Münster (upm/jw).
Impressions from the set<address>© Uni MS</address>
Impressions from the set
© Uni MS

Excellently staged

Two Clusters of Excellence – „Mathematics Münster“ and „Religion and Politics“ – present themselves in new films

„The best research has been done in groups of people“, says a former postdoc in a new film about the „Mathematics Münster“ Cluster of Excellence. The film highlights the Cluster’s approach to research, and shows interdisciplinary collaboration, a culture of open communication, and a wide range of support programmes for early career researchers. The film also presents the Cluster’s latest scientific achievements and celebrates Münster as an attractive place for young academics to work and do research.

The „Religion and Politics“ Cluster of Excellence also presents its current research work in a new film. The projects featured range from religion and politics in the ancient empire of Kush and strategic litigation in religious politics to feminist Qur’anic exegesis and the „Asking the Pope for Help“ project, which analyses Jewish petitions from the Nazi era. The film also gives a preview of the Campus of Theology and Religious Studies, which will open next year and become a place of dialogue between academia, politics, religion, media and civil society.

Both Clusters of Excellence at the University of Münster have submitted a renewal application. The decision will be announced in May 2025.

Further information