Integriertes Seminar
Aktuelle Probleme der Physik dimensionsreduzierter Festkörper
Physikalisches Institut |
Institut für Festkörpertheorie |
Ort: |
Seminarraum 718 (Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10) |
Zeit: |
Mittwoch, 25.06.2014, 10:15 Uhr |
Photon echoes in semiconductor nanostructures
doped with resident carriers
Dr. Ilya Akimov
Experimentelle Physik 2, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Optical excitation of trions in semiconductor nanostructures provides a pathway for manipulation of the resident electron spins. We use spontaneous (two-pulse) and stimulated (three-pulse) photon echoes for studying the coherence evolution of the optical excitations in the ensemble of trions which are localized in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots. The Application of a transverse magnetic field leads to the Larmor precession of the resident electron spin, which shuffles the coherence between optically accessible and inaccessible states. This results in several spectacular phenomena such as magnetic field-induced oscillations of the photon echo signal and long-lived stimulated photon echo on sub-microsecond time scales.
Veranstalter: |
Bratschitsch |
Doltsinis |
Donath |
Kohl |
Krüger |
Kuhn |
Michaelis de Vasconcellos |
Reiter |
Rohlfing |
Schmidt |