Spill the tea!

You’d be interested to know what happens in meetings of the Professorial Appointments Committee? Or you wonder whether excellent researchers have ever encountered Reviewer 2? Then drop in and share a cup of tea with us! The series of events entitled Spill the Tea! reveals what is known in the educational sciences as a hidden curriculum: unwritten rules, unspoken expectations, unofficial standards, hidden messages and other pieces of implicit knowledge within and about academia and related areas.

The aim is to make this implicit knowledge accessible for all emerging researchers, as well as to break down reservations regarding taboo topics and help to demystify academia.

ORGANISER: Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)
TRAINER: Rebecca Meier
VENUE: CERes, Schlossplatz 6, Raum 001 / Zoom
NO. OF PARTICIPANTS: 20 + 20 online

Requirements for online participation

Please note that keeping the camera on and providing your full name upon joining the Zoom room are prerequisites for attending the sessions. This contributes to an atmosphere of trust between panelists and participants.

  • The concept

    • In a confidential and relaxed atmosphere, 2-4 researchers with different specialist and biographical profiles draw on their store of experience and spill the tea on a subject relevant to the target group.
    • 30 minutes of panel discussion + 30 minutes for questions from the audience.
    • The sessions have a hybrid format and are held alternately in German or English.

    If you have ideas for future Spill the Tea! sessions, do mail us at events.ceres@uni-muenster.de. We look forward to receiving your ideas!

  • Goals


    • gain insights, in confidence, into experiences, recommendations, and examples of best and worst practice – delivered by advanced or established researchers on the topic in question,
    • contribute their own questions and discuss with the experts,
    • take away stimuli and ideas for their own research or career paths.
  • 07.05.2024 / 17:00–18:00 / How to find identity as a Postdoc?


    New phase, new gaze? During the doctoral phase, researchers often grow together with their projects and identify strongly with their supervisor’s or team’s research. As a postdoc, it is expected to become more independent, create and fund own projects, develop networks and craft an individual research profile. For many the postdoc-phase also means new jobs, new universities or even new countries. On top, the ultimate goal might not be clearly defined yet. How to navigate amongst all those changes, uncertainties and expectations? And: How to establish an individual research identity?

    Those and further questions will be discussed by our panelists – and with you!

    The panelists:
    Prof. Dr. Mitja Back, Professor of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology
    Prof. Dr. Julia Backmann, Professor for Transformation of Work
    Dr. Julie Davis, Academic Editor – Humanities
    Prof. Dr. Daniel Frischemeier, Professor of Didactics of Mathematics with the Focus on Primary Education


  • 17.06.2024 / 17.00–18.00 / KI – Chance oder Gefahr für meine Forschung?

    POSTDOCS, PROMOVIERENDE in der Abschlussphase der Promotion

    Haben Sie heute schon trainiert? Im privaten sowie im wissenschaftlichen Bereich nutzen wir inzwischen frequentiert Tools mit Künstlicher Intelligenz, die wir gleichzeitig durch unser Nutzungsverhalten beim maschinellen Lernen unterstützen. Als ChatGPT Ende 2022 an den Start ging, folgte an Hochschulen schnell die Sorge, dass die Erkennbarkeit der Eigenständigkeit schriftlicher Arbeiten in Gefahr sei. Vielleicht ist auch diese Beschreibung KI-generiert – würden Sie es erkennen? Und stellt KI tatsächlich vor allem eine Gefahr dar für gute wissenschaftliche Praxis, Forschung und Lehre? Oder kann sie uns auch lästige Arbeit abnehmen, Freiräume schaffen, Forschung gar exzellenter machen? Und: Welche Entwicklungen sind in den nächsten Monaten und Jahren zu erwarten?

    Diese und weitere Fragen werden von unseren Panelteilnehmenden diskutiert – und mit Ihnen!

    Das Panel:
    PD Dr. Daniel Mertens (Biochemiker und Trainer)
    Dr. Netaya Lotze (Sprachwissenschaftlerin und Akademische Oberrätin)
    Dr. Johannes Kriebel (Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Akademischer Rat)


  • 17.07.2024 / 17.00–18.00 / How to cope with failure?


    Have you written your CV of failures yet? In 2016, Princeton professor Johannes Haushofer published such CV and it went viral in the community. Within the academic world, the focus is usually on success, and top positions require top references. Does that mean excellent researchers have never failed? Certainly not. But why is it so hard to talk about rejected publications, failed experiments, unsuccessful applications and missed opportunities? Would a different culture of failures lead to a decrease of researchers with imposter ‘syndrome’? And what are actual coping strategies to deal with a lack of success?

    Those and further questions will be discussed by our panelists – and with you!


Walk & Talk Sessions

The Walk and Talk sessions provide doctoral and postoctoral researchers with an informal setting to discuss relevant topics with peers and experts – outdoors and in motion. We will meet at CERes and after a 10 minute input to the chosen topic, we will jointly walk to the green Schloss- and Botanical Garden and discuss in small groups. For some sessions we will invite guests to share their expertise and walk with us.


By the end of the walk & talk session you will have:

– Activated different brain cells triggered by being outside and in motion
– Benefited from fresh air and the natural environment
– Learned and discussed a topic relevant for emerging researchers

ORGANISER Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)
FACILITATOR Sabine Schneider
VENUE Meet at CERes, Schlossplatz 6 and then walk

  • 29.04.2024 / 12:30–13:30 / Orientation at the University


    In this particular session, we invite you to find out about university services and strenghten your local peer network.


  • 27.05.2024 / 12:30–13:30 / AI's influence on my research journey


    In this particular session, we will discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) might influence the way research is performed and evaluated. Participants are welcome to share experiences with AI tools and discuss the risks and benefits.


  • 24.06.2024 / 12:30–13:30 / Doctoral research and parenthood


    In this particular session, we invite doctoral researchers with children to visit the Botanical garden and discuss the challenges, possible solutions, and rewards of bearing parental responsibility during the doctoral journey.
