If you cannot in 2020.... - Visit Münster in Spring 2021!
11th MSCEC postponed to March 26th 2021
The Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 858 hosts the Münster Symposium on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry...in 2021! The members of the SFB 858 are very grateful to all invited lecturers scheduled for the 2020 edition to accept our renewed invitation for 2021.
We would like to invite you to exciting plenary lectures, to contribute with your results within an extensive poster session, or to receive one of the MS_CEC Young Researcher Awards for an outstanding scientific paper. Visit the Münster Sympoisum on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry as one highlight within the scientific calendar. Attendance is free.
Downloads: Poster (pdf, 4.7 MB) - Flyer (2 pages, pdf, 13.7 MB)