About us
The Animal Ecology Research Group investigates spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity, looking at a broad spectrum of different species groups. We analyse effects of different aspects of global change on biodiversity, biotic interactions and ecosystem functions. We also consider novel ecosystems (e.g. cities) and the stressors that occur there, such as light and noise pollution or biological invasions. Furthermore, we are interested in intra- and interspecific adaptations of animal species to global change and the relationships between biological characteristics of animals and the environment. It is very important to us to relate our research to practice and thus we aim to create a basis for evidence-based species conservation, implement biodiversity monitoring and long-term observations in order to develop scenarios and strategies for solving the biodiversity crisis. We work closely with different stakeholders on practical species and nature conservation as well as on planning issues, for example in the context of sustainable urban planning. You can find more information on the research and teaching pages.

Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research and Applied Ecology (CIBRA)
CIBRA is dedicated to interdisciplinary research to unravel the complexity of biological diversity and its dynamic interactions with the environment. It brings together the Institutes of Landscape Ecology, Geology and Palaeontology of the University of Münster, the Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten (DDA) and the LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, coordinated by the Animal Ecology group. Go to CIBRA!

Theses in the Animal Ecology Working Group
Dear students,
You will now find information on theses in the Animal Ecology Research Group under the heading Teaching. You will also see an outline of the research topics we are working on. Of course, your own ideas are also welcome at any time.
We look forward to your requests!