DAAD Prize for Romanian PhD student Elissa Iorgulescu
The Romanian PhD student Elissa Ana Maria Iorgulescu receives the DAAD Award endowed with 1,000 euros. With this award, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the University of Münster honour outstanding achievements and remarkable social commitment of foreign students. Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Michael Quante presented the award at a digital "Welcome Night" for international freshmen students. "International students represent a significant enrichment for our society," emphasised Michael Quante. The DAAD Prize is a great opportunity for the University to show this.
In her acceptance speech, the DAAD award winner gave the international freshmen words of encouragement: "Even if it is not easy at the beginning, in a new culture, with a new difficult language and far away from home: stay motivated, hardworking and strive even for what seems impossible to you now. With confidence in your path and your work, you can achieve your goals."
Born and raised in Romania, Elissa Iorgulescu only started learning German intensively in Germany. In 2019, she first completed her Bachelor's degree in Economics at the University of Münster and in 2021, as the best student of the year, her Master's degree. Since June 2021, the 26-year-old has been working at the Chair of Monetary Economics as a PhD student and research assistant.
Already during her studies, she supported the International Relations Center of the School of Business and Economics at the University of Münster as a student assistant in the supervision of other international students. Elissa Iorgulescu is also involved outside the university: In the Livestone Chapel in Münster, she leads a music group and regularly takes care of the musical arrangements for the church services.