Francesca Spagnoli (Kings College London)
Progenitor niches in the developing pancreas: regulation of cell fate and beyond
Host: Sara Wickström
Cell identities are assigned by the interplay of extrinsic signals and intrinsic determinants. My research interests focus on the mechanisms regulating cell identity and plasticity in metabolic organs, such as the pancreas and the liver. We use multimodal approaches in mouse embryos and human models to elucidate how distinct cell types arise from common progenitors and crosstalk to each other and surrounding microenvironment to acquire specialized shapes and form functional organs. Is the establishment of distinct cellular identities and morphogenetic programs interdependent? How plastic are these cellular states? Can we harness cell plasticity towards novel regenerative therapies for diabetes? Ultimately, the long-term goal of our research is to translate these concepts into a better understanding of the pathogenesis as well as treatment options of diabetes.
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Wiebke Bütergerds
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