Abstracts now online
Abstracts to conference presentations will be contained in the conference pack which you will receive at registration. You can also find the abstracts online here.

Reading by Dutch poet Mustafa Stitou
We’re very happy to announce that Dutch poet Mustafa Stitou has accepted our invitation for a reading on Saturday, 9 September 2015, from 13:00 - 14:00 pm (English Seminar, Johannisstraße 12-20, 48143 Münster; room t.b.c.).
For more information on Mustafa Stitou's work, visit his page at the Dutch foundation for literature: www.letterenfonds.nl/nl/boek/587/de-poezie-van-mustafa-stitou.

Print version of programme online
The print version of the programme for the 5th biennial Afroeuropeans conference, Black Cultures and Identities in Europe, to take place in Münster (Germany) from 16-19 September, is now online. You can access the file here.


click to enlarge

at this year's Afroeuropeans conference:

- a screening of a film by
Nancy Mac Granaky-Quaye

- readings by Bernardine Evaristo
and Diran Adebayo

- the roundtable "Why is my professor not black?"

- a performance by Philipp Khabo Koepsell

- the fishbowl discussion
"African European Studies: Aims, Scope, Interdisciplinarity"

Entry to these events is free.
You can download the flyer here.

Launch of The British Centre for Black and Asian Writing (Brunel U London)
by Bernardine Evaristo (founder and director)

London-based writer Bernardine Evaristo has chosen to launch The British Centre for Black and Asian Writing at the Afroeuropeans conference 2015 in Münster.

Founded in 2015 as an educational and cultural resource for wide-ranging audiences around the world, the Centre’s first project is a highly visual and dynamic web encyclopaedia that will feature every single British black and Asian writer whose work has been published and produced in the UK since the 1800s. Each entry will include biographical information, photographs, and a bibliography, along with other important resource material such as links to other sites as well as audio and video clips and, once the Centre is established, academic essays will accompany all entries.

Writers of every genre of writing will be included, from fiction to poetry, from journalism to spoken word to graphic writing. With a policy of inclusion rather than the selective principles of canon formation, the Centre will demonstrate the contribution of all of these writers to British literature and culture.

In time, the Centre will aim to become both a physical archive for this literature as well as a creative space that initiates arts activities and forges creative partnerships.

The British Centre for Black and Asian Writing is a charity.

For more information on Bernardine Evaristo’s work as an author, blogger, teacher, and activist visit her website: http://bevaristo.com.

Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ JO 1
Johannisstraße 4, 48143 Münster, Germany

Dinner booking
Tickets for the conference dinner are selling out fast. If you would like to attend the dinner on Thursday, 17 September, but didn’t book it with your registration, then secure your space now by sending us an email (make sure you put 'conference dinner' in the subject line): afroeuropeans2015@gmail.com.
If you have not yet registered for the conference, you can include dinner in your registration; but it would be advisable to do this soon. To register, go to: www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/reg.information.html.

Jamie Shearer will discuss the relevance of self-organized counter spaces
At this year’s Afroeuropeans conference, Jamie Schearer, in her opening keynote on Thursday, 17 September, will be talking about "The European Network of People of African Descent (ENPAD) & the relevance of self-organized counter spaces” (time: 9:45-11:00). Political scientist Jamie Schearer is an activist, a project manager of ENPAD, as well as a board member of the Initiative für Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD) and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).

Jamie Schearer opens conference with keynote address
We are very pleased to announce that political scientist and activist Jamie Schearer (Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland) has accepted our invitation to deliver a keynote address at the 2015 Afroeuropean Studies conference.

Philipp Khabo Koepsell will perform at Afroeuropeans conference
Here is another wonderful addition to the Afroeuropean Studies conference programme: a performance by Philipp Khabo Koepsell, a Berlin-based author and spoken-word performer (www.facebook.com/mrKoepsell). For more information on the conference go to: www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015.

Conference accommodation
We would like to remind you to book your accommodation as soon as possible. Rooms in Münster are selling out fast on the conference dates and most of our pre-reserved rooms have been booked. You might find it helpful to visit our Hotels page which provides information on finding a room (www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/accommodation.html).

Diran Adebayo confirmed as keynote speaker
We are delighted to announce that Diran Adebayo - British novelist and cultural critic - will give a keynote address at the 2015 Afroeuropean Studies conference, to be held in Münster from 16-19 September.
For more information on Diran Adebayo go to: www.facebook.com/diranadebayo14 and www.diranadebayo.com.
For more info on the conference visit: www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015.

Accommodation in affordable rooms
If you have not booked your room yet, please note that we have reserved several rooms (25 m²) in international student dorms which you can book at a price of 30,00 € per night. These rooms are located 6.5km from the conference venue, in Schlesienstraße or Lilienthalweg (bus connections available; 25 minutes). For further information, please visit https://www.wwu.de/en/international_students/exchange/living/index.html.
If you would like to book these rooms, or have any queries, please send us an email with "student dorms" as the subject line.

Fishbowl discussion: Panellists wanted
We are pleased to announce a new highlight of the conference programme: a fishbowl discussion on the topic of “African European Studies: Aims, scope and disciplinary,” which will take place on Saturday, 19 September 2015, from 11-12:30 pm.
For more information on content, format, and how to apply, click here.

Preliminary conference programme online
We are pleased to announce that a preliminary programme for all paper sessions at the Afroeuropean Studies conference has now been uploaded to the conference website. You can access and download the programme here: www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/programme.html.

Travelling to Münster
When planning your journey to Münster, it is worth having a look at our travel page. There you can find detailed information on how to get to Münster, such as which are convenient airports and how much time to allow for onward travel. You can find the travel page here: http://www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/gettingthere.html.

Conference accommodation
If you are planning to attend the Afroeuropean Studies conference, make sure you book your accommodation well in advance. The conference coincides with another big event in Münster, and many hotels are already fully booked. For further information, please visit our website: http://www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/accommodation.html.

Afrika Festival in Münster, Germany, 3-14 June 2015
From today (3rd of June) to 14 June 2015, Münster will be hosting its 15th yearly Afrika Festival under the heading of "Erlesenes Afrika – literarische Erkundung eines Kontinents.” This year's festival explores recent developments in African literature and will offer a large variety of readings, including readings for children, as well as poetry slams, concerts, and the popular African Market in Münster city centre.
A detailed programme of the festival is now available on: http://afrika-kooperative.blogspot.de/2015/03/festivaleroffnung-und-themenabend.html

This is the brand new Afroeuropean Studies conference flyer, including information on the conference and announcing the round table: "Why is my professor not black?" (For the latter, see previous post.)

Download the flyer here.

Round table "Why is my professor not black?"
At the conference, we will host the round table "Why is my professor not black?" with a range of international participants. With the title, we seek to establish a link to a recent round table of a similar title, held at the University College London. The debate was initiated by Shanell Johnson (UCLU's Black and Minority Ethnic Student Officer 13/14) and raised many important questions that we would like to take forward. "Why is my professor not black" will address institutional racism and discrimination at schools, universities, and beyond, as well as (possible) politics of intervention.

Professor Ngugi wa Thiong'o has arrived in Münster for readings and lectures
Pictured in front of the English Seminar.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o in Münster
Next week, Ngugi wa Thiong'o is coming to Münster. He will give a lecture and a reading at the university, both of which are open to the public:

Free guest lecture: Tues. May 12, 10-12 am (c.t.) | AudiMax | Johannisstraße 12-20 | 48143 Münster
As part of the lecture series “Literatures of the African and South Asian Diasporas” (Prof. Dr. Mark Stein)

Reading: Tues. May 12, 7 pm (s.t.) | Jo 1 | Johannisstraße 4 | 48143 Münster
Tickets: 8,00 € / 4,00 € reduced (available at ROSTA bookshop, Aegidiistraße 12, or at the door)
Chair and discussion Mark Stein (WWU).
Passages in German read by Andreas Ladwig.
A cooperation between Afrikakooperative e.V. (http://afrika-kooperative.blogspot.de/2015/05/lesung-und-gesprach-mit-ngugi-wa.html) and PTTS (http://www.wwu.de/Anglistik/ptts/) with support from Kulturamt der Stadt Münster and Peter Hammer Verein für Literatur und Dialog e.V.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o is coming to Münster for the GAPS conference "Ideology in postcolonial texts and contexts." More information on the conference can be found here: http://www.wwu.de/Anglistik/GAPS2015/ and https://www.facebook.com/GAPS2015.ideology.
Download flyer here.

Conference warming – film screening
The conference warming will include a film screening by filmmaker Nancy Mac Granaky-Quaye whom we look forward to welcoming at the Afroeuropean Studies conference. Visit Nancy's website on http://www.quaye.de.

Bernardine Evaristo at Afroeuropean Studies conference
We are very happy to announce that Bernardine Evaristo has kindly accepted our invitation to join us at the Afroeuropean Studies conference. Find more information on Bernardine on: http://bevaristo.com.

Conference Dinner
We are pleased to announce that the conference dinner will take place on the evening of Thursday, 17 September. It will include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, among others. When you register, you can opt to attend the conference dinner and pay the additional fee of 21€. Further information will be made available in early June.
To register for the conference and the dinner, visit http://www.wwu.de/AFROEU2015/reg.information.html.

Conference registration is open
Now is the time to register for the Afroeuropean Studies conference. Secure a place at the conference and an early bird fee by registering early. For more information, visit this page:
Don't forget to refresh your browser page to see the current version.

MA National and Transnational Studies
The deadline for non-EU applicants for our international MA "National and Transnational Studies" is approaching soon! You can apply from 1 May - 31 May 2015. For those interested, visit our website (http://www.wwu.de/MA_transnational/) or check out the MA- Flyer which you can find here.

Afrika Festival in Münster, Germany, 3-14 June 2015
From 3-14 June 2015, Münster will host its 15th yearly Afrika Festival under the heading of "Erlesenes Afrika – literarische Erkundung eines Kontinents.” This year's festival explores recent developments in African literature and will offer a large variety of readings, including readings for children, as well as poetry slams, concerts, and the popular African Market in Münster city centre.
More information on events and dates can be found here: http://afrika-kooperative.blogspot.de/p/ubersicht_19.html.

Songeziwe Mahlangu Emerges As Winner of The 2014 Etisalat Prize for Literature
Lagos, Nigeria; 17 March 2015: South African writer, Songeziwe Mahlangu emerged as winner of the 2014 Etisalat Prize for Literature at a grand event held at Lagos Intercontinental Hotel on Sunday, the 15th of March 2015. This marks the 2nd year of Africa’s most prestigious literary prize.
(Source: http://prize.etisalat.com.ng/)

The 2015 “Mund-auf-Preis” (‘Speak-out-prize’) goes to Achille Mbembe
Achille Mbembe will be awarded this year’s “Mund-auf-Preis”. He will mark the occasion with a speech in the Weinbrenner-Saal of Karlsruhe’s Congress Centre on 21 March 2015. The Karlsruhe Conference is a yearly event, inaugurated in 1986. As a variety of speakers before him, Mbembe will comment on pressing socio-political issues. He is an internationally renowned philosopher and historian who is frequently considered one of Africa’s leading voices. His work is dedicated to the history of Africa, its intersections with the histories of Europe and the Americas, and the critique of racism.
(Source: http://www.suhrkamp.de/news/mund-auf-preis_fuer_achille_mbembe_2331.html)

Review process and speaker notification
Abstract submission is now closed. As a high number of abstracts have been received, only about 50% of submissions can be accommodated in the conference programme. We are currently reviewing submissions and will send out notifications later this month.

Deadline 08.03.2015
We’ve received a very high number of submissions; nevertheless, as requested by a number of scholars, the deadline has been pushed back by one week, until 08.03.2015.

CfP deadline approaching
The deadline for abstract submission - 1 March 2015 - is approaching. You can upload your abstracts using our online abstract submission form which you find here.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on afroeuropeans2015@gmail.com.

This week, a first round of abstracts have been selected and speakers informed. The academic committee focused mainly on international submissions, from Chile to Australia, in order to facilitate bookings and visa applications of international participants. The CfP will remain open until 1. March 2015.