Fahrrad vorm Schloss
© MM/Martina Pfeifer

European Conference on Interdisciplinary Model Theory - ECIMT

7 - 11 March 2022, Münster, Germany

ECIMT is a week-long conference happening in Münster, aiming to bring together young researchers interested in Model Theory, and to explore interactions between Model Theory and other mathematical fields, most notably Combinatorics, Algebra and Number Theory.


Sylvy Anscombe (University of Paris)

Zoé Chatzidakis (ENS Paris)

Immanuel Halupczok (HHU Düsseldorf)

Nadja Hempel (HHU Düsseldorf)

Vincenzo Mantova (University of Leeds)

Isabel Müller (The American University in Cairo)


Anna-Maria Ammer
Blaise Boissonneau
Simone Ramello



A book of abstracts, together with a schedule, can be found here.



Please register on the indico webpage for ECIMT: https://wwuindico.uni-muenster.de/e/ecimt.

Registrations for in-person participation are now closed. It is still possible to register to attend remotely.

Support and child care

Child care is available free of charge for all participants of the workshop.

Venue and Travel Information

The University of Münster is located in Münster in Westphalia. The address of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is Einsteinstrasse 62 and is listed on all common route planners.

You can find the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster in the annex:

Orléans-Ring 10
ground floor
48149 Münster

Directions can be found on openstreetmap or on the Campus map of the University of Münster.

Detailed travel information can be found on the MM websites.

We suggest you book your hotel room through this link, which will provide you with free public transportation throughout the conference.

Download: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für Tagungsteilnehmer*innen [de|en]

Coronavirus restrictions

It is currently mandatory to be either doubly vaccinated or recovered (2G) from Covid-19 to access University building. Additionally, 2G+ is in effect, meaning that access to restaurants, pubs and cafes requires a negative test (people who have received the booster shot are exempted). Masks should be worn throughout the event.

There are three layers of restriction: those active at the federal level (i.e., in all of Germany), those active at the Länder level (i.e., in North-Rhine Westphalia), and those active at the local level (i.e., in the city of Münster). All linked webpages are only in German, but can be easily translated via some online translating service.


Once available, you are welcome to download the poster and display it at our institution.


The conference is supported by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.