Paul Striewski

Research Interests:
  • Image Processing
  • Applied topics in Riemannian geometry
Workgroup Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth
Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
University of Münster
Einsteinstraße 62
D-48149 Münster

Office: 120.026
Phone: +49 251 83-35133
Email: Paul dot Striewski at uni-muenster dot de


WS 2017/18: Übung zur Vorlesung: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen I.
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth
WS 2016/17: Übung zur Vorlesung: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen I.
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth
WS 2016/17: Seminar: Optimierung und Variationsmethoden in der Bildverarbeitung und den Naturwissenschaften.
(Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, Dr. Alessio Brancolini, Carolin Rossmanith, Ulrich Hartleif)
SS 2015: Seminar: Fortgeschrittene Themen der Optimierung.
(Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth)
WS 2014/15: Seminar: Konvexe Modelle in Bildverarbeitung und Computer Vision.
(Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth)


Differentiable Piecewise-Bezier Surfaces on Riemannian Manifolds

P.-A. Absil, P.-Y. Gousenbourger, S. Striewski and B. Wirth; in SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2016).
We generalise the notion of Bezier surfaces and surface splines to Riemannian manifolds. To this end we put forward and compare three possible alternative definitions of Bezier surfaces. We furthermore investigate how to achieve C0- and C1-continuity of Bezier surface splines. Different from Euclidean space and from one-dimensional Bezier splines on manifolds, C1-continuity cannot be ensured by simple conditions on the Bezier control points, but requires an adaptation of the Bezier spline evaluation scheme. Finally, we propose an algorithm to optimise the Bezier control points if a set of points to be interpolated by a Bezier surface spline is given. We show computational examples on the sphere, the special orthogonal group, and two Riemannian shape spaces.

Elastic 3D-2D Image Registration

S. Striewski and B. Wirth; in preparation.
We propose a method to non-rigidly align a three-dimensional (3D) volumetric image with a two-dimensional (2D) planar image representing a projection of the deformed volume. Our approach is variational and uses a hyperelastic deformation regularization.


  • Differentiable piecewise-Bezier interpolation on Riemannian manifolds, P.-A. Absil, Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger, Paul Striewski, Benedikt Wirth
    ESANN 2016 proceedings, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (2016).
Interdisciplinary articles
  • Endothelial Basement Membrane Laminin 511 Contributes to Endothelial Junctional Tightness and Thereby Inhibits Leukocyte Transmigration., Jian Song, Xueli Zhang, Konrad Buscher, Ying Wang, Huiyu Wang, Jacopo Di Russo, Lixia Li, Stefan Luetke-Enking, Alexander Zarbock, Anika Stadtmann, Paul Striewski, Benedikt Wirth, Ivan Kuzmanov, Heinz Wiendl, Doerte Schulte, Dietmar Vestweber, Lydia Sorokin.
    Cell Reports, Volume 18, Issue 5 (2017).