Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens
(Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
Applied Mathematics University of Münster, Germany

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position and a PhD-position (both salary level TV-L E 13) in the research field: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, at the Institute for Analysis and Numerics at the University of Münster, Germany (Prof. A. Stevens), starting as soon as possible.

The initial appointment for the Research Associate (PostDoc) position will be made for 3 years and can be extended to up to 5 years.
It is a full-time position and includes a teaching load of 4 hours per week during lecture time.
The opportunity for further scientific qualification is given.

The PhD-position is an appointment for 3 years on a 75% salary basis.

Applicants are expected to join the research activities of the group.
Job requirements are a PhD in mathematics for the Research Associate position and a master's degree in mathematics for the PhD-position.

A very good working knowledge nonlinear partial differential equations and/or the calculus of variations are required for both positions.The group is interested in questions of theoretical analysis of PDEs and systems of integro-differential equations also related to applications.

For more information and details of the application process please see Link