"Existence is Care: Health, care, and support structures in postcolonial contexts of high cultural diversity"

15 – 17 July 2024 The workshop. The workshop aims at these increasingly dynamic environments and discusses the influences they have on everyday instances of healthcare, and on care more broadly in its various shapes and meanings. In global carescapes marked by standardization of therapies and taxonomies – ongoing despite an uneven distribution of resources – what are the implications of such attempted uniformization on relationships of care and kinship in Indonesia? How is local knowledge situated within the ongoing epistemicide (de Sousa 2015) carried out in the name of scientific progress that shrinks the number of possible narratives of (health)care in favor of uniform standards of intervention and evaluation? What modes of care are favored in these narratives, and which ones get obscured, for what reasons, and for whose benefit? What are the opportunities and challenges for research and collaboration in culturally diverse environments that participate in global knowledge parameters and standards of care? Organizers: Florin Cristea (University of Münster), Elan Lazuardi (Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta), Pujo Semedi (Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta), Thomas Stodulka (University of Münster)

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Tagungen und Kongresse
15.-17.07.2024, 09:15 Uhr - 15:30 Uhr
Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Gedung Soegondo, 709 FIB -UGM