Kerstin Klemm

Kerstin Klemm

Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, Raum 28
48149 Münster

T: +49-251-83 33675
F: +49-251-83 36301

  • Forschungsschwerpunkt

    • Environmental Analytics
  • Beruflicher Werdegang

    Quality Assurance (Qualitätszirkel) for Department Geosciences in CMS (Campus Management System)
    Research associate, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan, during leave of absence
    Research associate, Climate Change Research Center, University of New Hampshire (USA), during leave of absence
    Research Analyst, Institute for Planetology, University of Münster Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, lunar crator targeting, setup of cosmochemistry and isotope geochemistry lab, classification of meteorites (REM)
    Chemical Assistant, Chair of Animal Ecology II, University of Bayreuth
    Contractor, Aircraft Research Data Analysis
    Chemical Engineer, Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research (IFU)
    Visiting Research Associate, Institute for Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, USA, during leave of ebsence
    Laboratory Manager, Limnological Research Station, University of Bayreuth
    Visiting Marine Scientist, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, during leave of absence
    Chemical Assistant, Soil Science Department, University of Bayreuth
  • Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)

    • , , , u. a. . „Asteroid 2008 TC3, not a polymict ureilitic but a polymict C1 chondrite parent body? Survey of 249 Almahata Sitta fragments.Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Nr. 2022 (57): 13391364. doi: 10.1111/maps.13821.