradise. It was only now, at long last, that the word ‘book-case’ presented itself for consideration."

The image shows Huxley sitting on the wall near his California home in the Hollywood hills in 1959. The original photo, by Rose Nys, included Laura Huxley reclining on a chair, but the image was edited so that the bricks could extend to the left and become progressively less substantial. We can see Huxley lightly seated on the bricks. Considering his reference, above, to the bricks being like books on a shelf, he seems very comfortable there. One can imagine his love of books and his appreciation of the cloudy greyness of an ambiguous reality. The wall suggests the impermanence of objects like books; the colored psychedelic fog (a collage of mathematically derived Mandelbrot fractals) represents Huxley’s dual interest in hallucinogenic drugs and science. The bricks and fog show two of Huxley’s learning strategies: the use of the encyclopedias for hard facts and the use of mystical or chemical methods for subjective truths.

Laura Huxley has approved the use of this image of Aldous.

CAHS website

As basic features this website includes a searchable catalogue of our library, a regularly updated bibliography of Huxley’s writings and Huxley studies from 1994 to date as well as a full list of our publications (Aldous Huxley Annual and "Human Potentialities") and their contents.

Eighth International Aldous Huxley Symposium at Florence October 2025

Venue: Centro Studi Ricerca e Formazione CISL, Via della Piazzuola,
71, 50133, Firenze (www.centrostudi.cisl.it/)
Dates: 21 October 2025 (conference warming, 18:00-20:00), 22-24
October (proceedings), 25 October (coach trip to Sansepolcro, see
Huxley’s Essay “The Best Picture”)
Convenors: The International Aldous Huxley Society (AHS) and the
Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies (CAHS) [www.uni-
General theme: “Aldous Huxley in Italy: Rest Cure or/and Cultural
The general theme of the conference will naturally focus on Huxley’s
activities in Italy. Besides, there will certainly be room for a variety of
other topics.
Conference fee: AHS Members: 190 Euro; Non-Members: 220 Euro.

Call for papers:
Please send your proposals for papers (20 minutes, plus 10 minutes
discussion) by 1 March 2025 to Prof Bernfried Nugel
Your abstracts (20–30 lines or 200–300 words) will be expected in
the form of a WORD file (docx).

Latest news from Balliol College: New building named after Aldous Huxley

Find more information here.

"Brave New World" (1932) Turns 90

At age 90, Brave New World remains Aldous Huxley’s signature novel, a brilliant satirical dystopia in which, thanks to such enormities as soma, hypnopaedia, Podsnap’s Technique and Solidarity services, society in A.F. 632 has changed for the worse what it means to be human. Huxley depicts an array of mindless consumers, incessantly copulating clones. The brave new world’s perverse conception of Community, Identity, and Stability is both funny and frightening, topical for 1932 and yet timeless.

Jerome Meckier

Die Teufel von Loudun / Music at Night



Opera in three acts Libretto by the composer based on The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley in the dramatization by John Whiting using the German translation of Erich Fried’s drama (1968/69, revised in 2011/12)

World premiere: Hamburg, 20 June 1969

Premiere of the revised version: Copenhagen, 12 February 2013

Composer Krzysztof Penderecki.
Premiere on 27 June 2022

The programme book includes an essay on Huxley and The Devils of Loudun by Uwe Rasch and Gerhard Wagner of the Aldous Huxley Centre.



The jazz album, released on 19 June 2022, was inspired by the title of Huxley’s 1931 essay collection Music at Night, and two tracks are named after two of the essays therein: “Music at Night” and “The Rest is Silence”.

Uwe Rasch of the Aldous Huxley Centre provided some of the liner notes, commenting on the music and Huxley’s relationship to music in general and jazz in particular.

At the release party for the album at the Comedy Café in Amsterdam on 19 June 2022, almost all of the album tracks were performed live before an enthused audience. Additionally to the music, Uwe read Huxley’s poem “Scenes of the Mind” just before the piece “Music at Night”, since it beautifully reflected both Huxley’s appreciation of aesthetic experience and the themes and moods of Harald Walkate’s compositions.

© wbg Theiss


Der englische Schriftsteller Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) ist vielen Lesern ein fester Begriff. Mit seinem Roman »Schöne neue Welt« (1932) gelang ihm ein Weltklassiker, dessen Titel bald zum Schlagwort wurde. Die Warnung vor einer technologischen Diktatur bleibt virulent. Uwe Rasch und Gerhard Wagner informieren deutsche Leser erstmals allseitig über den einflussreichen Schriftsteller und Denker. Sie schildern Huxleys schwere Augenerkrankung, sein Eintreten für den Pazifismus, die Drogenexperimente, das Abenteuer Hollywood und schließlich die Gründung des Esalen Institutes in Kalifornien. Krishnamurti, Strawinsky, Yehudi Menuhin und Charlie Chaplin waren seine engen Freunde. Mit Thomas Mann traf er sich im Exil, Adorno widmete ihm einen Aufsatz. Huxley zeigt sich teils als bissiger Skeptiker, teils als engagierter Humanist. Frappierend ist Huxleys außergewöhnliche Bedeutung für eine globalisierte Welt.

Rasch, Uwe / Wagner, Gerhard
Aldous Huxley
2019. 320 S. mit 30 sw-Abb.,
Bibliogr., Reg. und Zeittafel, geb.
mit SU. wbg Theiss, Darmstadt.
Erscheinungstermin: 13.05.2019
€ 30,00

Über die Autoren:

Uwe Rasch ist seit 2001 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Aldous-Huxley-Forschungsstelle an der Universität Münster und arbeitet an der Herausgabe des »Aldous Huxley Annual« und der Huxley-Monographien-Reihe »Human Potentialities« mit. Er hat jahrzehntelang als Kulturjournalist gearbeitet. Hauptberuflich ist Uwe Rasch zurzeit Dozent für akademisches Englisch am Sprachenzentrum der Universität Münster.

Gerhard Wagner promovierte mit einer Arbeit über die Dichtungstheorie in Aldous Huxleys Essayistik. Vorausgegangen war ein Studium der Fächer Englische Philologie, Neuere Geschichte und Nordische Philologie. Seit ihrer Gründung 1998 ist er Mitarbeiter in der Aldous-Huxley-Forschungsstelle der Universität Münster. Hauptberuflich ist er im öffentlichen Schuldienst tätig.

  • In January 2016 the Center for Aldous Huxley Studies appears on Facebook CAHS.
  • The Peter Edgerly FirchTow Memorial Essay Prize

The Third Firchow Prize has been awarded to: JULIAN PIRAS (Independent Scholar, Belgium)
for his essay “Suffering and the Liberation from Suffering: Core Concerns in the Works of Aldous Huxley”
(Aldous Huxley Society, Executive Committee, 12 November 2015), see Firchow Prize

  • CAHS acquires private Huxley collection from Heinz F. Esser, see Library.
  • For Mary Ann Braubach’s documentary "Huxley on Huxley", see Braubach.