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Mb Austellung 076 ArmeMb Austellung 076 Arme
© Catharina Kähler AFO Uni MS

Citizen Science Competition

The University of Münster announced a Citizen Science Competition for the first time in March 2019. Up to 10000 Euro in total are to be granted. For further informations please check Citizen Science Wettbewerb. The application deadline is 15.05.2019.

Exzellent Start-up Center MuensterExzellent Start-up Center Muenster
© MWIDE - R. Sondermann

WWU-Excellence Start-Up Center NRW

The Rector of the University of Münster, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, successfully defended the proposal for a WWU-Excellence Start-Up Center NRW in front of a high ranking jury. The University of Münster is one of six – along with Aachen, Bochum, Dortmund, Köln, and Paderborn – which will receive a total of 150 Miollion Euro over the next five years to support the development of a start-up friendly “ecosystem”.